30 Dec 2022


Boyer’s Model of Scholarship and NLN Core Competencies

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 3572

Pages: 13

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The nursing educators are instrumental in coaching competent nurses to achieve effective health care needs and requirements in the society. Fundamental knowledge and skills associated with teaching and learning are important to facilitate the learning design and enhance overall professionalism and development of the students’ and also examine the student and the outcomes of the programs. Moreover, the educator has other additional tasks such as advising students’, test construction and assessment, designing the curriculum, service, research, scholarship, and publications. The healthcare setting in the US is changing rapidly, and the nurse educators have the responsibility of training professional nurses who can communicate effectively, think critically and collaborate with other teams to promote change. 

The basic knowledge, competencies and professional values that nurse educators’ have in their tasks as teachers, researchers, collaborators, and scholars’ should be redefined. Historically, the skills of the nurse educator have received minimal considerations in literature. However, things have changed over the years, and the role of the nurse educators has been redefined. The NLN competencies enhance excellence in the academic setting as well as in healthcare. The NLN competencies comprise of eight core skills that are mandatory to the nurse educators. The nurse educator has been identified as the change agent and a leader who engages in efforts to promote nursing education. The nurse educations operating within the institutions are required to be familiarized with the environment where the learning-teaching process occurs and its impacts on their tasks and responsibilities. 

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Boyer’s Model Of Scholarship 

Boyer was disappointed about how the faculty poorly served undergraduates because of the assigned instructions and the hypnotic element of the academic files simulation. As a result, he decided to redefine the principle of scholarship and integrated his model with four main components ( Danzey et.al 2011)

Discovery; it is closely related to the traditional outlook of scholar in which a new and innovative knowledge is established from carefully modeled research 

Integration; focuses with the interconnectedness of the interdisciplinary to facilitate research to be cohesive in nature rather than discipline specific. Boyer discusses an elevated status of the scholarship as the societal evolution is increasingly advancing at a higher rate ( Danzey et.al 2011)

Application; research is required that concentrates in addressing the problems of the society and find techniques to use academic and professional knowledge while servicing the NGOs ( Danzey et.al 2011) . the world of trade, and the growth of professional relationships 

Teaching; Boyer viewed teaching as an academic discipline and decided to motivate the educator to establish learning and also consider the efficacy of the teaching strategies ( Danzey et.al 2011)

The complex attributes of the nurse educators are highlighted by Hallstead’s aim his objective to establish competencies that contextualize, define and design the role. The competencies created by Hallstead or the nurse educators will be analyzed through the ideology of Boyer’s model of scholarship. 


In the recent years, nurses have created the National Institute for Nursing Research which highlights the national agenda of nursing. Most of the nurses are competent and aware of the significance of a research-based kind of practice ( Cash & Tate, 2012) . Discovery is a diverse concept that comprises of empirical research, theory testing and development, historical research and philosophical examination and assessment. The nurse exhibits their scholarly discover when they question methods or product uses after evaluating products for the care of the patients. 

Examples include; 

publications of peer-reviewed articles, research or philosophical essays 

presentations of theories, research, and philosophical essays 

mentorship programs for the junior colleagues in scholarship 

regional, state, national or worldwide acknowledgment as a scholar in a specifies area 


The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has been in the forefront to support education by concentrating on the teaching and learning procedures, development of creative and assessment techniques, development of programs, evaluation of the learning outcomes and professional mentorships ( Cash & Tate, 2012) . The nursing faculty is confronted with the problem to continue providing quality education as the number of students in the classroom, hospital, and nursing labs are increasing. 


Nursing is recognized as a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. Nursing faculty faces the challenge of nurturing scholarship of integration and discovery especially due to the contemporary generations of nurses. This discipline comprises of writings that utilize original works and concept from nursing and other fields in establishing new trends ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . There are various ways that educators can achieve this discipline such as publishing peer-reviewed research, case studies analysis for policies, incorporative literature reviews and publishing of books. 


There are various ways that nurses engage in this scholarship such as advanced clinical activities, development of the staff, problem-solving in the clinical setting and consultation works. The nurse educators can engage in policy development, the protocols of the practice, patient care manual, and many others ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . Collaborating with the university and the community can also provide important services with quality results. 

