3 Jan 2023


Breast Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 242

Pages: 1

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Disease process 

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that grows in the breast. The breast is made of majorly; fat, connective tissues, and lobules. Breast cancer occurs either from the breast cells or metastatic origin. Breast cells become malignant and grow out of the body's control. These cells cannot be destroyed through apoptosis during cell division. These cancerous cells spread to other regions. Hematogenic spread of cancerous cells occurs. Cancerous cells are sourced from regions of similar blood supply and lymphatic drainage as the breast. Depending on the breast cells involved, there are different types of breast cancers. They include; ductal cancers, lobular cancers, adenomas, and lymphomas. 

Common signs and symptoms 

There are a number of symptoms that present with breast cancers. These include; 

Painless and hard masses with irregular shapes are felt on palpation. 

Nipple regression 

The color of the breast skin may turn into orange 

Nipple discharge of purulent substance. 

Swollen lymph nodes on palpation. 


There are simple and sophisticated ways of diagnosing breast cancers. The simplest is a self-breast examination. This is done through palpation and observation of the breasts, one at a time, to feel for the presence of lumps . Proper education on the process of breast examination should be administered to the subjects be healthcare professionals. 

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Sophisticated ways of breast cancer diagnosis involve biopsy extraction. Breast tissue is extracted for further examination to ascertaining the stage of the cancers. Imaging, such as mammograms, are also taken to show deep cellular masses in the breasts


Early-detected breast cancers are easier to treat. The treatment modalities available include; radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and hormone therapies. Palliative care can be given to clients with cancers that have metastasized to other organs, including the brain, kidneys, and lungs. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Breast Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention.


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