3 Oct 2022


DHCP Proxy and Bridging Issues

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Academic level: College

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Words: 294

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Many have wondered how the controller DHCP resolves DHCP proxy and DHCP bridging issues. Those mentioned above are two modes of operations that are supported by WLC ( Cisco.com, 2016) . Although the two perform important functions, there are interlaced issues. It is essential to note that not all environments support the DHCP proxy. The controller relays and modifies DCHP transactions in order to offer helper function and resolve various security concerns. One of the problems is the IP address conflict ( Choudhury, Majumder & De, 2015) . This is where the computer is given a static IP address, and the same IP address is offered to another computer in the network by the local DHCP server. Therefore, any fault within the DHCP server configuration can result in a single IP address being assigned to multiple computers leading to IP address conflict issues. Interoperability issues crop when a controller with DHCP is used together with devices that have a DHCP server and firewall. This causes unresponsiveness to proxy requests, and the only solution to this problem is disabling DHCP proxy. 

The DHCP bridging mode ensures that the role of the controller in the DHCP transaction is transparent to the client ( Cisco.com, 2016) . Otherwise, security issues can arise. A good example is a failure to obtain the DHCP address ( Lee, 2017) . If the client’s network is not well configured, this can result in network problems when obtaining the DHCP address. This means that the client network will not receive the DHCP address. On the contrary, the client receives an Automatic Private IP address or a self-assigned address. The other concern is that the IP address can be obtained from an incorrect scope. This occurs if the client is linked to the wrong network. Therefore, the client may fail to obtain the IP address from an incorrect scope resulting in communication problems. 

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Choudhury, P., Majumder, K., & De, D. (2015). Secure and Dynamic IP Address Configuration Scheme in MANET. In  Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices  (pp. 17-23). Springer, New Delhi. 

Cisco.com (2016). DHCP with the WLC. Retrieved 25 November 2019, from https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/wireless/4400-series-wireless-lan-controllers/110865-dhcp-wlc.html 

Lee, A. (2017).  U.S. Patent No. 9,621,413 . Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). DHCP Proxy and Bridging Issues.


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