9 Jun 2022


Dietary Behaviors among the Youth

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 543

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Poobalan, A., Aucott, S., Clarke, L. & Smith, W. (2014) Diet behaviour among young people in transition to adulthood (18–25 year olds): a mixed method study,  Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine , 2:1, 909-928, DOI:  10.1080/21642850.2014.931232 

The article focuses on evaluating the eating habits of young adults aged between 18-25 years. The authors claim that there are increased levels of obesity in this age group, but the main contributor of obesity is not well-understood. Thus, the purpose of the research is to study the influential factors such as attitudes, motivators and barriers are studied to establish the common contributor of obesity among young adults. The information in this article is relevant to the research topic as it explores the diet behavior among 18-25 year olds – by examining the various factors that influence diet behaviors. 

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Pelletier, J. E., Graham, D. J., & Laska, M. N. (2014). Social norms and dietary behaviors among young adults.  American journal of health behavior 38 (1), 144–152. doi:10.5993/AJHB.38.1.15 

The authors aim at examining the relationship between young adults’ dietary behaviors and their attitudes towards healthy eating habits. From the study, the researchers claim that healthy eating habits among young adults are formed; thus the perceived social norms have an impact of their dietary behaviors. The results from the study support this claim as they affirm that young adults’ dietary behaviors are a representation of what they perceive to be normative behavior within their surroundings. The research conducted in this article is relevant to the research topic as it provides substantial information on how social norms influence the dietary behaviors among young adults. 

Sleddens, E. F., Kroeze, W., Kohl, L. F., Bolten, L. M., Velema, E., Kaspers, P. J. & Kremers, S. P. (2015). Determinants of dietary behavior among youth: an umbrella review.  The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 12 , 7. doi:10.1186/s12966-015-0164-x 

The authors in this article argue that dietary behaviors transition from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, an individual who has unhealthy eating habits during their childhood will likely be affected in their adult life. The authors for this article conduct a systematic literature review to understand the dietary behaviors among the youth. The information and data from this research article is relevant to the study as it establishes how nutrition behavior is influenced by social and cognitive factors. 

Lowry, R., Michael, S., Demissie, Z., Kann, L. & Galuska, D. (2015). Associations of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors with Dietary Behaviors among US High School Students. Journal of Obesity , Article ID 876524.  https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/876524

This article examines how physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviors, and dietary behaviors are contributing factors to overweight and obesity among the youth. Thus, the purpose of the research conducted in this paper explores the association between dietary behaviors among the youth in America. The results from the study concluded that physical activity, sedentary behaviors and dietary behaviors are influential factors that should be considered when developing health promotion and obesity prevention campaigns among the youth. Thus, this articles is relevant to the research article as it analyzes dietary behaviors among the youth and how these behaviors are influencing their health outcomes. 

Assari, S., & Caldwell, C. H. (2017). Low Family Support and Risk of Obesity among Black Youth: Role of Gender and Ethnicity.  Children (Basel, Switzerland) 4 (5), 36. doi:10.3390/children4050036 

The research in this article examines how the socio-economic and cultural backgrounds affect the dietary behaviors of youths. The study conducted showed that family influences the risk of obesity in children due to the feeding habits. Thus, this article is relevant to the research as it establishes how the dietary behaviors among the youth are influenced by their upbringing. 


Assari, S., & Caldwell, C. H. (2017). Low Family Support and Risk of Obesity among Black Youth: Role of Gender and Ethnicity.  Children (Basel, Switzerland) 4 (5), 36. doi:10.3390/children4050036 

Lowry, R., Michael, S., Demissie, Z., Kann, L. & Galuska, D. (2015). Associations of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors with Dietary Behaviors among US High School Students. Journal of Obesity , Article ID 876524.  https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/876524 . 

Pelletier, J. E., Graham, D. J., & Laska, M. N. (2014). Social norms and dietary behaviors among young adults.  American journal of health behavior 38 (1), 144–152. doi:10.5993/AJHB.38.1.15 

Poobalan, A., Aucott, S., Clarke, L. & Smith, W. (2014) Diet behaviour among young people in transition to adulthood (18–25 year olds): a mixed method study,  Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine , 2:1, 909-928, DOI:  10.1080/21642850.2014.931232 

Sleddens, E. F., Kroeze, W., Kohl, L. F., Bolten, L. M., Velema, E., Kaspers, P. J. & Kremers, S. P. (2015). Determinants of dietary behavior among youth: an umbrella review.  The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 12 , 7. doi:10.1186/s12966-015-0164-x 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Dietary Behaviors among the Youth.


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