A high-performing team is highly committed to its objectives, which achieves better results in business. For a high-performing team, I must undergo the four stages; forming, storming, norming, and performing. A high-performing team is built by forming a group of talented individuals and carefully developing key characteristics (Ryba, 2020). This paper explains how communication, norm, and standards contribute to a successful team.
Effective communication is a key ingredient in a team that aspires to achieve its goal. Through communication, members will share their views and ideas, which brings understanding from the onset. When conflict arises in a team, open communication is applied to address the issues as openly and thoroughly as possible. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) (n.d.) o pen communication in a team cultivates motivation and cooperation.
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A high-performing team is that which abides by its Norms. Norms are rules stipulated by a team to govern the team members towards attaining their goals. According to SHRM (n.d.) a high-performing team will normalize on rules such as open communication strategy, early conflict resolution, constant performance evaluation, respect among all members, conducive team environment, and enhance ethical work conduct.
A successful team is that works within its standards. Standardized work of a particular team becomes the team trademark that members are proud of. The team must have well-defined objectives and well-defined standard operating procedures for attaining the objectives. According to Ulrich (2019), standard procedures will make the members accountable and ensure that the team operations are sustainable and efficient since everyone is experiencing the same engagement.
A high-performance team is a team focused on achieving its objectives and goals. A team can be referred to as a high-performance team if it has effective communication strategies and abides by its norms and procedures. A team made of talented and skilled individuals can fail to be successful. It fails to adopt the attributes of a high-performance team.
Ryba, K. (2020, October 8). 8 characteristics of high-performing teams (and how to build one) . Employee Success Software | Quantum Workplace. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/characteristics-of-high-performing-teams
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (n.d.). Developing and sustaining high-performance work teams . SHRM. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/developingandsustaininghigh-performanceworkteams.aspx
Ulrich, D. (2019, August 1). Four characteristics of high-performing teams . The RBL Group. Retrieved April 4, 2021, from https://www.rbl.net/insights/articles/talent-requires-teamwork-four-characteristics-of-high-performing-teams