28 Oct 2022


Comparison between Seder (Passover) and Last Supper

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Academic level: College

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Words: 327

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Seder  Last Supper 
The origin of Passover is usually found in Exodus 12. It has a biblical origin when the Israelites were under harsh slavery in Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh. It means the day Israelites left Egypt after they were rescued from Egypt and it marks a memorial of the deliverance from slavery as recorded in Exodus 12: 12-13.  Last Supper is a description of the major events in the life of Jesus Christ as recorded in the bible. It involves a description of the last meal that Jesus had with his disciples before he was arrested and crucified over 2000 years ago. 
The Seder such as Passover meal was a symbolic of the Lord honoring his covenant with Abraham when he delivered the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt ( Boyd , 2018). It involved the slaughter of a lamb as a sacrifice for the covenant between God and Abraham to be fulfilled. The flawless lamb was sacrificed as an offering to help save the life of the first born.  Similarly, last supper marked a fulfilment of the covenant between God and Abraham. Jesus was the seed in whom all nations would be blessed ( Marshall, 2016 ). While Seder used a lamb as a sacrifice, the last supper is a remembrance of God giving his only son for a sacrifice. The crucifixion of Jesus made it possible for freedom from sins. 
In the covenant between God and Abraham, the seal of the covenant was the blood of the lamb that was slaughtered to mean an end to the slavery for the Israelites in Egypt. The blood of the lamb was poured to act as a seal to the covenant and mark a new beginning.  Similarly, the seal for the new covenant between God and Abraham was the blood of Jesus. Jesus himself was the perfect lamb to be slain to give life. However, the last supper marked a new covenant with God, while the Seder rituals marked an old covenant. 


Marshall, M. J., (2016). RE-EXAMINING THE LAST SUPPER SAYINGS IN LIGHT OF THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES.  Jesus and the Scriptures: Problems, Passages, and Patterns , 193. 

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Boyd, S. K. (2018).  Seder to Sunday Step into Scripture: A Bible Study for Easter . WestBow Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Comparison between Seder (Passover) and Last Supper .


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