1 Dec 2022


Commonalities in Experience, Architecture, and Paths

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 311

Pages: 1

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Social enterprises are not-for-business organizations initiated and developed with the goal of producing, exchanging or availing social utility goods or services to satisfy the general interest of the society by providing opportunities for re-integrating unemployed people and redeveloping deprived areas within the larger society. Stable formation of social enterprise relies on experiences, architectures and paths as the three major components (Dees, 2017). 

Experiences in social enterprise serve to provide prior knowledge and understanding of how social enterprise should formed and managed to achieve the ultimate goal(s). A more experienced entrepreneur in areas of social sciences and other related fields such as health is better equipped with the capacity to form and run a social enterprise (Sepulveda, 2015). However, this requires a course that can be followed from the stage of initiation to the stage of conclusion/closure/dissemination. Paths therefore, refer to the course taken from the stage of conceptualization of a social enterprise idea to the stage of full integration. 

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Architectures on the other hand refers to both the process and the outcome of thinking out, formulating and specifying the logical components, overall structure and the logical interrelationships involved in a social enterprise, its contexts of operation and other conception. Therefore, the manner in which thought is applied as a building block to social enterprise is referred to as architecture (Martin & Osberg, 2015). 

Therefore, an experienced social entrepreneur is better able to pursue the course of social enterprise, systematically applying knowledge and skills, thinking out, formulating and specifying all the logical components to attain the goal of social enterprise. Each one of these three components is essential in the formation and stability of a social component. Their communality is in the fact that they all work together and all play a pertinent role in social entrepreneurship. Without any one of these three components, achievement of social enterprise goals is likely to fail. 


Dees, J. G. (2017). 1 The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship. In Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (pp. 34-42). Routledge. 

Martin, R. L., & Osberg, S. (2015). Getting beyond better: How social entrepreneurship works . Harvard Business Review Press. 

Sepulveda, L. (2015). Social enterprise–a new phenomenon in the field of economic and social welfare?. Social Policy & Administration , 49 (7), 842-861. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Commonalities in Experience, Architecture, and Paths.


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