National League for Nursing Core Competencies 

The NLN’s competencies for nurse educators along with task statements were created to guide the growth and willpower of competent educators who have the responsibility to prepare the nurses in handling the challenges in the healthcare context which is ever changing. The task statements serve as action statement, and they are connected to the core competencies of nursing. They recognize that knowledge, capabilities and the attitudes of the nurse master should meet each competency. These competencies will be examined separately as expected to the standards of practice for the nurse educators. Boyer’s Model will be utilized and how it is related to these competencies. 

Competency 1: Facilitate learning 

Education of nurses occurs in a dynamic setting both academically and in the clinical practice, the role of the nurse educates is complex and multifaceted with learning and teaching interconnected procedures between the teacher and the learner. For the nurse educators to facilitate learning, they ought to create their personal teaching method, utilizes creative teaching techniques and use the current knowledge and the professional expertise of the nursing practice ( Kalb, 2008) . The nurse educators should comprehend the content they are expected to teach as well as comprehend the pedagogical challenges linked to a practice domain. Hence the nurse educators have the responsibility of deciphering ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010). 

Various ways on how the nurse educators can facilitate learning; 

Executes various teaching strategies that are suitable to the needs of the learner, desired outcomes of the learner, content and developing context that is based on the teaching strategies. 

Basing the teaching strategies using theories of education and evidence-based type of teaching. 

acknowledges diversity, gender and pragmatic impacts in teaching and also learning 

take part in selection and continuing learning so as to enhance teaching practices 

utilizes information technology to sustain the teaching and learning procedures 

practices recorded, oral and electronic skills that mirror consciousness on self and others together with the skill to pass ideas in various contexts 

models reflective and critical thinking 

Creates opportunities that can be used by learners to promotes their reasoning skills and critical thinking. 

shows concern for teaching, nursing, learning and motivates and inspires the students 

shows respects for the learners 

utilizes personal attributes such as confidence, flexibility, caring, and integrity that facilitate learning 

developing working connections with students’, personnel of clinical agency and the faculty to enhance positive learning contexts 

maintains professionalism required to assist the learner in preparing for the current nursing practice 

acts as a role model 

The fourth component of the model of Boyer “teaching” can be utilized to the NLN first competency. The nurse educator ought to master all the task statement so as to build their knowledge level and also learn from their experiences ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . The utilization of information technology is of great importance as it promotes the learning of the student( Kalb, 2008) . As nurse educators advance their teaching strategies, they should be based on education theory and also the use of evidence to support their statements. 

For instance competent educators can be able to link the association between the pathophysiology of the body systems (two or more) including laboratory and pharmacology analysis ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . Hence, online courses of managing systems and technology such as webcast would be assimilated into the teaching techniques. A proficient educator would design the critical thinking skills and also be able to teach the students how to think critically. 

Competency 2: Facilitate the development and socialization of the learner 

The nurse educators should be aware of individual learning needs of each student. They need to examine the learners’ psychomotor and cognitive skills and their values to assist them to achieve their fullest potential ( Kalb, 2008) . Professional socialization is also vital and hence the nurse educators should act as role models, establish the interpersonal association and learning atmosphere that enhances the growth of competence in learners. 

The task statements related to this competency include; 

Identifies the learning styles of each learner and their distinct learning needs of multicultural, physically challenged, educationally disadvantaged, etc. 

offer resources to diverse learners that assist them to attain their learning needs 

participated in effective counseling and advisement strategies that assist learner in achieving their professional objectives 

establishes learning atmospheres that are concentrated on socialization and facilitate the personal goal context and self-reflection 

nurtures the affective, cognitive and psychomotor development of the learners 

Identifies the impacts of teaching methods and interpersonal connection on the outcomes of the learners. 

help learners to develop their capacities to engage in constructive and thoughtful evaluation 

design professional behavior for all learners 

Based on Boyer’s model the nurses' educators should establish comfortable and relaxed interpersonal relationships. Being present to provide informational and emotional support when a patient is going through changes is important ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . The NLN core competencies’ stress on the “helping role” and hence the nurse educator acts as the “helper” while the client is the ‘student.” 

