24 Aug 2022


Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing

Format: APA

Academic level: College

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Words: 2595

Pages: 9

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Filed Experience Timelog 


Activity Description


Name of contact person and address



Health education at St. Cloud. 1050 Grape Ave. St., Cloud: sensitizing patients within the emergency department on the impacts of tobacco use on health

8-10 am (2 hours)

Nurse Leader Emergency Department



Interview with the nurse leader, Emergency Department Health education at St. Cloud. 1050 Grape Ave. St., Cloud on their efforts and outreach programs aimed at creating awareness on the health implications of tobacco use within the community

10.30-11.30 am (1 hour)

Nurse Leader Emergency Department



Health education at Stadium Place. 1501-1507 Bill Beck Blvd., Kissimmee: sensitizing clients seeking services at the emergency department on the health impacts of tobacco use

1 pm- 3 pm (2 hours)

Nurse Leader Emergency Department



Interview with the Nurse leader Stadium Place 1502-2507 Bill Beck Blvd., Kissimmee regarding the prevalence of high school tobacco users and the efforts being made by the health care facility in efforts to reduce tobacco use especially among high school students

3.30-4.30 pm (1 hour)

Nurse Leader Emergency Department



Interview with the County Education Department Chairman(Kissimmee offices) on the efforts being made by the department towards sensitizing high school students on the dangers of tobacco use

9-10 am (1 hour)

County Health Department head



School visit at Osceola High School lecturing on the different ways to use social skills to fight peer influence especially in drug use, most specifically, tobacco use. Providing a question and answer session after the lecture to make clarifications

12 noon- 3 pm (3 hours)

Headteacher Osceola High School



Participating in games and sports within the school as a way of bonding with the learners and seeking to understand the dynamics of tobacco use within the institution. This will assist significantly with the outreach program when the mobile interaction app is developed and functioning

4-6pm (2 hours)

Head of Games Department Osceola High School



Interviews with the Headteacher Tohepekaliga High School in Kissimmee on the rates of tobacco

at the institution, the existing rules they have on tobacco use and the efforts they are making in providing preventive health education through partnering with other stakeholders to ensure reduced instances of tobacco use within the school.

8.30-9.30 am (1 hour)

Headteacher Tohepekaliga High school



Interactive session with the Public Relations head at McLane Suneast Company a tobacco products distributor within Kissimmee, Osceola County to discuss on the companies stand on tobacco use and sale to persons below 18 years. Review the company’s efforts in reducing instances of teenage tobacco use within the company’s corporate social responsibility.

11.00- 1 pm (2 hours)

Public Relations Head McLane Suneast Company



Interactive session with the chief executive officer McLane Suneast Company. Making efforts to persuade the company’s participation in the process of raising awareness on the impacts of tobacco use especially among high school students within the county in addition to seeking the company’s participation and possible funding for the social media campaign aimed at sensitizing high school students on the health dangers of tobacco use

2-4pm (2 hours)

Games Master Tohepekaliga High School Kissimmee



Health education at Poinciana. 105 N. Doverplum Ave., Kissimmee. Using charts to show the effects that tobacco use has on the respiratory system, circulatory system, and overall individual health

8-10 am (2 hours)

Nurse Leader Emergency Department



Participation in games and sports at the Tohepekaliga High School in Kissimmee using the platform to create an interactive forum to enable the discussion on the avoidance of tobacco use among teenagers. Helping use games and sports as a way of boosting confidence and self-esteem.

