4 Jan 2023


Designing Employee Training Program

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2010

Pages: 8

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Two Days Training Program for 20 Employees 

Day Time Activity 
First Day 0830-0930 hours Registering the trainees 
0945 hours-1115 hours 

Lecture 1 

First session 

The planners of the program welcome the employees 

Informing the workers regarding the critical objectives of the training program 

Outline the need for the entire program 

Giving the trainees opportunity to introduce themselves 

Quick introduction of the three trainers 

1120 hours to 1140 hours Short break 
1145 hours-1330 hours 

Lecture 1 continuation 

Second session 

Introduction to the motivation of employees 

In the session, the trainees will be taught on what is employee motivation, its significance, ways used by their company currently in motivating their workers, methods used in motivating employees, benefits of methods used in motivation and the general outcomes of motivation. 

1330 hours-1410 hours The trainees and trainers will break for lunch for one hour. The program coordinator will emphasize on the need to observe the stipulated lunch break hour. 
1415 hours-1645 hours 

Lecture 1 continuation 

Third Session Case studies 

During this session, the trainees will be taught different motivation methods used by various companies worldwide, resulting in their continuous success. The trainers, in particular, will focus on the training strategies used by Apple, Microsoft, Alibaba, among other well-known organizations. 

1650 Hours Ending the first-day training session. The program coordinator will advise the trainers and trainees to attend the second training day on time. 
Second Day   
0830 hours- 0900 hours Attendance confirmation 
0830 hours-1100 hours 

Lecture 2 

First Session: Theories of motivation 

The session will offer discussion to the trainees concerning various motivation theories that can be utilized in a business entity. The main theories of motivation that will be covered are Maslow's Needs motivation theory, Hackman and Oldham; Job Characteristics model, the three-dimensional theory of attribution, Equity theory, Expectancy theory of motivation, Hawthorne as well as Herzberg's motivation theory. 

1110 hours-1140 hours Short Break 
1150 hours-1320 hours 

Lecture 2 

Second session: Motivation and money 

Is money the best motivation factor for employees? 

The session will concentrate on the role of money in motivating employees. The interaction mechanism based on face to face conversation will be used since the employees will be offered an opportunity to ask questions about the connection between money and motivation. The views of each employee will be respected. 

1330 hours-1430 hours 

Breaking for lunch and emphasis on the need to keep time for the next session will be emphasized

rs-1630 Hours 

The session will be based on an interactive approach concerning what was learned during the entire training period. The employees will offer their views regarding what they can improve for their motivation in the business. 

1640 hours 

Adjourning the two-days training 

Training Needs Analysis 

In designing a training program, training needs analysis (TNA) is an essential aspect that the planners must consider. The businesses use a training needs analysis (TNA) to determine which training considerations must be completed within a particular period. It can be achieved through deciding on issues related to skills of the employees, their evaluation methods, and highlighting on the gap existing between their abilities and job delivery. Training needs analysis helps in determining if the training is crucial in solving the existing challenges facing the business endeavor. TNAs can either be proactive or reactive depending on the nature of the business entity ( Neumaier et al., 1, p. 610) . Proactive training needs analysis strategy is used to develop the business equilibrium between the organization and its environment. The training will apply the context of proactive TNA because it offers insight regarding proper planning to various issues that affect the business entity. The motivation methods and their significance will be utilized as it offers ways of delivering new process and also provides techniques that can be used by employees to strengthen their expectation. On the contrary, the reactive TNA approach is based on the decisions that an enterprise will utilize relating to the problems that have already been identified ( Said et al., 2, p.14) . Reactive TNA provides the premise that can be used in confronting the identified problems that exist at a particular time. Both proactive and reactive approaches are used by enterprises to achieve a competitive edge in their industry. 

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The TNA that was conducted highlighted that the major issues affecting employee performance were poor working environment, poor relationship between employee and employees, and low remuneration ( Gorondutse et al., 3, p 222) . As such, the training will offer ways that can be used in the development of an effective working environment for the employees. The training, in particular, will focus on the employer. Similarly, the employees and the employer will be trained concerning effective communication in the workplace. The role of remuneration as a way of motivating the employee will also be discussed in training. 

