19 Jun 2022


Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit Stakeholder’s Analysis

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 542

Pages: 2

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Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit stakeholders are the primary reason why the company has attained tremendous growth and success. The company operates in two points that are manufacturing wines and agency. The company’s stakeholders are including, the board of directors and investors, a highly experienced team of management and employees who ensure that the company’s operation is running smoothly, and customers who are an integral part of the company as they keep the operations going through their purchases. Therefore, this discussion gives an analysis of Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit Stakeholders.  

Investors and Board of Directors 

Lassonde Industries 

Lassonde Industries are one of the key investors in the company. They own nineteen point nine percent shares in the company (Sendzik, 2005).  Therefore, Lassonde has the right of the commercial brokerage on Diamond products. Lassonde can exclusively represent Diamond products with specified retailers, especially in convenience stores and groceries. Additionally, the two companies are in an investor agreement right. Thus, Lassonde has the right to choose two out of the seven board directors of the company.  

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David Beutel 

David is another stakeholder in Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit. He serves as chairman of the board ( Tours & tastings , n.d.). Notably, the vice president of Oak West Corporation Limited owns about nineteen point two percent of shares in Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit Company.  

John De Sousa 

John, the founder of De Sousa wine cellars, is a shareholder and supplier of Diamond. He owns about forty acres of personal vineyards ( Tours & tastings , n.d.). Thus, they supply fruits to the Niagara wineries along with some real estate. His shares are about two point seven nine percent in Diamond wines.  

J. Murray Souter 

Mr. Souter is the chief executive director of the company since it became public in 2013. He is well versed and knowledgeable in the retailing business ( Tours & tastings , n.d.). He owns about zero point six-two percent shared in Diamond wines.  

Management and Employees 

Paul Dowdall  

Paul is a seasoned executive who works at Diamond Wines company. Paul is highly skilled in beverages, having worked in the beverage industry (Kovacs, 2020). Thus, he provides his professional and expertise in running the company. 

Tom Green 

Tom works at the winery and winemaking department of the company. He has a degree in Viticulture and has served the company since 2003 ( Kovacs, 2020). Thus, Tom oversees the operation in the winery and winemaking while giving feedback to the president.  

Scott McGregor and Jessica Wallace 

Scott is a winemaker in Diamond wines and Spirit wines. He has undergone training in Niagara college and has twenty years of experience in different wineries in Ontario. He works together with his assistant Jessica Wallace (Kovacs, 2020). Jessica hails from the Niagara region by origin. Fundamentally, she has a certificate in Viticulture and cool climate enology from Block university. 

Other Employees 

Diamond Estate Wines and spirits have employed an estimate of one hundred employees. The employees are divide into different departments. Half the number of the employees deal with selling and marketing of the company’s products (Kovacs, 2020). A quarter deal with manufacturing and the other quarter operate in the administration section of the business.  


Some of the top customers of the company include: 

Beijing Ice-wine Green Food trade company 

Du-Hope International Group 

Pin Feng Wine Company 

Heui Kuang Company Ltd 

Conclusively, the Stakeholders of Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit company include the board of directors, investors, management, employees, and the customers. The stakeholder plays a vital role in the success of the company. They ensure that the company has the finances they need and ascertain that the company’s operations run smoothly. Additionally, through the customer purchases, then the company attains the revenue they require.  


Kovacs, J. (2020). Principle of management.  Diamond Estate wines & Spirit, INC.: Growth Challenges in Fragmented Industry

Sendzik, W. (2005).  Insider Guide to the Niagara Wine Region . CanWest Books. 

Tours & tastings . (n.d.). Lakeview Wine Co. | Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.  https://www.lakeviewwineco.com/site/niagara-winery-wine-tours-tastings 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Diamond Estate Wines & Spirit Stakeholder’s Analysis.


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