18 Aug 2022


Community Education Plan to Address Ageing Bias

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 556

Pages: 2

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Step 1 

The Problem 

Aging represents a unique and complex process which continues to attract stereotypic reactions from the rest of society. The stereotype affects how the community thinks and interacts with the affected group ( Barrington, 2015) . Ageing bias continues to increase across the world with a sharp focus on the western culture depicting the stereotyped as lonely, with ill health, dependent on others, and with poor mental and physical functioning ( Dionigi, 2015)


Stakeholders represent a critical part of the plan and will determine it success or failure. Every stakeholder will affect the plan in a different way which necessitates the identification of the most suited stakeholders for the plan ( Liang, Yu & Guo, 2017) . The various stakeholders for the plan include; The aging 

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The government 

Community health education providers 

Advocates against stereotypes 

Community welfare group 

Society at large 

Target population 

The target population for the plan is the whole of society seeing as ageing bias originates from the whole of society. Once aware of the issue and all the aspects that play into it, information will eventually trickle down to the younger generation especially from parents to their children or from teachers to their students. 


Ensure that society becomes tolerant of the aging 

Work on eradicating aging bias in society 

Establish and advance community health care services for the aging 

Increase community awareness on aging issues 


The plan includes various objectives that will help in achieving the aforementioned goals. These include; 

To reduce the levels of ageing bias in the community by fifty percent in the next year 

To increase community awareness on aging health issues to one hundred percent by the end of three months 

To increase community educational interactions concerning the aging by fifty percent in six months 

To initiate community interaction sessions that will promote and increase the interaction between the ageing and the elderly 

Step 2 

Methods of Education 

Educational methods will focus on the overall improvement of the health and well-being of the target population. The methods will ensure to incorporate the aging and the rest of the members of society ( Estebsari et al., 2014)

Lectures and information sessions 

The plan will include lectures to the community by experts in matters of the aging and the provision of information by the aging concerning their challenges and overall life experiences. The plan would include a schedule for when and where these lectures and information sessions would take place. 

Question and answer sessions 

The plan will also include question and answer for the whole community with answers provided by the aging and experts in aging issues. These sessions would be lead and managed by the elderly in corporation with other stakeholders. 

Provision of educational materials 

The method will include the distribution of educational material such as booklets and pamphlets that provide information on the disadvantages of aging bias through volunteers to the course. 

Intervention groups 

Intervention groups will be developed for individuals who have been or are victims of aging bias to help them deal with the various distresses they encounter because of the stereotype. 

Possible funding sources 

Possible funding sources would include 

The government 

Non-profit organizations that deal with issues of the aging and those that address overall human right issues 

Community based organizations 


Barrington, L. (2015). Ageism and bias in the American workplace.  Generations 39 (3), 34-38. 

Dionigi, R. A. (2015). Stereotypes of aging: their effects on the health of older adults.  Journal of Geriatrics 2015

Estebsari, F., Taghdisi, M. H., Foroushani, A. R., Ardebili, H. E., & Shojaeizadeh, D. (2014). An educational program based on the successful aging approach on health-promoting behaviors in the elderly: a clinical trial study.  Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 16 (4). 

Liang, X., Yu, T., & Guo, L. (2017). Understanding Stakeholders’ Influence on Project Success with a New SNA Method: A Case Study of the Green Retrofit in China.  Sustainability 9 (10), 1927. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Community Education Plan to Address Ageing Bias.


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