1 Nov 2022


Differences between Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 312

Pages: 1

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In collaboration with the federal government, the private sector designed Medicare Advantage to provide individuals with several options. There are some differences between Medicare Advantage and Original Medicare. First, Medicare covers hospital and medical costs only, whereas Medicare advantage covers many plans like dental, hearing, prescription drugs, and vision; besides, Medicare Advantage covers hospital and medical costs. Second, Medicare Advantage may cover emergencies when one is out of the country; however, Medicare does not cover health care when one is out of the country. Third, Medicare allows one to visit any healthcare facility or doctor who accepts Medicare, while Medicare Advantage operates under fixed networks of hospitals and doctors (Bunis, 2020). The plans have conditions governing covers outside the designated network. Besides, one will incur extra costs for any care obtained outside the allocated network. The government regulates Medicare Advantage, and the private insurance organizations sell them while the federal government directly offers the Original Medicare.

Choosing between Medicare and Medicare Advantage 

Health insurance organizations struggle with changing government policies leading to uncertainty. However, Medicare Advantage remains is the most effective as it remains stable with the shifting policies. Therefore, stable plans help the vulnerable take care of their health conditions effectively. In 2018, the private sector issued additional Medicare Advantage covers across the country leading to availability and ease of use (Graham, 2019). The evolving strategies in the Medicare Advantage allow it to cope with the current healthcare system. However, when choosing an insurer, the customer must have enough information and consult several doctors. Medicare Advantage might have constructive limiting factors that are effective in healthcare.

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PPOs and Original Medicare 

Medicare PPO is offered by private insurers and forms part C of the Medicare Advantage. Original Medicare allows the customer to see any facility or doctor in the country who accepts Medicare, while PPO allows the user to visit any facility but pays extra when seeing facilities outside the network provided. Dental services, hearing, and vision are not covered in Original Medicare, while PPO may include additional services in the cover; however, additional covers might increase the premium.


Bunis, D. (2020, October 1). The Big Choice: Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage . AARP. https://www.aarp.org/health/medicare-insurance/info-2020/original-medicare-vs-advantage.html 

Graham, J. (2019, October 19). Medicare Vs. Medicare Advantage: How To Choose . Kaiser Health News. https://khn.org/news/medicare-vs-medicare-advantage-how-to-choose/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Differences between Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans.


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