Nurse educators’ should coach the student’s through complex tasks as dressing the patients’ burns. Hence they should facilitate the growth of the students through the nursing practice. Hence nurturing the students’ is important and also supporting their learning and acquisitions skill as well as promoting the eagerness of the students’ to continue learning and get used to complex situations ( Kalb, 2008) . The nurse educator can facilitate learning of the students using this model and also through socialization 

Competency 3: Use the examination and evaluation strategies 

The functions of the nurse educators are the developing the goals for each course as well as the examination and evaluation of clinical and theoretical learning outcomes. The nurse educator ought to have skills in test writing, examining case studies presentations, simulations and written while achieving the education goals of the students ( Kalb, 2008) . Therefore performance measures are important as illustrated by Boyer model ( Emerson & Records, 2008)

The performance measures are critical to measure e the ability of the nurses and identify and examine the core attributes of the patients and not necessarily their ability to make clinical decision concentrating the significance of these examinations ( Jeffries, 2005) . Therefore competency skills are important the educators should have the skills to assess different student products and making clinical decisions by utilizing their critical thinking skills and prioritizing the core component in client care. Therefore the educator utilizes checklists and does not utilize qualitative data win assessing the students’. 

Competency 4: Engage in designing of curriculum and evaluation of the outcomes of the program 

The nurse educators should see the curriculum as a comprehensive framework with the capacity to make changes that achieve the dynamic needs of nursing ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . The faculty must recognize the curriculum value and comprehend how their certain courses and proficiency are intertwined. Familiarity with the curriculum model and the outcome assessment is paramount in helping the faculty is selecting suitable teaching styles and assessment strategies as they model and revise the curriculum. The faculty may only comprehend the curriculum from their view rather than from a larger and integrated perspective ( Kalb, 2008)

The course curricula can remain static for many years even though this should not be the case. Boyer emphasizes that nurse educators should use their expertise in assessing the program outcomes by utilizing their undressing of the preferred behaviors of the graduating student to model the students’ knowledge and behavior throughout the curriculum ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . Therefore, the nurse educators should center the changes in curricula on the needs of the learners, outcomes of the programs, the trends of the healthcare and education theory and research ( Jeffries, 2005)

Competency 5: Act as a change agent as well as a leader 

As educators model new curriculum designs and educational experiences in partnership with professional in the healthcare setting, they act as change agents ( Jeffries, 2005) . they integrate the trends of the healthcare, new technology, and nursing interventions. Their expertise enables them to establish the future of education in nursing as they prepare the students’ to practice the multifaceted health care environment. Effective leaderships necessitate the knowledge and proficiency to acts in the healthcare setting as well as the educational environment. As the educators become more skilled and knowledgeable, some will serve as institutional administrators and hence they can launch changes in the healthcare that enhances efficiency ( Kalb, 2008)

Leadership is important as observed by Boyer implementing changes. The nurse educators are expected to add creativity and innovation to their roles, design cultural sensitivity as they address education needs and healthcare on a worldwide level ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . They should demonstrate effective leadership skills that execute critical changes in the healthcare setting as well as the student’s education ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . The nurse educator ought to have an active role in enhancing the visibility and nonsuccess of nursing in both the local community and the academic setting. 

Competency 6: Pursue quality improvement continuously in the role of the nurse educator 

Changing demographics of the students, the complex needs of the patients’ care, new technology in the healthcare setting and a healthcare system that is propelled by economic have a major influence in the contemporary environment of the nursing education. The faculty requires maintaining proficiency in clinical practice, learning and teaching strategies, technology advancement and ongoing challenges that influence nursing education and healthcare. The nurse educators should observe the significance of lifelong learning and recognize that as they advance in their educators’ role, the needs of professional development will vary ( Kalb, 2008)

Boyer notes that quality improvement is essential both in the academic arena and the healthcare. The nurse educators have a pivotal role that they should play in promoting quality improvement ( Jeffries, 2005) . Studies indicate that as nurse progress to the competent stage they face “a confrontation” of the roles of the nurses, workplace, organization support and awareness is crucial to ensure that the nurse engages in effective practice as well as prevent stagnation of development and learning. The nurse educators have a role in promoting improvement and thus obtaining feedback or the students’ can be a good source of information to make amendments where need be ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . The nurse educators’ monitors the stunts and patients in a complex situation and hence proficient and competent educators are central to ensure that the educational system is effective. 

