5 Jan 2023


Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 352

Pages: 1

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Back pain is a condition that has become prevalent in the US with about 1 in every 4 Americans experience back pain (Shaw n.d). A fifty-five-year-old male patient is requesting something for his back pain. I would recommend a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) as it is a mild analgesic and the first tier of treatment for pain management (Shaw, n.d). The patient must be made aware that pain medication cannot heal back injuries that cause back pain but can be effective in relieving pain. This is essential as it paves the way for other treatment options that may effectively cure the pain (Shaw, n.d). The patient should also be made aware of the dosage to take this medication to ensure it is effective in relieving him of the pain. The order of the medication would be Ibuprofen 800 mg orally every six hours as needed. The patient could also get a maintenance dosage upon the request of the patient, which would be; ibuprofen maximum of 3200 mg predicated on the patient's tolerance and response to the regimen.

Nausea is one of the most common side effects of medication. If the patient is feeling nauseous due to the medication, I would inform him that it is common for NSAIDs to cause a feeling of nausea. I would advise the patient to take medicine with a drink like milk or yogurt or a light snack like crackers (Harvard Health Publishing, 2019). This helps decrease the feeling of nausea. I would also caution against eating fried or fatty foods as they digest longer and may increase the nauseous feeling (Harvard Health Publishing, 2019). Unfortunately, there is no alternative medication for the back pain as all NSAIDs make patients nauseous, although they are the best non-addictive pain-relieving medication.

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To address the patient's concerns about getting a UTI due to his previous history, I will inform him that there are no concerns for him contracting a UTI. I will, however, advise him to increase his intake of fluids (Fasugba et al., 2020). This is one way that he can actively take part in the prevention of recurrent UTI infections and other bladder infections.


Fasugba, O., Mitchell, B. G., McInnes, E., Koerner, J., Cheng, A. C., Cheng, H., & Middleton, S. (2020). Increased fluid intake for the prevention of urinary tract infection in adults and children in all settings: a systematic review. Journal of Hospital Infection, 104(1), 68-77. https://www.journalofhospitalinfection.com/article/S0195-6701(19)30347-0/pdf 

Harvard Health Publishing. (2019). What to do when your medication causes nausea. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/what-to-do-when-your-medication-causes-nausea 

Shaw, G. (n.d). Medication for low back pain. https://www.webmd.com/back-pain/features/medication#1 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.


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