The training approach that will be utilized in the needs described above will be based on face-to face-training. The face-to-face training technique offers various advantages to the organization. Primarily, the training method provides an opportunity for employees to ask questions. Similarly, the training approach will enable the trainer to understand whether the trainees have understood the content or not ( Lin & Yang, 4, p. 14) . This can be realized by observing the facial expressions of the trainees. Such offers an opportunity for the trainers to take necessary action that can ensure that topic is well covered. For example, the trainer can consider repeating the topic in case the facial expression observed relates to dissatisfaction in understanding the content. 

After analyzing the business, it was realized that the significant issues affecting the productivity of the firm were unmotivated employees. The inquiry illustrated that most of the workers show aspects of lack of morale as they perform their work. Despite that, the analysis also showed that the employees and the employers were not working as a team. Thus, destroying further the morale of the employees ( Mira & Odeh, 5, p. 386) . The working environment was also realized to harm the morale of the employees. Due to the significant lack of workers' morale in the business, there is a need to find ways to restore the lost morale among the workers. The training program will be based on the following objectives; 

Ensuring that the organization improves on the working environment of its employees by providing the necessary working gears, ensuring the employees working areas are conducive and registering their workers for health insurance policies 

Ensuring that employees are remunerated well to motivate staff to find creative and innovative ways that can be applied in the organization to ensure they achieve their vision, mission, objective and goals desired in their industry ( Mira & Odeh, 5, p. 387). 

Ensuring that there is an existence of flowing communication between the employers and their employees. This will reduce the challenges that had been caused by issues associated with poor communication 

Imparting human resource management with knowledge regarding various effective methods that can be sued in motivating the workforce 

Reducing the cases of employee turnover that had resulted from low morale among the workers caused by undesirable remuneration and poor communication between employees and the organization ( Lin & Yang, 4, p. 12)

Offering on the best techniques that both employee and the employers can use in solving issues related to the working environment, poor communication and lack of morale 

Developing ways that can enable the organization and the employees to work as a team ranging from decision-making to execution of the various task 

Offering awareness to the human resource department regarding the desired remuneration package for different employment levels as provided by the labor laws reduces issues related to poor remuneration ( Gorondutse et al., 3, p 217)

Training Cost for the Program 

The training program proposed will be made up of various activities, time allocated, and the cost incurred. 

Training programs activities Time allocated Cost 
Training objective definition One day  
Training development program One day  
Printing of training program 20 minutes $105 
Determining on trainers five days  
Trainers remuneration  4000*3=$ 12000 
Training material cost  $450 
Training session one one day $1200 
Training session two One day $1500 
Miscellaneous cost  $1100 

Total cost 


$ 16,355 

Training Methods 

The training sessions will be based on face-to-face communication and e-Learning modules, whereas three trainers will cover the training process. The first two will conduct the program during the first day, whereas the third trainer will offer the training during the second day using whiteboards in training the 20 employees. The whiteboard choice was based on numerous benefits it can offer to both the trainer and trainee. These include elaboration through drawings and notes. The use of face-to-face training is quite beneficial. As outlined by Said et al. , face-to-face training offers a room for networking (2). It allows the participants to exchange conversations concerning various matters being discussed. The trainer and the trainee can discuss issues directly affecting the company and relating to the contemporary business market. The method enables the participants to exchange ideas, which facilitates creative thinking, an essential aspect of business growth. 

Face-to-face training also helps the trainer to capture information by reading the facial expression of the trainees ( Gorondutse et al., 3, p. 222) . Accurate reading and interpretation of the facial expression of the trainers stimulate necessary actions from the trainees. For example, through observation of facial expression, the trainees will be able to understand if the participants have been able to understand what is being taught in training or not. The response will facilitate taking the necessary action relating to training. For example, the trainer can allocate more time to the topic or repeat to ensure the trainees understand. The facial expression can also illustrate that the trainees have understood what is being taught, and thus, it will allow the trainer to proceed with other training matters. 

