29 Jun 2022


Content and Relational Dimensions of Messages

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 400

Pages: 1

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hat is the content dimension of that message? 

This communication has a content and relational dimension. The message from the supervisor is explicit, unambiguous, and has literal implications. It is also communicated informality and unofficial tone. 

What are some various ways in which you could describe the relational dimension of that message? 

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A message does not only communicate content. It also points to a relationship between the two people in communication. As Greene (2003) states, the relational aspect of communication is concerned with how a person defines their relationship through verbal or nonverbal communication. It operates in the service of relational goals, which include pair-bonding and comfort, among others. The message contains the word "love," indicating that the supervisor has love feelings towards the intended recipient. The relational dimension of a message also points out to a social need someone might have, ranging from respect to a companion or other related needs. For this message, the supervisor would love to be texted very early in the morning, and these points to a need for a relationship based on care. Checking on someone in the morning indicates care, and this is what the supervisor is communicating from the message. 

Which verbal and nonverbal cues would you pay attention to when deciding how to interpret the relational dimension accurately? 

A message for interpersonal communication can be relayed verbally, non-verbally, or a combination of both and with the rest of the five senses. For verbal cues, the choice of words would be important in interpreting a relational message, as Cardon (2019) notes. The supervisor has used the word "Love," which carries the message's relational aspect. When requesting for something you would have loved from someone, it is an expression of a desire for a relationship of some nature. 

It is also important to pay attention to the smile on a person’s face. It is a form of non-verbal communication that facilitates understanding the relational aspect of a message. The smile must be genuine congruent with the message. One also needs to pay attention to the body language such as posture, proximity, and eye contact to decipher relational communication (Mandal, 2014). They are used to reinforce the emphasis on what someone is saying and they are also useful in expressing emotional feelings in someone. Maintenance of eye contact indicates, among other things, seriousness and confidence in a person (Cardon, 2019). It also indicates active listening and paying attention. It is also important to see how to evaluate non-verbal expressions that are syncing with the words themselves. Any discrepancy can indicate insincerity, and this is important in the relational context of communication. 


Cardon, Peter. (2019). B usiness and professional communication . New York: Mcgraw-Hill Education. 

Greene, J. C. (2003).  Handbook of communication and social interaction skills . San Diego: Psychology Press. Bottom of Form 

Mandal, F. B. (2014). Nonverbal communication in humans.  Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment 24 (4), 417-421. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Content and Relational Dimensions of Messages.


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