30 Oct 2022


Child Labor: Everything You Need to Know

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 329

Pages: 1

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The issue of child labor has been a thorn in the flesh of several South Asian countries, and it continues to divide opinions between different parties. Statistically speaking, child labor is a huge problem in South Asia since a report by the International Labor Organization in 2008 indicated that more than 23 million children in various countries within this region are directly involved in child labor. These children are aged between 5 and 14 years, and the figure provided in the report represents an estimated 26% of children within this age bracket, and it has inhibited their right to education. Despite the obvious negative effects that are attributed to child labor, the cultural values held by people in this region present a huge challenge in countering the problem. Children above five years are viewed as capable of completing certain tasks hence they are viewed as integral with regards to contributing to a family’s well-being. Children, in conjunction with their mothers, weave carpets which are later sold to provide families with a source of income. Therefore, from a cultural perspective, child labor equips children with skills they may use later in their lives. 

Purchasing goods made by children is a way of improving the livelihoods of their families since it represents their source of income. Although there have been cases of exploitation of the carpet weaving skills of children in this region by factory owners, refusing to promote these products causes more harm than good since it further deepens the poverty crisis. More efforts should be made by relevant institutions to trademark products created by the children to ascertain they are not being exploited and they have access to their basic rights. Poverty in South Asia is a significant contributing factor towards child labor since the income obtained by the parents is inadequate to sustain the whole family, Children are forced to indulge in labor to supplement this income and this makes it even more important to establish ideal conditions in which children can work to equip themselves with a variety of skills while providing them with an opportunity to access their basic rights. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Child Labor: Everything You Need to Know.


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