Competency 7: Participate in scholarship 

Teaching, discovery, integration, and application is a significant component of the roles of the nurse educators. The faculty strives to support learning like clinical practice, research publications, and the involvement of the community are significant components in promoting the science of nursing and nursing education. In relating to Boyer’s four types of model, the nurse educator role will be concentrating on the fundamental skill development associated with their teaching responsibilities, presentation of lectures, test writing, mastering content in certain courses, and course evaluations. The teaching an easement tools are mostly modeled without basing them on evidence and hence they are not valid and reliable tools ( Kalb, 2008) . For instance, the scholarly writings at the advanced beginner stage such as presenting and writing are not peer-reviewed, and they occur in a restricted local geographical setting. 

As the nurse educators advance through the Boyer’s model they seek continuing education and skills to promote their roles ( Emerson & Records, 2008) . At a proficiency stage, faculty would develop their inquiry further through concepts associated with teaching and learning, the needs of the students’ development and practice that is based on evidence ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . The nurse educators should be involved in modeling and excusing scholarly activities in a developed area of their expertise. They should also explore a spirit on inquiring about learning and teaching, evaluation tools, student development and other elements of their roles. 

Competency 8: Operate with the educational setting 

To become an effective educator, the member of the faculty must be aware of the mission of the nursing programs and the university. The mission ought to be congruent with the personal philosophy and values of the nurse educations. Therefore the university should be a perfect match to fulfill the goals of the educator and his/her professional growth ( Kalb, 2008) . The healthcare setting, culture, history, governance structure and politics of the university are factors that impact the role of the educator. The nurse educators’ should be at ease while operating the University political realm, engage in governance, take part in the revision of the curricula and develop working connections within the system ( Jeffries, 2005)

They also need to be aware of the economic, social and political changes of the nation, state, and the world. The nurse educators should examine the social, institutional, and political culture of the university. They evaluate issues in the higher education and establish networks of the institutional support within the department of nursing ( Wittmann-Price et.al, 2010) . Boyer understands the objectives for the program, mission of the institution and key issues although they may not be a perfect fit with the personal goals of the educators. Initially, the educator engages as a member of the committee in department committees and later in university committees. 

Application of Boyle to the role of educator enhances specific expectations. As the educators advance to the expert stages, they will comprehend the trends, history and challenges of both the university and healthcare and integrate their professional goals with the programs as well as the university ( Cash & Tate, 2012). Nurse educators’ will enhance a positive impact on nursing within the educational community and promote nursing teaching in the political realm. Their professionalism, integrity, and caring should create a climate that nurtures the development of both the student and the faculty. 

The Behavior Learning Theory 

In this theory, the behaviorist focuses on what can be observed. They view learning as a product of both stimulus and response that is sometimes referred as the S- R model of learning. They posit that both the learning process of both animals and people are similar and relative simple. In the clinical educations setting, the behaviorist learning theory can be used with other learning theories particularly cognitive theory. Behaviorist theory is very useful in nursing and also healthcare ( Kala et.al 2010)

When it comes to modification of people responses and attitudes, the behaviorists have to either change the stimulus conditions in the context or alter what transpires after a response has occurred. The behaviorists believe that learning occur when a person observes changes in behaviors, the model is based on conditioning which emphasizes that a reward that results in a desirable reaction as a reinforcement heightens the likelihood of repeating the desirable reactions ( Rostami & Khadjooi, K. (2010) . Reinforcement is the main focus in the behaviorist theory. Therefore it is important to reward desired behaviors consistently to increase the likelihood of the behavior being repeated. 

Therefore the nurse educators should use this theory while teaching the students because it is very effective. For instance, nurses use this theory to deal with issues such as weight loss, assertiveness training, and smoking cessation. Nurse educators should ensure that they have an immediate corrective response about incorrect concepts ( McCullough, 2016) . If students’ can respond to question either correctly or incorrectly, they should be reinforced to ensure that these behaviors are repeated. 

The nurse educators should be keen not to demoralize students’ who have given incorrect answers as they might not ever attempt to answer any questions. For instance, the educators can use phrases such as “good trial,” ‘well done” and “excellent’ to motivate students’ to continuing with their behaviors ( McCullough, 2016) . Additionally, the nurse educators should be aware that every student is different and they have different learning outcomes and hence they ought to understand individuals’ needs of the students. 

