20 Jul 2022


Capital Punishment: The Death Penalty

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 271

Pages: 1

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Goel, R. K., & Mazhar, U. (2019). Does capital punishment deter white‐collar crimes? World Economy, 42(6), 1873–1897. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12739 

The scholarly article assesses the vital effect that capital punishment has as far as deterring white-collar crime is concerned. The authors gather information from 150 countries in the hope of understanding the impact of capital punishment in stopping criminal activities such as corruption, shadow economy, and other non-violent crimes. The research, backed by literature review, shows that capital punishment reduces corruption and other forms of white-collar crimes. 

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The outcomes of the study, therefore, support the fact that capital punishment should be adopted as a legitimate method of deterring crime in the criminal justice department. White-collar crimes have adverse impacts on the economy and contribute to poverty among other social problems. It is thus a moral responsibility for citizens to support capital punishment not only as a form of retribution but due to its deterrent effect on those who are yet to engage in the acts of criminality. As such, this calls on the policy developers to rethink death penalty and stop any efforts to abolish it. 

McLaughlin, J. (2014). The Price of Justice: Interest-Convergence, Cost, and the Anti-Death Penalty Movement. Northwestern University Law Review, 108(2), 675–710. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=96185056&site=eds-live 

Part of the debate on the death penalty has focused on its cost. The United States spends approximately $150 billion in incarceration. More importantly, the prisons in the country are overpopulated, thus adding more pressure on the budget. The federal and states governments have to grapple with recurrent expenditure such as feeding the prisoners and catering to their health demands. Capital punishment is not only less costly but also eases the pressure in these facilities. 

Also, it removes the need for continuous expenditure in the form of food and health among others. Therefore, this source will support death penalty based on its cost-effectiveness in comparison with incarceration which has continued to demand huge amounts of money from state and national coffers. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Capital Punishment: The Death Penalty.


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