Nonetheless, the utilization of face-to-face training will be used in the program due to its interactive nature. The method will allow the trainers to seek clarification concerning the topics taught through learning activities such as asking questions and discussions. The training approach offers competitive edge methods like an online tutorial, which does not offer room for interactive section nor the reading of facial expressions of the trainees. Face-to-face communication allows for immediate feedback during the training session ( Lin & Yang, 4, p. 17) . The session will thus offer both the management and the trainers the framework that needs to be developed to ensure future training programs based on the method is effective. The training method also allows the trainees to write notes as the trainer teaches. The notes provide a basis for referral for future purposes. 

The training will also utilize the e-Learning module approach. However, it will only be used for follow-up purposes after the two-day training sessions have elapsed. The trainer will be provided with credentials that will enable them to log into the e-Learning platform that will offer them further reading material relating to the topics they have covered during the face-to-face training. The E-Learning module is flexible, and thus, the trainers can log into it anytime, no matter the place for educational purposes ( Gorondutse et al., 3, p. 215) . The module can also act as a reference point to what was taught during the face-to-face program. Some trainers are fast learners, whereas others might not be able to understand a concept immediately. The e-Learning will offer those who could not grasp the content well with the opportunity to understand and put it into practice. 


The 21 st century is characterized by massive changes in how business activities should be done. The changes are attributed to the constant evolution in technology applicable in business operations and consumer routines. The training programs in organizations needs to be done frequently to ensure that the employees deliver their services within the needs of the prevailing business environmental factors. Training requires proper evaluation of the needs of the organization, workforce, and job assessment. Through the aforesaid, the organization will be able to deal with issues relating to poor remuneration, undesirable work condition, and poor communication and relationship existing between employers and employees. Those mentioned above can only be achieved through the conducting of training needs analysis (TNA). The approach that can be used in training the workers about the needs is the face-to-face method due to its competitive edge. Training objectives should consider the factors that were established through conducting business analysis. The trainers should consider factors such as how to ensure employees' working environment is desirable, their relationship with the employees is conducive, ways of reducing employee turnover is achieved and emphasizing on the use of the standard remuneration according to the provision of the law. In business, the most critical assets are the personnel, and thus, molding them in the right way will directly enhance the business's desired success. Therefore, in designing the objectives, the trainers will focus on the crucial factors for achieving organizational achievement. 

The cost of the training program is also necessary. The cost evaluation helps prepare the program by allocating expenditure and time for the various items required for the training process ( Said et al., 2, p. 8) . The designing of the training program also requires planning on the methods that are effective in content delivery. Training entails investing in employees, and thus, it is costly. Therefore, its profitability can only be achieved through the utilization of effective training methods. Choosing face-to-face training and e-Learning module are effective methods in a training program. Face-to-face offers interactive sessions, whereas e-Learning provides room for further learning and reference for face-to-face training. 

Sources list 

Neumaier, F., Paterno, M., Alpdogan, S., Tevoufouet, E.E., Schneider, T., Hescheler, J. and Albanna, W., 2017. Surgical approaches in psychiatry: a survey of the world literature on psychosurgery. p.603-634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2016.10.008 

Said, M., Shafini, N., Jahya, N.S., Mazlan, N.A., Ali, O., Rapidah, S., Yusof, M. and Sakina, H., 2016. Workplace training: reinforcing effective job performance/Nur Shafini Mohd Said…[et al.]. p.1-15. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/83286967.pdf 

Gorondutse, A.H., Abdullah, S.S., Al Sherry, W.R. and Rogo, H.B., 2018. Influence of leadership style, training, role of ambiguity on employee performance of higher education of Saudi Arabia (KSA). p.213-224.   https://doi.org/10.24052/jbrmr/v13is01/art-21 


Mira, M. and Odeh, K., 2019. The mediating role of authentic leadership between the relationship of employee training and employee performance.  Management Science Letters 9 (3), pp.381-388. https://doi.org/10.5267/j.msl.2018.12.011 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Designing Employee Training Program.


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