How I Meet the Competencies 

The evaluations made by students reveal that I am positive role model as well as a motivational instructor. My passion for teaching and learning is mirrored in respects for the students’ and any interdisciplinary relationships. My written and moral communication indicates that I am aware of myself and others as well as the ability to communicate ideas in various contexts. I believe that it is essential to teach students’ on how to the think critically ( Kalb, 2008) . I will also continue expanding the utilization of informational technologies like podcasts, online blog, and smartphones to highlight my story and also support the learning and teaching process. 

I also concentrate on developing the critical thinking skills of the learners by engaging in an online discussion and requesting the students to observe clinical, leadership and ethical concerns from their perspectives. I am also focused on teaching professional values to the students’ as it is important while making an ethical decision. Assessment and evaluation are essential as they indicate measure the performance for the students’ and also portray areas that need revision. Therefore using rubrics I will be able to determine the attainment of the course goals and individuals scores of the students ( Kalb, 2008) . Feedback is also crucial and hence I will ensure that students have a proper channel where they change over their responses, comments or compliments which will enable me to continue providing the students’ with the best teaching strategies. 

The NLN core competencies will provide me with opportunities to participate in interactive learning with individuals outside my profession. Consequently, I will be able to gain knowledge e and confidence to work with my colleagues that will lead to improved patients’ care. Collaborative measures are important and hence I will ensure that I have partnered with other practitioners in the healthcare fraternity to foster a comfortable environment for the patients. I will also engage in intensive research to strengthen the patients' outcomes and to also reduce medical errors that are common. 


Nursing has been recognized in providing compassionate, comprehensive and coordinated care. The nurse educators are rapidly changing o as to achieve the need of the healthcare in the 1st century. The nursing curricula in all the specialties of nursing all undergoing change. The nurse educators recognize the importance of reforming the curriculum. The nurse educators have a pivotal role in attaining the NLN core competencies. It is paramount for the nurse educator to promote learning by involving their learners in the learning procedure. Just like BF Skinner advocated for reinforcement while learning, it is important to foster an environment of reinforcement to motivate the students’ to succeed in all their endeavors. Engaging with the students’ is important as the nurse will learn issues that need to be addressed when redesigning the curriculum. Nurse educator plays a major role in the growth and development of nurses’ professionalism. The educators do not only teach but also have the responsibility of analyzing the students learning outcomes as well as the clinical competencies. 


Cash, P. A., & Tate, B. (2012). Fostering Scholarship Capacity: The Experience of Nurse Educators.   Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ,   3 (1), 7. 

Danzey, I. M., Ea, E., Fitzpatrick, J. J., Garbutt, S. J., Rafferty, M., & Zychowicz, M. E. (2011). The doctor of nursing practice and nursing education: highlights, potential, and promise.   Journal of Professional Nursing ,   27 (5), 311-314. 

Emerson, R. J., & Records, K. (2008). Today’s challenge, tomorrow’s excellence: The practice of evidence-based education.   Journal of Nursing Education ,   47 (8), 359-370. 

Jeffries, P. R. (2005). A framework for designing, implementing, and evaluating: Simulations used as teaching strategies in nursing.   Nursing education perspectives ,   26 (2), 96-103. 

Kala, S., Isaramalai, S. A., & Pohthong, A. (2010). Electronic learning and constructivism: A model for nursing education.   Nurse education today ,   30 (1), 61-66. 

Kalb, K. A. (2008). Core competencies of nurse educators: Inspiring excellence in nurse educator practice.   Nursing education perspectives ,   29 (4), 217-219.’ 

McCullough, K. D. (2016).   The Process Involved in International Preceptorship in Undergraduate Nursing Education   (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta). 

Rostami, K., & Khadjooi, K. (2010). The implications of Behaviorism and Humanism theories in medical education.   Gastroenterology and Hepatology from bed to bench ,   3 (2). 

Wittmann-Price, R., Waite, R., & Woda, D. H. (2010). The role of the educator.   Role Development for Doctoral Advanced Nursing Practice , 161. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Boyer’s Model of Scholarship and NLN Core Competencies.


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