18 Jul 2022


Communication and Conflict Resolution

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Academic level: College

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The following methods can help come up with solid team rules and setting expectations 

Trust: it is paramount to establish trust in a team before setting rules, if trust is present the team will function well; everyone will have a responsibility to work within the set rules as they entrusted the rules setters. This boost the functioning of a group. Many people tend to trust experienced individuals especially in the health sector in contrary to inexperienced. 

Knowledge and skills: every member in the skill should be a clear-cut level of skill and understanding of the discipline. For example in nursing care, team members should be able to provide basic lifesaving services to their clients at a given point in time. Different personalities may impair this; some may have paranoia and decide not to follow what their fellow members/staff in this matter tell them. 

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Commitment: for a team to function each member of the team should be committed to meet the objective of the group. 

Accountability: every member should be accountable for their dealings. For example, reckless and messy individuals might spoil the name of a group but the other members of the group function well. 

Conflict: a clear and reasonable avenues for conflict resolution should be availed in the ground rules, this is aimed at minimizing the number of people leaving the group. 

Communication: a clear communication channel should be put in place to ensure each member receives information at a specified period. 

Group composition, cohesiveness, and motivation also contribute in the development of rules and regulation for a team ( Guzzo , 1996). 

Different personality traits affect functioning of teams in that trust may be the issue. Individuals with antisocial personality tend to break social norms and they should be identified in the group 

Different individuals have different expectation in everything they do in life small difference bring problems, hindering effectiveness of a group. 

Experience has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include the experienced individuals help in problem-solving disadvantage they underrate the less experienced. 

Conflict resolution strategies for interprofessional teams. 

The strategies for conflict resolution in teams, included the group strategies which was developed by the team leaders. Strategies on conflict concentrated on the development of conflict resolution protocols, and they relied on the team to discuss and resolve the conflict. For example in nursing a nurse may decide to seek help from a trained medical doctor, to aid in solving a problem, doctors are considered good leaders. ( Brown et al. , 2011). 

Personal intervention, where the involved individuals in conflict; show the willingness to find an answer to their conflict, respecting each other and being humble. Personal intervention can be done as open communication where the involved individual speaks out of the problem through another person for the conflict to be solved or direct communication where the individuals in conflict face each other and talk. ( Brown et al. 2011). 

Effective ways to address issues of team leadership 

A team leader should be courageous. 

A team leader should have Problem-solving skills in case of a conflict or disagreement. 

Open minded in that he can accept recommendations from fellow team members. 

A team leader should be transparent regarding finances and other resource allocation. 

A team leader should provide Proper communication for its members. 

How will the team decide who will lead them. 

A team usually decides the person to lead them through voting. Election is a democratic that enhance satisfaction that those in authority are mandated by the members. 

What happens if the team leader is ineffective? 

If a team leader is ineffective in work accorded to him or her by the team, he is obliged to leave the office or face disciplinary action if he has done an act which is in contra to the team mission and vision. 

Describe best practices for effective interprofessional collaboration. What types of technology can be used to support collaboration? 

Didactic program: this is a community experience and interprofessional simulation experience which put more emphasis in interprofessional knowledge and skill, team building, care-centered at the patient, learning services, influence of culture on health care system. The community experience shows how clinicians, in this case, nurses: provide services to the community, and the way in which environment and resources impact on the health status of individuals receiving this services. (Bridges et al. 2011) 

Service learning component: in this, individuals, for example, nursing Students are taken to a community for community attachment, they form an interprofessional relation with community health workers and develops good relation to start a community service project. At the end of the activity, every student will be obliged to do a service learning component. (Bridges et al. 2011) 

Clinical component: this is a fieldwork where students from different specialty, for example, nursing, physiotherapy, and medicine get involved in an interpersonal relationship and then they attend four clinical sessions together. The goal of this is to help the students conceptualize the lessons learned in school into real life (patient-centered) (Bridges et al. 2011) 

Technologies that can be used in these setting include use of med applications, avail eLearning programs for students, use of fax machine, and personal digital assistant (PDA) 


Email is used to send documents from one person to the other. Its benefits are: faster, reliable and save on cost. Disadvantages they limit the size of documents to be sent, they make students lazy, they worsen students handwriting and they are informal. 

Voicemail: used to convey information especially in a congested rooms for example in hospital they are used to call patient number. Advantages they confer include faster, save on human energy. Its disadvantage is that it is Informal. 

Face to face communication is used to interview patients in a consultation room in hospitals. Its benefits include, but not limited to, you can seek clarification, and it’s formal. Disadvantages are, it depends on the informant’s knowledge, and it can be full of lies. 


Brown, J., Lewis, L., Ellis, K., Stewart, M., Freeman, T. R., & Kasperski, M. J. (2011). Conflict on interprofessional primary health care teams–can it be resolved?.  Journal of interprofessional care 25 (1), 4-10. 

Bridges, D., Davidson, R. A., Soule Odegard, P., Maki, I. V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education.  Medical education online 16 (1), 6035. 

Guzzo, R. A., & Dickson, M. W. (1996). Teams in organizations: Recent research on performance and effectiveness.  Annual review of psychology 47 (1), 307-338. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Communication and Conflict Resolution.


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