15 Jul 2022


Crime, Violence, and Criminal Justice

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Crimes will exist for as long as there’s ownership of property (Rothe, Dawn & Christopher, 2009). Anyone involved is said to be guilty and reported in a criminal court. Currently, the storyline of this issue is common in movies, as well as television shows. Victims of crimes vary. For instance, in England, the poorest people living in marginalized areas are most likely the victims of crimes (Davies et al., 2017). Political, economic, and social exclusion exacerbates vulnerability to risk, as well as fear of crime. In a case, on any offense, the state’s law provides moral fairness to protect the victims.

Various types of crimes exist; from those committed at individual levels to those committed globally (Arquilla, John & David, 2001). To begin with violent crimes, it plagues many people all over the world.It ranges from rape, sexual assaults, as well as homicide. The latter is the most serious as in involves complete taking away of human life. The second is property crime, which does not involve physical harm but is still a major concern. The common crimes in this category include larceny, arson, theft of motor vehicles, and burglary. The final type is the white-collar (Arquilla, John & David, 2001). It is defined as a crime committed by individuals of a high level of respect and social status. Examples of this include auto shop repair frauds by bookkeepers and cashiers.

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The police are the first contact by a defendant. They hear complaints, investigate offenses, and then arrest the suspect. They are responsible for the protection of lives, properties, and the rights of citizens. Punishment defines the criminal laws in criminal justice (Gerald, 1996). The system upholds social control, deter, and mitigate crimes. It enforces punishments aimed at correcting offenders (Gerald, 1996). Deterrence refers to punishments that prevent an offender from committing further crimes. On the other hand, incapacitation involves locking up a criminal in a secure environment; they can’t move around to victimize the mass. Rehabilitation is a punishment that helps a criminal to become productive, and non-criminal in the state. Retribution, on the other hand, is punishment proportional to the offense committed.


Arquilla, J., & Ronfeldt, D. (2001). Networks and netwars: The future of terror, crime, and militancy. Rand Corporation.

Davies, P., Francis, P., & Greer, C. (Eds.). (2017). Victims, Crime and Society: An Introduction. Sage

Garland, D. (1996). THE LIMITS OF THE SOVEREIGN STATE Strategies of Crime Control in Contemporary Society. The British Journal of Criminology, 36(4), 445-471.

Rothe, D. L., & Mullins, C. W. (2009). Toward a criminology of international criminal law: An integrated theory of international criminal violations. International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice, 33(1), 97-118.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Crime, Violence, and Criminal Justice.


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