8 am -5 pm (9 hours)



Making and hanging posters around Kissimmee as a platform for creating awareness about the social media campaign and the detrimental health results accompanied by tobacco use across age and social divide

8 am -5 pm (9 hours)




Free camping at Intercession City 1723 Business Center Lane, Kissimmee health center providing free health education on tobacco use

8am-5pm (9 hours)

Medical Superintendent Intercession City 1723 Business Center Lane, Kissimmee health center



Community meeting Saint Cloud community sensitizing residents on the health impacts of tobacco use

9.30 am- 2.30pm (5 hours )

Community Health Nurse



Free camping at Harmony community

8.30 am-5.30 pm (9 hours)

Community Health Nurse



Community classes at Poinciana community educating parents on the need for monitoring their teenagers to mitigate the possibility for engaging in tobacco use

8.30am- 5.30 pm (9 hours)

Done in 3 sessions

Community Health Nurse



Conference held at Tohepekaliga High School in Kissimmee

8.30am -2.30pm (6 hours)

Community Health Nurse



Consultative meeting with tobacco producing companies and education stakeholders to gain goodwill for the social media campaign

9 am- 4 pm(7 hours)

County Health Department head



Seminar with the health care providers at Intercession City 1723 Business Center Lane, Kissimmee health center to plan on the implementation of the social media campaign and measuring of the effectiveness of the campaign

9 am-5 pm (8 Hours)

Medical Superintendent Intercession City 1723 Business Center Lane, Kissimmee health center


Social Media Campaign 

Nursing diagnosis statement 

Evaluation of tobacco use among adolescents in Osceola County in readiness for enhanced risk awareness and self-care as evidenced by the need for community awareness on the risks associated with tobacco use to self and the community in additional to the desire to enhance self-care for young adults as well as other members of the community who have been using tobacco.

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Problem description 

The use of tobacco has taken a considerably large toll on all communities especially in Osceola County ( Register, 2018) . Therefore, there is a need to enhance efforts in promoting education on tobacco smoking to protect children from using tobacco even though they are plagued with the notion that they cannot stop smoking at any time which in reality is significantly different. Despite the numerous community organizations and leaders showing their commitment to educate the population with regard to tobacco use, enhancing protection of children from use of tobacco, and spearheading the strengthening of policies protecting the public from secondhand smoke nearly nineteen thousand kids below the age of eighteen years are becoming new cigarette smokers every year in Florida.

Osceola County demographics 

The county is located in Florida with an estimated population of 352,180 people according to a population estimate in 2017. Osceola County has an estimated total area of 3.901 square kilometers with a population density of 94.3 per square kilometer according to the 2010 census. The county has seen a sporadic population increase from the 2010 census that indicated a population of 268,685 people. Additionally, 6.3% of the population is composed of children under the age of five years while 24.6% of the population is children less than eighteen years. Further, there are only approximately 12.9% persons with sixty-five years and more within the population while based on gender there is nearly a fifty-fifty balance between genders. Osceola County is a mixed race-county with whites, Latinos, American-Indians, African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics forming the population in the county. The health status within the county can be viewed as commendable with only 10.9% of the population being made up of people aged below sixty-five years living with disabilities while only 15% of the population comprises of people below the age of sixty-five who are without any health insurance coverage.

Primary community and prevention resources 

In light of the numerous factors that are causing health disparities in Osceola County and increasing the rate of tobacco use especially among high school students, there have been numerous initiatives that have been put in place in efforts to counter tobacco use ( Register, 2018) . To begin with, the county has numerous health centers that are community-centered providing primary care services to the local population. Additionally, local partnerships are working towards creating tobacco-free Osceola County. Such partnerships include the "Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT)" which is working as an advocacy group to help reduce cases of tobacco use and smoking especially among the youth and school going population. The SWAT program is an important resource for the prevention of tobacco use mainly due to the fact that it targets the youth.

Underlying causes for the health concern 

The underlying factors that influence the use of tobacco among high school students within the county have been shown to be numerous. These factors may be cognitive, social, and environmental as well as genetic influences. Socially, peer groups influences are among the most significant factors that work to encourage tobacco use among high school students noting that the adolescent phase, as well as young adulthood phases, provide a vulnerability window for the onset of the behavior (“ Tobacco Use, Tobacco Cessation, and Musculoskeletal Health”, 2018) . Additionally, socioeconomic factors related to adolescence challenges, race, and gender also play an integral part in the onset of tobacco use among high school students. Research within the county has proven that high school students are affected by environmental factors such as acceptability as well as the availability of tobacco products which contribute to tobacco use behavior. Moreover, participation in peer activities, the subjective expected utility that the adolescents seek to derive from tobacco use, and other variables related to personality as well as self-esteem contribute significantly to the tendencies for tobacco use.

