Description of Health Concerns and issues for Population
The area where the immigrants are anticipated to come from is Sub-Saharan Africa. According to estimates, out of 58.03 million individuals who passed worldwide in 2005, 18.8 percent (10.9 million) of them came from Africa. Most of the deaths (64 percent) that took place in the area were attributed to various conditions. These comprise of maternal situations (2 percent), birth trauma and birth asphyxia (2 percent), low birth weight (2 percent), measles (3 percent), tuberculosis (3 percent) ischemic heart disease (3 percent), cerebrovascular illness (4 percent), diarrheal illnesses (7 percent), malaria (8 percent), lower respiratory infections (10 percent), and HIV/AIDS (19 percent). Whereas effective interventions in public health that would have hindered a large number of deaths in the region prevail, there is insufficient coverage because of under-resourced and weak health systems. Several weaknesses leading to the challenges are attributed to poor governance and leadership, medical products, health workforce, information, technologies and vaccines, and delivery of services. These have led healthcare concerns and issues to become severe, hence leading to the high cases of mortality rates (Kirigia & Barry, 2008) .
When it comes to treatment regimens for health concerns and issues for the Sub-Saharan population, several pharmacological and non-pharmacological options prevail. For instance, regarding medical technologies and products, various proposals have been made for establishing a formula for determining the needs in line with predicting the requirements for commodities, medicines, vital infrastructure and technologies, and the development of an accountable and transparent system of procurement. Additionally, issues related to health financing exist. These advocate for the establishment of a comprehensive system of financing health policy together with a strategic plan, institutionalizing accounts of national health, monitoring efficiency, strengthening skills of managing finance, and allocating national budget to development of health, and establishment of mechanisms for social protection. Moreover, when it comes to delivery of services a need has arisen for building on vital health service elements, costs and delivery modes, norms development, procedures and standards for providing services, and constructing of healthcare infrastructure and maintenance. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly essential to formulate integrated models for delivering services in diverse levels, such as referral systems, establishing means of involving all providers of private health in offering vital care services, creating and deploying policies for promoting health in diverse sectors, and approaches for optimizing the involvement of the community in health development (Kirigia & Barry, 2008) .
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Traditional Beliefs and Practices of Population
For African immigrants, they have various traditional beliefs and practices related to health concerns and issues, which influence health concerns. For instance, traditional African healing has remained in existence for many years while a large number of individuals fail to understand how it related to spirituality, religion, and God. Certain individuals agree that traditional healers usually worship the ancestors as opposed to God. Various communication chains prevail between worshipers and God. Additional aspects attributed to healing and health concerns include forms of traditional healers, the training they go through, and the role they play in healing. Several individuals of African origin also believe that western medicine is incapable of healing certain illnesses they face. Nevertheless, it is vital to note that the services that the traditional healers offer go past the usage of herbs for physical illnesses. They also serve other roles, such as custodians of African customs and religion, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and educators concerning culture (Mukgobi, 2014) .
Cultural Values and Traditional Practices Impact Pharmacology Acceptance
Some of the cultural values and traditional practices among individuals of African origin influence their acceptance and utilization of pharmacology in line with efficacy of prescribed medications. Conservative Africans belief curative practices revolve around curative, promotive, training, and rehabilitative care services. The care services offered via tradition as well as culture are prescribed via a certain philosophy, such as Ubuntu. Taboos, norms, culture, and tradition serve as the foundations behind traditional medicine practice, while they serve as the major forces that influence pharmacology acceptance among such populations. The population believes that cultural medicine is more effective as opposed to western medicine. The culture, taboos, and traditions apparent in these clinical practices have led traditional medicine to receive acceptability among Africans. While these care services might not be effective in treating certain conditions, they hinder effectiveness of pharmacology in these societies due to lack of acceptance (Mhame, Busia, & Kasilo, 2018) .
Strategies for Education Population
When it comes to educating people from Sub-Saharan Africa concerning appropriate utilization of pharmacology, organizations should focus on certain approaches. For instance, they can consider organizing and promoting pharmacology through initiatives, such as establishing a database as well as a network of pharmacologists in the region. They should also invest in measures that can allow African nations develop their own while at the same time supporting scientific research, awareness, and teaching concerning clinical and basic pharmacology. Additionally they should develop and plan regional meetings, including clinical and basic while supporting internationalization of pharmacological societies in Africa while allowing their members to realize global exposure (Pharmacology for Africa, 2018) .
Nurse Strategies for Promoting Health and Wellness
When dealing with African immigrants, nurses can deploy culturally sensitive approaches for utilizing with the population to promote health and wellness attributed to pharmacology, attain quality outcomes among patients, and promote safety of patients. They can do this by emphasizing on evidence-based recommendations in line with encouraging persons to receive preventing services including counselling, screenings, and precautionary medications. Via public health system, the nurses would be able to inspire many individuals in taking part in healthy lifestyles, which would translate to prolonged lives. They should embark on these measures while showing respect for the cultural and traditional values of these groups (Benedictine University, 2018) .
Benedictine University. (2018). The role of the nurse in preventative health care. Retrieved from
Kirigia, J. M., & Barry, S. P. (2008). Health challenges in Africa and the way forward. International Archives of Medicine, 1 (27). doi:10.1186/1755-7682-1-27
Mhame, P. P., Busia, K., & Kasilo, O. M. (2018). Clinical practices of African traditional medicine. Retrieved from
Mukgobi, M. G. (2014). Understanding traditional African healing. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation, and Dance, 20 (2), 24–34.
Pharmacology for Africa. (2018). Vision and mission: Pharmacology for Africa. Retrieved from