18 Oct 2022


Corinthians - The Official Site

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1 Corinthians 2.6-16 

According to Paul, how to perishing people (1.18) come to see Christ crucified as the wisdom of God? 

Perishing people come to see Christ crucifixion as the wisdom of God once they are filled with Spirit from God. They get to understand God’s wisdom is not earthily by a mystery which no human being has conceived; otherwise, they would not crucify the Lord of glory. 

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Why would Paul choose to highlight this point? 

Paul chose to highlight the point since the wisdom he referred to did not match the wisdom of the rulers or human wisdom but of God’s power. The wisdom he talked about belonged to the mature that had the spirit from God, and only them would understand and make judgments of all things. 

1 Corinthians 3.1-4   

What is the main point that Paul is making in this passage? 

Paul tries to explain to the people that they are still worldly in that there is much they have to change. He describes giving them milk the little God’s wisdom since they are not ready for solid food which is more God’s Knowledge. He explains the worldly acts as jealousy, quarrels, and confrontations on whom to follow makes them not ready t receive God’s knowledge. 

1 Corinthians 3.5-9 

How does Paul reshape the way the community should think about its leaders in this passage? 

Paul asks the community to consider leaders as mere servants of God with each leader having a role to play. He describes himself as the planter and Apollos as the waterer, but all serve God, and all are in line with his purpose. 

1 Corinthians 3.10-17 

What are the themes that Paul develops in this section? 

Paul proposes the theme of Jesus Christ as the only foundation in Christians. However, he presents the building of Christians to be different. He is keen to remind them the day of reckoning will come, and the building that is how the Christian lived life will be examined with fire. The best Christians will be rewarded; some will be saved despite having not lived a good life. 

What does it mean that the church is the temple of God? 

The church is the temple of God in that it is a sacred place where God’s spirit dwells. Paul is keen to remind Christians they are temples of the Lord and whoever destroys the temple will be destroyed. It is crucial for Christians to keep the temple pure and sacred. 

1 Corinthians 3.18-23 

What does Paul ask the wise to do in this passage? 

Paul asks the wise to become fools to understand God’s wisdom and become wise. He clarifies the worldly wisdom is foolishness in the sight of God. 

How does this passage summarize what Paul has already said? 

The passages summarize Paul’s message which is people should consider abandoning the worldly wisdom and seek God’s wisdom. People who seek God’s wisdom will have everything they desire and own everything since they belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God. God is willing to let his people have everything if only they incorporate his wisdom. 

1 Corinthians 4.1-5 

How does Paul say that Christians are to regard their leaders? 

Paul asks people to regard their leaders as servants of Christ who have given the ability to reveal God’s mysteries. He further says that leaders have to be faithful since they have been trusted. They are instruments of God doing his work on his behalf. 

What is the primary task of a leader in the church, according to Paul? 

A leader in the church ought to be faithful since he or she is trusted. Church leaders should not judge and should have a clear conscience. 

What are the criteria that God used to judge his leaders? 

The Lord will focus all the heart motives of the heart. The good leaders will receive praise from the Lord. The judgment will occur at the right time. 

1 Corinthians 4.6-13   

What does Paul condemn in this passage? 

Paul has warned Christians of being prideful once they receive blessings. Paul insists people should remain humble and act as an example as Paul has set. 

What is Paul’s point in contrasting “we” and “them”? 

Christians have to set a good example as apostles and have a clear distinction of the earthy people. Christians should not consider themselves either rich or having a personal reign but as dishonored and weak individuals on the verge of greatness. 

1 Corinthians 4.14-21 

What is the warning in this passage? 

The warning given is to those people who tend to ignore apostles as if God had not sent them. Such people tend to be arrogant and consider power as vital. He further warns he will come to check what power the arrogant possess. 

What does Paul expect from the Corinthians in this passage? 

Paul expects the Corinthians to been keen with the Apostles words and listen to them and live according to their teachings. The apostle’s teachings are Christ which he taught in all the churches as asks people to imitate him and obey his teachings. 

