22 Jul 2022


Climate Change: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Format: MLA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 534

Pages: 2

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Over the last few decades, climate change has become a major challenge that the world is facing. As a result, the need to stop climate change has risen. Climate change is caused by activities of humans such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Due to these activities, harmful gases are released into the atmosphere. This elevates the greenhouse effect and global warming. Climate change will continue to increase if no action is taken (Figueres et al., 2017). If climate change continues, the future of humanity is at risk. Therefore, institutions and individuals have the responsibility to stop climate change. Universities like Loyola Marymount University should play active roles in addressing climate change. 

First, universities like LMU should provide education about climate change and sustainability in general. They can do this by providing both long and short courses that will help students be aware of climate change. By doing so, students will gain extensive knowledge of the causes and implications of climate change. As a result, they will be more interested and engaged in actions to prevent climate change. Universities can also give awareness services to the community around them. This can be through climate action campaigns. In the long run, the community will become more cautious about doing activities that influence climate change. Universities should a climate action plan and strictly adhere to it. 

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Another action that universities can take is minimizing their carbon energy use. To do this, universities will need to shift to renewable sources of electric energy. They can also utilize nuclear energy. By avoiding carbon energy, they will minimize the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Cinner et al., 2018). Due to this, the greenhouse effect and global warming will be minimized. 

Collaboration has been known to be an effective method for solving common problems. When it comes to stopping climate change, collaboration can also be a useful strategy. Universities like LMU can collaborate with local governments in actions against climate change. Together, they should come up with a climate action plan. Universities should support all efforts of the government towards ending climate change. They can do this by researching climate change. Universities can also collaborate with NGOs that are dedicated to solving the climate change crisis. 

As an individual, I have a responsibility to take action against climate change. Therefore, I will be actively involved in actions that will eventually minimize climate change. I will reduce my use of carbon energy. Hence, I intend to invest in electric energy. This will include using public means of transport or cycling. Not using my car will reduce the number of harmful gases released into the atmosphere. I will dedicate myself to creating awareness about climate change. To achieve this, I shall use my social media handles to spread awareness about the issue. I shall also participate in climate action campaigns. Despite the fact that there are challenges that will be encountered in my activism, I will endeavour to ensure that I am able to reach a large population for there to be any notable change. Children are the future of the world and thus they should be included if any real change is to be achieved. Therefore, I will try to involve schools in advocating for the need to take climate change seriously and to protect our world from further destruction. 

Climate change is a serious issue that needs to be addressed quickly. People need to stop engaging in activities that cause climate change. Otherwise, the world will deteriorate. We need to ensure that the world is sustainable for future generations. Universities and individuals have the responsibility to make this possible. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Climate Change: Causes, Effects and Solutions.


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