18 Jan 2023


Communication Plan for the Construction of a Five-Bedroom House in Ashburn, Virginia

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 588

Pages: 2

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The purpose of this project communication plan is to inform the project stakeholders of the projects timelines, needs, and budget, provide an insight into the project decisions needed, and provide feedback mechanisms for the stakeholders. 

Project Scope: 

The project involves the construction of a five-bedroom house in Ashburn, Virginia. The total cost of the project is estimated to be 1.2 million dollars. These include the planning and feasibility study costs, acquiring the house design, expenses incurred during the contractor procurement process, and the costs of raw materials and equipment required for construction. The expected timeframe for the completion of the entire project is 24 months. 

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Project Schedule: 

The project is expected to take 24 months to complete. Specific timelines have been allocated for each activity in the project. The project milestones include acquiring a well-qualified contractor set to be achieved in the first two months, raw materials sale agreements settlements to be done in one week, securing financing for the project meant to run for three weeks and acquiring the project plan and seeking approvals intended to take two months. These are the initial activities for the project which are set to run for the first eight months. The remaining period will be used to undertake the actual construction work estimated to run for 12 months. Completion of the house will mark the project’s last milestone. 

Project’s Budget. 

The project’s cost is estimated to be 1.2 million dollars. This includes procurement costs, material acquisition costs and construction costs. The source of this will be from construction loan financing. Acquiring the funding will mark the first milestone for the project. The subsequent activities will be undertaken upon the successful acquisition of financing. Every project’s milestone depends on this first milestone. 

Project Assumptions/Constraints 

The major project constraint is funding. It is assumed that acquiring the project’s financing will not fail as this will paralyze undertaking the project. It is also assumed that the amount of funding that can be acquired will be able to meet the costs of the project. Another project assumption is that every approval and the activities that have been scheduled before beginning the construction. Thus, any delays in these activities might delay the successful completion of the project within the scheduled timeframes. 

In the project planning, we have assumed that the costs estimated will not vary in the course of the period. One of the mitigations put in place is by acquiring a permanent supplier of raw materials at an agreed price. However, some costs are not within the project’s control. These include the cost of acquiring the necessary plan approvals and contractor’s fees. The assumption is that these costs will not exceed the planned costs. It is also assumed that each activity will not exceed the timelines proposed. 

Project Risks: 

As stated in the project assumptions, the project faces risks of changing prices for raw materials and other activities that are not within the project's control ("How To Create A Project Communication Plan (With Free Template) - The Digital Project Manager"). The only mitigation put in place is acquiring a sale agreement with a supplier of the construction materials necessary. 

Being a construction project, the project is exposed to work-place injuries on the people working on the construction site as well as third parties within the project’s proximity. A work-place injury benefit insurance cover is thus necessary for the benefit of all employees at the construction site. For third parties to the construction site, clear signs will be placed to notify them of possible dangers that can arise from the construction site. 

Project Status 

The project is currently at the planning stage. This stage is very crucial as it determines how effective the project will be undertaken. Frequent reviews of the project status will be undertaken after every one month to establish the progress, the achievements, and the drawbacks. At this stage, the project has not commenced. After successful reviews and approvals by the stakeholders, the project will commence. 


"How To Create A Project Communication Plan (With Free Template) - The Digital Project Manager." The Digital Project Manager. N.p., 2018. Web. 21 Dec. 2018. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Communication Plan for the Construction of a Five-Bedroom House in Ashburn, Virginia .


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