1 Corinthians 5.1-13 

What is the problem that Paul is addressing in this section? 

Paul is addressing a societal issue of incest. Paul is condemning Christians in the act and says judgment has already been made that one who commits incest shall be passed over to Satan to clean his flesh and save his soul. 

According to Paul, how should the church respond to the problem that he is addressing? 

The church should go into mourning and set out fellowship for the person involved in the act. Such people should not be associated with since the bad also spoils the good just like small yeast effects are realized in the whole dough. 

1 Corinthians 6.1-11   

What is the problem that Paul addresses in this passage? 

Paul is addressing the issue of lawsuits among believers. Paul asks whether God-fearing people should take disputes to ungodly people. 

What is Paul’s argument for not taking another Christian to court? 

Paul asks Christians to forward their disputes to God-fearing since only they have the wisdom to make wise judgments. Taking Christians to court will be taking cases to people who are not God-fearing and are unbelievers. 

1 Corinthians 6.12-20   

What is Paul responding to in this passage? 

Paul is responding to sexual immorality. Paul warns Christians against sexual immorality since their bodies are joined to Christ. Paul further insists our bodies belong to the lord and the lord belongs to us. 

What is Paul’s argument in response to this problem? 

Paul says Christians should refrain from sexual immorality. Sexuality immortality sins are sins against the body, and the bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit which comes from God. 

1 Corinthians 7.1-40  

What are Paul’s views on marriage and celibacy in this passage? 

Paul calls for people to refrain from sexual evils but get married not to burn in passion. A husband shall have no authority over his body but his wife will, and the wife has no authority over her body, but his husband will. The unmarried may decide to remain unmarried and the virgins too but once they marry they have not sinned. 

1 Corinthians 8.1-11.1 

What are the major themes of these chapters? 

Paul discusses food sacrifices to idols he emphasizes that there are Christians with a strong conscience who can even eat food from these idols but adds emphasis on the existence of only one God. However, Christians should avoid becoming a stumbling block to the weak and avoid what makes them fall or sin. Paul further discusses apostleship which he describes should be offered freely for there is a reward. Christians should also use their freedom to lure more to God’s kingdom. However, Christians should incorporate self-discipline to win the race of life which will last forever. 

List four questions and observations that you have after reading these chapters? 

Should Christians respect people who worship idols? 

Can those in celibacy especially those in churches marry? 

Do Christians still follow the laws of Moses? 

One observation that when a Christian marries or gets married to a non-believer and agree to live together, it is not a sin since the believer will save the better half. 

1 Corinthians 11.2-16   

Describe in your own words the issues that Paul is addressing in 1 Corinthians 11.2-16. (2 pt) 

Paul discusses on covering the head in worship. Paul argues that a man should not cover his head in worship since he represents the image of God and Christ who is headed by God heads him. However, women should cover their heads in worship since they are from man and headed by a man. God, however, have built a woman and man to depend on another since man heads woman and man comes from a woman. 

  1 Corinthians   11.17-33   

What is the issue the Paul is addressing here? 

Paul addresses the issue of the abuse of the last supper. He agrees that Christians have no division in the church. However, some people tend to have private suppers leaving them drunk and others not getting anything. He asks Christians to be considerate and respect the Lord’s Supper. 

What is his solution to the problem? 

Christians are asked to eat together. Also, they are asked to discern themselves before receiving the body of Christ to avoid further judgement. 

1 Corinthians 12.1-14.40   

What is the relationship between chapters 12-14? In other words, how are the themes related to one another? 

Paul begins to discuss the gifts faithful Christian members receive. The chapters discuss the issue of unity and well-being of the church in Corinth using doctrine queries. Chapter 12 analyses the spiritual gifts, chapter 13 analyzes charity and chapter 14 focuses on prophecy. 

According to Paul, what is the purpose of (spiritual) gifts? (1 pt) 

The purpose of spiritual gifts is to enable Christians to serve together hence enhancing unity in the church. 

