28 Apr 2022


Comparative Religion Matrix

Format: APA

Academic level: College

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Words: 425

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The Comparative Religion Matrix is a comparison chart that attempts to create a quick reference overview of the major religions in the world. The chart provides an outline of the various religions present in the world, providing a brief comparison of fundamental religious beliefs and practices carried out in the different religious practices in the world (Prabhu, 2015). The paper focuses on conducting a synthesis of the information from the matrix, into dire conclusions. The writer is expected to compare and contrast two religions as presented by the model and describe the significance of their similarities and differences in interaction during the current and future days. 


According to the corresponding matrix, different communities have different perceptions towards religious activities that make each religion to have its unique characters. For instance, Dharmic faiths (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and much more) follow the rules of Dharma. Dharmic religions stress on self-inquiry placing God at a secondary position or even not at all. These religions have a strong belief in Karma and reincarnation, with heaven and hell being transitory (Amin, 2010). On the other hand, Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), emphasize on God as the primary goal of appraisal. 

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Information that comes from the scriptures is unquestionable to members of Abrahamic faiths. Abrahamic religions view life to be a straight path that goes in one way, however as far as Dharma’s are concerned life is a path that occurs circle, where people and gods are reincarnated assuming many forms. This brings to light the difference that emanates from the two faiths in regard to time, the afterlife, and God as the central player controlling everything. Regardless aside from the differences involved the two principles exhibit similarities in their observation of what is morally right from what is wrong. Both Dharmic and Abrahamic religions believe in life after death, and the presence of a supreme being. The two faiths have an important stress on the concept of self-will in choosing any religion; this would make it more conducive to interact with a fellow staff member belonging to either of the faiths (Amin, 2010). They emphasis on hard work and honesty as values that an employee should have, this makes it easier and more comfortable for working with members of the different faiths now and in the future to come.


Religions have exhibited different and similar characteristics altogether. One would argue that each religion has its beliefs and practices that make it unique. Each religion deserves utmost attention and respect; no religion is better than the other. Rather staff members and the community as a whole should learn to respect each and every religion, for a better working environment. Furthermore, the similarities in the different faiths exhibit patterns of hard work, honesty, and respect, which are essentials in a working environment. 


Amin, D. (2010). Dharmic plus Abrahamic? New York: Patheos.

Prabhu, J. A. (2015). The Mosaic Distinction: Why the Abrahamic Faiths Remain Outside to Indosphere. India: FirstPost.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Comparative Religion Matrix.


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