23 Jul 2022


Dehumanization in Correctional Facilities

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 529

Pages: 2

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Correctional facilities are mainly used for reforming inmates who are jailed and hence restricted by the law from several freedoms. The ruling on the inmates is based on the justice system in which the decision of whether an individual is guilty depends on the evidence presented. This then separates those who are wrongly convicted from the felons and hence the necessity for a correctional facility with correction officers. 

According to Conover (2010), correction officers (COs), are individuals responsible for the security and safety of the prisoners in a correctional facility. Thus said, this essay aims at evaluating the central theme presented by Conover which suggests that the American Penal system is dehumanizing. Humane actions include kindness, generosity, and selflessness while inhumane actions counter the above mentioned. 

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In the prison system, the policies put in place as well as the environments in which such officers as COs operate to stimulate the dehumanization of an individual's nature. The author depicts the impacts of the prison environment on both the officers and inmates as the latter are confined in single units which are often overcrowded (Conover, 2010). The COs, on the other hand, are exposed to the risks of assault from criminals with no sense of morality. This then dehumanizes COs who are then forced to adapt to the hostilities. 

For example, the author learned that compliance and the aspect of being available significantly help in the prison system (Conover, 2010). Other COs who fail at this generally follow regulatory procedures which involve lack of contact with the prisoners, and aggressive punishments. This then dehumanizes COs based on the fact that the corrections facilities impose policies that allow for the violent penalties on prisoners. 

Additionally, the book discusses the origins of the prison systems as well as such inhumane modes of punishments as electrocution. Consequently, the change in human characteristics applies to the inmates as well as the weaker individuals who are often victimized and bullied. This then erodes their dignity which in turn results in rebellious responses. 

Research suggests that the training practiced at Academies causes the dehumanization of individuals as it encompasses training activities similar to those in the military training camps ( Burles, Peternelj-Taylor & Holtslander, 2016). Even though these modes of training aimed at ensuring maximum preparedness for the difficult tasks of supervising inmates, Conover (2010) highly discourages the same through the somber tone used in describing the above mentioned. 

With the explicit details presented regarding the training of COs, scholars affirm to the implications of the same on an individual's nature as well as their reactions to provoking situations ( Burles, Peternelj-Taylor & Holtslander, 2016). As it is in the outside world, some COs have a soft nature which then poses a challenge within the correctional facilities. Based on the fact that the term "new jack" was a pseudonym for the new COs, some inmates physically assaulted the officers as a result of their nativity and softness (Conover, 2010). 

This then provokes a change in their nature which then erodes their moral values such as kindness, patience, and independence. For example, one of Conover's colleagues believes that working in a correctional facility may be compared to living an inmate's life (Conover, 2010). Since inmates generally spend their days in their confined spaces, COs find that supervising the same is a reflection of a life sentence; only with several shifts. In conclusion, Newjack offers insight into the reality of COs' lives and work experience within the correctional facilities as well as disregards the common myths and misconceptions about COs.  


Burles, M. C., Peternelj-Taylor, C. A., & Holtslander, L. (2016). A ‘good death’for all?: Examining issues for palliative care in correctional settings.  Mortality 21 (2), 93-111. 

Conover, T. (2010).  Newjack: Guarding sing . Vintage. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Dehumanization in Correctional Facilities.


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