27 May 2022


Critical Thinking and Ethics

Format: Other

Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 543

Pages: 2

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Dear Peter,  G-BioSport recognizes your contribution to the company as the sales manager. We have recorded tremendous sales growth thanks to your efforts and the entire team. We are indebted for the raft of changes you brought to the department that has contributed to the current status. Similarly, the company appreciates your efforts that have led to you being the top producer. 

Concerns have been raised regarding your behavior at the field trip on Friday. Some of the members have raised their reservation concerning the manner in which you behaved on the evening of that day. From the different accounts, it is evident that your actions were uncalled for. It has come to the attention of the organization that you misbehaved negating the purpose of the field trip. 

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Please note that such field trips are meant to bring all employees of the organization together and offer a learning opportunity, develop team spirit and bond outside normal working conditions. The role of such trips cannot be overemphasized as it allows the employees to understand the mission and purpose of the company. It also accords them an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other's company. With such trips, new ideas are brought to the enterprise, and we can develop new products which give the company a competitive advantage over the competition. 

Feedback from employees has demonstrated how you behaved under the influence of alcohol. Some of the behaviors are inappropriate in some settings where all employees are involved. It is commendable that you took a bold move and apologized to all employees in your email concerning your behavior. On behalf of the organization, your apology is accepted. However, we wish to stress that some actions by a few employees to interfere with the purpose of such field trips in future will not be tolerated. We cannot achieve our objectives if we have divisions among the members of the organization. 

You are called upon to recognize the fact that alcohol reduces your judgment leading to inappropriate behaviors which might have negative outcomes for the organization. We agree that too much alcohol leads to little recollection of the events as it hampers your judgment. However, it should not be used as an excuse for misbehaving and possibly interfering with the rest of the group members. 

You are therefore called upon to consume alcohol amounts that will not hamper your judgment nor cause any inappropriate behavior. It is your responsibility to ensure that you take alcohol in moderation to avoid causing any unwanted disturbance to the fellow employees. 

This is to warn you of any future actions that might lead to similar behaviors. Please note that the organization will not tolerate such actions, and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken if found to have engaged in activities that are contrary to the overall objective of the company. Similarly, note that employees are required to maintain the image of G-BioSport. Some of your actions run counter to this belief. You are therefore required to revisit our code of conduct and the role of employees in maintaining and enhancing the image of the company. 

Lastly, all employees who take alcohol will be required to use selected cab companies to drop them at their respective destination. We are concerned about the well-being of our staff and others. Therefore it would be essential that you have a designated driver when you are on your own or use the companies prequalified cab companies when we are conducting company or department field trips. 

Yours Faithfully 


Public Relations Manager 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Critical Thinking and Ethics.


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