Identification of data 

The use of tobacco in Osceola County has been shown to be significantly high with high school students posting the highest percentage of tobacco use and smoking at 15.7% with the tendencies to use e-cigarettes as well as active use of smokeless tobacco. Furthermore, 15.5% of the adults within the county are being tobacco users. In comparison to the national and state tobacco users statistics, there are approximately 19.3% adult smokers in Florida with the state being ranked sixteenth in tobacco use within the United States. Tobacco use among the youth has been indicated to stand at 14.3% within Florida making the state rank eleventh among other states nationally ( Mantey, Omega-Njemnobi & Montgomery, 2019) . As such, it is evident that tobacco use among the youths in Osceola County is considerably above the state median.

Evidence-based practice 

Improving health care requires partners to assist in efforts that are aimed at encouraging healthy living. Through the “Osceola Health Leadership Council”, the health care facilities are making collaborative efforts to assess, prioritize, and address healthcare concerns especially those regarding tobacco use and the arising health concerns ( Gücük & Yıldırmaz, 2019) . Within Osceola County, studies are indicating that cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and heart diseases are among the top leading death causes in the county. According to the study, 27.6% of the deaths in the county are caused by heart diseases while chronic respiratory diseases account for 5.3% in addition to 21.9% that are caused by cancers ( Mantey et al., 2019) . Further studies point out to the fact that these health concerns are related to tobacco use. Therefore, advancing the creation of smoke-free environment and institution of preventive measures for the use of tobacco can significantly assist with the creation of awareness to help influence behavioral and social changes aiming at the cessation of tobacco use.

Social media campaign objective 

The objective of the social media campaign is to provide adequate awareness and education to high school students who have been shown to be significantly involved in tobacco use within Osceola County. As such, education and awareness will be geared towards providing useful information with regard to the susceptibility of tobacco users to lung cancer, heart diseases, and chronic respiratory diseases. To promote the participation of the high school students in the social media campaign, a mobile interaction app will be used with surfing technology.

Social marketing intervention 

To achieve the stated objectives, direct-to-consumer advertisement and youth community projects will be used as the primary population-focused social marketing interventions to boost the spread of the need for cessation for tobacco use ( Sharma & Verma, 2018) . A direct-to-consumer advertisement will be enhanced through mass media as well as providing brochures during visits to schools and as such will work to help reach a larger part of the young adults noting that they spend a considerable amount of time on the mass media platforms.

On the other hand, youth community projects such as volunteer town cleaning activities will play an integral role in reaching out to the young adults who are engaged in smoking thus offering a productive way of utilizing time that would have otherwise been used in recreational smoking. The rationale for using the noted social marketing interventions is advised by the fact that high school students would be better reached at through activities that are rather engaging in addition to the potential for leveraging on the high school students’ social networks to enhance information sharing.

Social media platform 

Reaching out to the high school students would require a social media platform that they constantly identify with. As such, to promote awareness and education with regard to health impacts associated with tobacco use, Instagram would be an appropriate social media platform. The rationale for using Instagram as the choice social media platform is informed by the numerous advantages synonymous with the platform. To begin with, it is possible to develop videos and sharing them through Instagram ( Sharma & Verma, 2018) . As such, videos depicting the varying impacts of tobacco use can be made and shared across the platform. Additionally, many high school students identify with Instagram as a preferred media for sharing photos and videos, therefore, the platform has the potential to reach the largest possible target audience. As such the platform will be useful in advancing the preventative health promotion.