1 Corinthians 15.1-58 

What issue is Paul addressing in the passage? In other words, what is Paul trying to correct 

Paul is addressing the issue of the resurrection of Christ. He assures people that indeed Christ died for our sins and on the third day he rose from the dead, and he is an apostle saw him. He further assures Christians that just like Christ was raised that we shall all be raised from the dead and hence Christians should have faith. 

For Paul, what is at stake if Christ was not raised from the dead? 

If Christ was not raised from the dead then Christians will also not be raised from the dead, and all who died believing in Christ would be in vain. Christian faith would be in vain and useless. 

What is Paul’s vision of the future in this passage? 

Paul’s future vision is the raising of the dead in different bodies which will be everlasting; hence death is an onset of victory through Christ who also resurrected. 

For Paul, how does the resurrection change how we live? 

Christians should have faith and remain immovable since there is a great reward for all God’s deeds. 


According to Paul, what are we to expect at the return of Jesus? (Rom 2.1-1; 2 Thess 1.5-12; 1 Thes 1.10; 1 Thes 4.13-18) 

Christians should have hope since Jesus will return and those who had passed away. Jesus will descend from heaven with a cry of command with an archangel voice and a trumpet of God. The dead and alive will meet Jesus in the cloud and in the air to meet him. 

What is the basis for salvation/deliverance? (Romans 3.21-26; Phil 3.9; Rom 8.3-4; Gal 2.15-20; Rom 5.1-11) 

God delivered salivation and deliverance through sacrificing his son Jesus who shed blood condemning sin in the flesh and through faith Christians will be saved. Also, after Christ comes, he will punish those who have not been adhering to the gospel. It is through the faith of Christ that Christians will be saved and delivered. Therefore, through Jesus Christians have hope and boast in the faith of the glory of God. 

According to Paul, what kind of resurrection awaits those who are in Christ? 

Phil 3.10-21 – Christians in Christ have the urge to focus on the future and forget the past with a view of attaining the prize of God the resurrection and through faith just like Jesus raise from the dead then they will raise from the dead. Also, Christians should focus on following Paul’s example and have faith in the cross of Christ. 

1 Cor 15.35-50 – Just like Jesus died and resurrected and so will the Christians. They will, however, take new bodies since the death of something brings forth something new and thus the Lord will form bodies according to his image since Christ created a link through his earthly looks and a heavily spirit and image. 

2 Cor 5.1-11- Paul discusses a new body since the earthily one will be destroyed, and a new one build by God which will be eternal shall be received. The new bodies shall not have the urges of the flesh. It is through faith and death we shall depart the earthy bodies and be granted the heavenly ones and at home with the Lord. 

According to Paul, what will happen to our world in the future? 

Romans 8.18-25 – Christians will no longer suffer since they will be referred to as the children of God. The children of God will have their bondages released and enjoy the freedom and God’s glory. 

Colossians 1.15-20 – The supremacy of Christ is revealed and through his blood shed that all things were set right. His supremacy will reign above all creations and ever over the dead. 

1 Thess 4.13-18/2 Tim 4.18 to be read within this narrative – Christ will descend from heaven into the earth with a commanding sound, and an archangel sound as God’s trumpets blows. The dead will arise, and together with the dead, they will meet to the clouds to meet Jesu. Christ will then rescue them from any attack and take them to heaven safely. 

4. How does return, resurrection, and renewal shape and affect faith, hope, and love? (1 Corinthians 13; 2 Cor 4.12-17) Christians should focus on having love since love is the greatest gift of all. Knowledge will come and pass, speaking in tongues will also be in vain without love, faith without love is also useless, and any sacrifices without love will also be in vain. Hence Christians should have faith hope and love, but love is the greatest of them all. It is crucial to note that Christians should have hope and faith that God who resurrected Christ will resurrect them and they shall be granted eternal glory.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Corinthians - The Official Site.


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