14 Jun 2022


Diagnostic Testing in Microbiology

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 312

Pages: 1

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Microbiology is the scientific study of microscopic organisms such as fungi, archaea, protozoa, viruses and bacteria. In microbiology it is important to have different varieties of testing since there are numerous pathogens in living organism. It helps in error correction and detection which act as basic components for quality microbiology testing procedures. Even as various microbes seem harmless to human beings, some affect the overall the surrounding features in different ways. They therefore spoil food, can cause certain diseases, and introduce toxins that can be transferred to the hosts. Through microbiological testing procedures, it makes it easier to identify the available contaminants and offer treatment before they lead to greater damages (Begum et al., 2017). In the food industry, microbiological testing is important since it helps in preventing the spoilage of food. It also seeks to maintain the overall food safety for the consumers who feed from time to time (Begum et al., 2017). The process thus requires the key identification of pathogens which pose a great risk towards the human health based on consumption of food product. The Testing also creates room for the investigation of possible food poisoning outbreaks by ascertaining their causes and techniques to prevent any form of recurrence. 

From the chapter an example of a microbiology testing procedure is the Serological testing which entails the test of antibodies which easily detects the presence of antibodies in living organisms. The procedure involves scanning a blood sample to detect any antibody using an antigen of a determined specificity. When a color change or clumping results, it shows a certain reaction between an antigen and antibody exists. The active principle of the testing is that it demonstrates the presence of different antibodies that affect the immune system. They entail the proteins that are used to respond to various body infections within the body. Serological testing is important in microbiology since it is helpful in diagnosing different viral diseases, parasitic and bacterial infections. The diseases diagnosed entail Rocky Mountain spotted fever, polio, influenza, yellow fever, measles and mononucleosis. 

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Begum, S., Yusuf, M. A., & Uddin, B. M. M. (2015). Diagnostic Microbiology: Present Status and Future Prospect.  Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases 2 (2), 42-47. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Diagnostic Testing in Microbiology.


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