18 Jun 2022


Creating Value through Innovation

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 536

Pages: 2

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In a business, value can be achieved in various ways, which can essentially change the operation of business both externally and internally. According to Professor Angelo Dringoli, one of the value creation ways is through innovation, and he accentuates that in dynamic and open markets, innovation is the only tool that which can provide firms with a competitive advantage as well as cash flows that are superior which generate value. As such, firms are engaged in different innovative strategies such as innovative services and products to outsmart their competitors and to estimate their value. On this background, this paper focuses on evaluating the value aspects of “the PowerDolphin” which are most appealing to customers. 

Evaluating Value Aspects of the PowerDolphin 

According to Calif (2019), the PowerDolphin is a new innovative product that was introduced in the market in 2018. This is a new lifestyle robot from UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) data and robotics technologies. This technology is not only suitable for fishing, water sports, and photography, but will also assist scientist to explore the life of marine in many various ways. This technology is a multipurpose tool performing different functions from animal observation to ocean reefs (Calif, 2019). Some of the value aspects of PowerDolphin that are most appealing to customers include first, it is “equipped with a 220-degree dual-joint rotation 4k camera” (Calif, 2019). 

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This PowerDolphin camera is fixed in its front nose to achieve underwater and above water video or photography. This includes thrilling sports of water, a magnificent scenery of the sea below, or an exciting process of bait dropping, which all can be glanced at from the perspective of the first person view (Calif, 2019). These 4K high-definition imageries that PowerDolphin captures can be sent in real-time through wireless 1080P ultra-long range image transmission to the multi-product devoted APP Vision+. Its users are able to click on the button of Vision+ to get a flip preview of camera and recording, thus enabling camera rotation of more than 90°. This is a very unique feature appealing to the customers, one that has never been there before. 

Second, PowerDolphin also has intelligent functions of fishing and waypoint mapping (Calif, 2019). This technology gives applications used for intelligent fishing. Through a piece of equipment that is mounted externally, it can lure fish, find fish, and do troll fishing. This PowerDolphin that controlled by remote can directly haul hooks and lure fish to move to any location that is desired. Additionally, this technology, the PowerSeeker intelligent finder of fish, is also capable of enhancing the ability to catch fish with detection in real-time within 131 ft. subsurface to assist anglers correctly determine active spots of fishing. Moreover, the PowerDolphin is equipped with GPS waypoint function and a sonar device that is intelligent, drawing photographic maps underwater, which is a first in the industry of marine drone (Calif, 2019). 


PowerDolphin is one of the innovative products introduced in the market recently in the industry of marine drone. This technology has unique value aspect that is appealing to the customers including its 4K camera, mapping ad fishing functions. Its introduction in the market has brought great relief to its many users due to its unique qualities, which has never been found with any other marine drone technology and ones that have made it easy for its users to perform their marine works. The company making it should continue to innovate and improve its features to maintain its value and attractiveness in the market. 


Calif, S. (2019). PowerVision’s Marine Drone the PowerDolphin is Set to Make a Splash at CES 2019. This First of Its Kind Marine Drone is Set for Sailing and Ready to Ship. Business Wire . Retrieved January 17, 2019, from https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190107005200/en/PowerVision%E2%80%99s-Marine-Drone-PowerDolphin-Set-Splash-CES 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Creating Value through Innovation.


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