Benefits from the health message 

Providing high school students with the preventative health message will result in many benefits to the target audience. One of the benefits is that high school students will develop skills that will enhance their ability to shun down activities driven by peer influence. Additionally, the target audience will be better informed about the underlying dangers of tobacco use, therefore, helping them to make appropriate decisions including dropping the view that smoking is normative. Furthermore, learners will be in a position to boost self-esteem and confidence even when among peer smokers as they will find identifying with non-smoking behavior as "cool".

Best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing 

Using social marketing can be a powerful channel for reaching the target audience through effective, strategic, and user-centered health interventions. One of the best practices is to adopt a low-risk tool that is getting where the people are ( Sharma & Verma, 2018) . Additionally, information regarding the potential tools should be adequately gathered to ensure strategic choices are made while efforts are geared to create portable content. Furthermore, the tool chosen ought to facilitate participation while observing the highest levels of cybersecurity.

Social media campaign implementation 

Stakeholders’ responsibilities and private-public partnership 

During the implementation of the social media campaign, there will be a need for interaction for stakeholders. One of the major stakeholders in the campaign is the technology developer who will work on the mobile interactive app while the county health care facilities will be useful in assisting with the outreach programs to high schools to raise awareness on the presence of the app and its intended use. Additionally, the county health department will be involved to create a linkage with the county education department in efforts to create goodwill for the campaign project. Furthermore, companies making tobacco products will be engaged to provide precautionary information on the harmful impacts of continued tobacco use. The interaction of the different stakeholders depicts the potential private-public partnership in making the campaign a success.

The time frame for implementation 

The social media campaign is projected to take a three months period where one month will be used for developing the mobile interaction app while one and a half month will be used in making outreach efforts through the campaign. Two weeks will be used in making an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Evaluation of effectiveness and cost of implementation 

The evaluation process on the effectiveness of the campaign will be undertaken through a simple survey on the mobile interaction app. Additionally, the education department will undertake an impact survey through the heads of the county high schools as a means of evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign. The cost of implementing the social media campaign is expected to be relatively low noting that the respective stakeholders will make contributions towards the campaign. However, an estimated cost of one hundred thousand dollars will be incurred.

Reflection on the social media campaign 

The social media campaign will be integral in promoting a healthy community within Osceola County. Most notably, the campaign will work to draw the attention of young adults and influencing their attitude and behavior towards tobacco use. As a nurse practitioner, engaging in the campaign will promote health awareness especially on the risks associated with tobacco use and ride on the extensive use of social media by the young adults as well as their vast social networks to reduce the use of tobacco. In my future nursing practice, the social media campaign will be useful to me in developing outreach programs that potentially reach large target audience populations at the same time. Furthermore, the campaign will assist me in developing multi-disciplinary approaches in the promotion of health within my community as a nurse practitioner.


Gücük, S., & Yıldırmaz, İ. L. (2019). Knowledge on Tobacco Control Campaigns and Recommendations for Reduction of Tobacco Use: A Cross-Sectional Study Recommendations for Reduction of Tobacco Use.  Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care , 34-41. doi:10.21763/tjfmpc.528009 

Mantey, D. S., Omega-Njemnobi, O., & Montgomery, L. (2019). WITHDRAWN: Flavored Tobacco Use is Associated with Dual and Poly Tobacco Use among Adolescents.  Addictive Behaviors 92 , 84-88. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.12.028 

Register, O. O. (2018).  2018 CFR Annual Print Title 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products, and Firearms Parts 40 to 399 . IntraWEB, LLC and Claitor's Law Publishing. 

Sharma, S., & Verma, H. V. (2018). Social Media Marketing: Evolution and Change.  Social Media Marketing , 19-36. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-5323-8_2 

Tobacco Use, Tobacco Cessation, and Musculoskeletal Health. (2018).  Orthopaedic Nursing 37 (5), 285-286. doi:10.1097/nor.0000000000000490 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing.


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