28 Jun 2022


Course Requirements that Enhance Understanding of Complex Systems and Collaborations

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 513

Pages: 2

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The nursing field is quite a complex field associated with numerous aspects that range from educational platforms, billing systems, simulation, and diagnostic centers. Individuals keen on pursuing a profession in any area of the nursing discourse must develop specific competencies and skills. The Master of Science Nursing (MSN) program is one of the most practical and functional avenues that one could use to develop these competencies. The program enhances the nursing practice by paving the way for inter-professional collaborations and engagement with evidence-based care. In the last two years, I have been pursuing an MSN program, and I must say that I have gained crucial insights that I will apply in the nursing profession.

Master in Science Nursing is a comprehensive program going by the articulate learning goals that guide the students. These goals are aligned with the complexities that the nursing field and practice present to students and professionals. The most outstanding goal of the MSN program is to ensure that students demonstrate high levels of knowledge and skills in complex nursing systems as well as professional collaborations. This goal has been the epicenter of my academic journey as I strive to understand and analyze the complexities that define the nursing landscape. This goal is important, considering that it is the foundation of the courses I have undertaken in the last two years.

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Nursing Informatics is one of the courses that contribute to the understanding of the need for professional collaboration and strategies for dealing with these complexities. This course allows students to engage and learn from nursing informatics’ theories, concepts, and technologies that apply to education research, advanced practice nursing, and administration. ‘Mitigating Factors’, one of the assignments that I did in this course, explores how nursing practitioners could use health informatics to improve patient safety. This knowledge helps to build my clinical expertise so that I will be in a position to navigate the complexities of patient safety that have defined healthcare outcomes over the years.

Nursing Research Methods, a course that equips students with requisite skills and knowledge so that they are in a position to critique research studies has been helpful. This course aligns with the nursing field's complexities, considering there is a rise in the number of healthcare issues. Practitioners must examine evidence-based studies to establish the best approaches for diagnosing, treating, and handling general patient care. 'Critiquing Statistical Analysis' is one of the assignments that I did in this course to assess my knowledge in the area. The assignment that explored relationships between parents and children by focusing on economic status and ethnicity variables taught me the need for interprofessional collaboration to address diverse populations' clinical needs.

Health Policy is another course that aligns with the MSN goal of equipping students with the requisite knowledge needed to navigate complex systems and embrace the collaborative practice. This course's main objective is to allow students to examine historical and current dimensions in health policy. This healthcare aspect presents various complexities, considering that existing policies do not address patients' needs. The course is a framework for analyzing current health policies from political, economic, ethical, and social perspectives. 'Promoting Public Health,' an assignment on vaccination laws in state and federal jurisdictions, is one of the tasks that I completed. It explores policy loopholes that make vaccinations optional, thus compromising patient outcomes. This assignment depicts a complex system that is defined by policies and regulations that require collaboration between policymakers and healthcare providers.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Course Requirements that Enhance Understanding of Complex Systems and Collaborations.


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