2 Aug 2022


Relationship Between The Self-Determination And Reconciliation

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Academic level: University

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Words: 565

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Epistemology is one of the philosophical branches concerned with understanding and knowledge of different groups. According to McKelvey (2017), epistemologists research the knowledge nature, epistemic justification, beliefs rationality, and particular interconnected issues. As a researcher, there are many crucial questions in determining one's epistemological stand. This position involves both subjectivism and objectivism. Subjectivism elucidates that there is no notable difference between the known and the knower since all knowledge is structured using the meaning-making procedures in the knower's mind. Notably, objectivism is rooted in the fact that there is a concrete knowable reality existing independently in the thought process ( Biedermann et al., 2017) . Therefore, epistemology influences the self-determination of the individual while carrying out the research. 

Relationship Between The Self-Determination And Reconciliation 

Self-determination refers to how groups of individuals usually possess the same characteristics to form the same statehood (Clark, & Williamson, 2016) . Subsequently, according to Lu (2017), reconciliation is an act of making one view or belief compatible with another person. When researching, one needs to possess the same characteristics as the locality people to enhance research information's easy accessibility. Notably, the researchers need to understand the study's primary goal, which is part of the research tradition. Also, one has to comprehend the type of sample required during the research. Determining the sample style helps identify the data collection methods to be used in the study. Additionally, one has to determine the data's reliability and validity to minimize the biasing effects on the respondent during data collection (Mohajan, 2017) . Reconciliation and self-determination during the study help bring togetherness and promote the compatibility of beliefs during the research. 

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During this semester, I will be working on quantitative research reports. This research report entails collecting and analyzing the numerical data to find the patterns, make predictions, and test causing relationships. During this research, I am highly concerned with social justice issues and taking this research to change society. Hence, I will question whether the research focuses on different competing interests, the system of injustice and oppression, and various strategies used as a change process. Subsequently, during the study, I am primarily concerned with people's viewpoints and voices and how they influence their ways of life. Understating the people's culture enhances efficient interaction with the group when collecting the data, thus making the data collection simple. 

Research Approaches 

Research approaches entail procedures and plans that comprise comprehensive assumption steps having a precise method of collecting and interpreting the data. Different studies require different research approaches that dictate how the data shall be collected, analyzed, and interpreted (Opie, 2019) . During my quantitative research, I will prioritize on the relationship between postmodernism and positivism about the epistemological consideration. This consideration will be substantial in determining the beliefs and values of the sampled groups in the study. It will also be imperative to decide on the data collection methods to use in the group to help carry out an accurate group analysis. Therefore choosing the group will assist in determining how postmodernism affects the positivism of the group. 


When researching epistemology, there are some of the challenges that I encountered that hindered my study. For instance, the time limit is a great hindrance since I am taking a qualitative course within three months. Also, data collection is a great challenge since epistemology requires studying and the knowledge of a particular group. Having an inadequate understanding of the group derailed my data collection, which posited some impact on the analysis. Subsequently, finance stands out to be another challenge that limits my activities during the research. Therefore, these limitations posed a great hindrance to my epistemological study. 


Biedermann, A., Bozza, S., Taroni, F., & Aitken, C. (2017). The meaning of justified subjectivism and its role in the reconciliation of recent disagreements over forensic probabilism. Science & Justice , 57 (6), 477-483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scijus.2017.08.005 

Clark, D., & Williamson, R. (Eds.). (2016). Self-Determination: International Perspectives . Springer. 

Lu, C. (2017). Justice and reconciliation in world politics . Cambridge University Press. 

McKelvey, B. (2017). Model‐centered organization science epistemology. The Blackwell companion to organizations , 752-780. 

Mohajan, H. K. (2017). Two criteria for good measurements in research: Validity and reliability. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series , 17 (4), 59-82. 

Opie, C. (2019). Research approaches. Getting Started in Your Educational Research: Design, Data Production and Analysis , 137. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Relationship Between The Self-Determination And Reconciliation .


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