4 Apr 2022


Assessment Results and Career Counseling for Diverse Groups

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The concept of cultural diversity is widely recognized today. Although the concept can be problematic to describe, the essence of culture acts as a reminder to people and institutions that there are other heritages in the world. While assessments are typically perceived as culturally insensitive, this is not necessarily the case. Appropriate assessments enable a multicultural perspective and the results can be used effectively in career counseling programs for diverse groups.

Appropriate assessments include multicultural perspective that can be used to inform career counseling. The multicultural viewpoints pose a challenge to traditional viewpoints on assessment by including an extra source of variation in test answers that is assumed to circumvent test developers and users ( Phan et al., 2020) . Career counseling is enabled through normative, scale, conceptual and linguistic features of tests as standards of equivalence. Linguistic equivalence describes the language and the items and instructions of assessments. Conceptual equivalence describes the interpretation of the construct us that are addressed. Scale equivalence describes the formats of response. Lastly, normative equivalence describes the presence of interpretive assistance for the counselor. The inclusion of these aspects means that the results of an assessment can reflect the norms of a specific cultural group hence making it suitable for people from diverse backgrounds ( Priyadharshini et al., 2018) . The results will capture aspects that are unique to that cultural group thus enable a counselor to make appropriate career recommendations based on the specific cultural characteristics of a person.

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Undoubtedly, appropriate assessments enable a multicultural perspective and the results can be used effectively in career counseling programs for diverse groups. . Career counseling is enabled through normative, scale, conceptual and linguistic features of tests as standards of equivalence. These constructs capture the specific cultural features of a person to enable culturally-informed career counseling.


Phan, W. M. J., Ho, M. H. R., & Sam, E. Y. L. (2020). Measurement Equivalence of the Entrepreneurship, Professionalism, and Leadership Career Aspiration Scale. In  Entrepreneurship–Professionalism–Leadership  (pp. 35-53). Springer, Singapore.

Priyadharshini, S. K., Ganesh, L. S., & Kondaveeti, B. (2018). Personality, Culture and Career Assessment: The Need for an Indigenous Tool in India.  Psychology and Developing Societies 30 (2), 262-285.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Assessment Results and Career Counseling for Diverse Groups.


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