14 Jun 2022


Atypical Bacterial Infections

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Words: 352

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Microbiology is an important sector that helps medical practitioners to understand microbes and other infections agents. The specialists have the responsibility of preventing infectious illnesses from spreading within the health care and the community. According to Fournier et al. (2013), microbiologists have an essential role in identifying bacteria, diagnosing, and carrying out therapy. They are responsible for collecting samples and testing them to identify and diagnose any bacterial infections. Additionally, they carry out research and provide scientific advice to medical specialists regarding the bacteria, However, it is quite challenging for microbiologists to diagnose some bacteria, such as atypical bacteria. Atypical bacteria belong to a category of pathogens that do have any cell wall, which makes them incomplete. Since they do not have any cell wall, they cannot be identified through gram staining as they remain colorless. Some of these bacteria include legionella and mycoplasma. 

Referencing Chapter 21, microbiologists experience a hard time when diagnosing some illnesses like syphilis. Syphilis occurs in several stages, and therefore, the accumulation of the symptoms of other STDs makes it challenging to diagnose the condition. When the illness is not treated at the primary and secondary stages, it advances to the latent stage. The infection becomes passive and does not cause symptoms for an extended time. During the latent disease stage, its infections can still be detected through blood tests even though it has no symptoms. Microbiologists diagnose the condition using various techniques, such as VDRL and RPR tests. The tests are performed to check for the spinal fluid or blood and any antibody produced by patients with syphilis. The nontreponemal tests are important in regulating a patient's response to treatments. The physicians also carry out treponemal tests to determine any antibody related to syphilis (CDC, 2021) . Medical practitioners plan and carry out clinical trials and trace the growth of microbes. They help patients manage the illness and provide advice to the people on the best practices, such as having periodic blood tests and evaluations to determine the reaction on the dosage given and avoiding sexual contact until one is fully treated. The microbiologists perform the syphilis evaluation to provide immediate treatment and supplement their decision-making. They help find the disease-causing microbes and provide information that helps develop vaccines and improve the current treatments. 

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Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 13). Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). https://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis/stdfact-syphilis-detailed.htm 

Fournier, P., Drancourt, M., Colson, P., Rolain, J., Scola, B. L., & Raoult, D. (2013). Modern clinical microbiology: new challenges and solutions. Nat Rev Microbiol., 11 (8), 574-585. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038%2Fnrmicro3068 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Atypical Bacterial Infections.


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