13 Jul 2022


Deception in School: The Dangers and Consequences

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 318

Pages: 1

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I do not support the behavior of both parents in the picture. Almost every parent wants their child to have the best education available. As a result, many parents have opted to lie about their area of residence or pay a bribe in order for their children to get admission to the best schools. By lying to beat the school catchment area, the parents who get caught lead their children to experience a lot of devastation when they are kicked out of school, thus, disrupting their learning. Far from withdrawing a fraudulent application due to leniency, the council can take the lying parent to court and have them convicted for the offense. Such an action would lead their child to suffer even more. Moreover, from a moral point of view, the parent ends up setting a bad example for their child. They may end up believing that fiddling with the system is the best way to get what they desire in their life. 

The judgement bestowed on the parents for their actions is, nevertheless, not fair. Both Tanya and Felicity have committed grievous crimes which warrant a punishment of equal repute. Based on the sentence bestowed on Tanya, there is clearly a great discrepancy which likely resulted from her being part of a minority group. The outcome of both cases exemplifies a disparity that is consistently placing underprivileged groups in the society at a disadvantage. I can relate with the case presented, since I have come seen scenarios where parents are forced to lie in a bid to cheat the system since they want their children to learn in a school with an exceptional reputation. Likewise, with school districts predominantly composed of white students receiving more funding that those with lesser white students, the idea of lying to get children into better school districts is bound to continue. As much as I do not support the act committed by both parents, the authorities are to blame for the failed system. Equality ought to prevail in all sectors of the country`s economy in order for such deception to cease completely. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Deception in School: The Dangers and Consequences.


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