3 Oct 2022


Digital Organizations and Electronic Commerce (EC)

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Explain in detail the basic infrastructure for digital organizations and electronic commerce (EC). 

The digital organizations and electronic commerce (EC) essential infrastructure is majorly computer-based. Along these lines, similar to the majority of the computer systems, e-commerce infrastructure comprises of both hardware and software components in it ( Fosić, Trusić, & Šebalj, 2017) . As a result, for the incorporation and synchronization of different and distribution of business units collection which are independent each having the potential of functioning, networking and computing differently in the same environments, thus it demands an open systems adherence platform which reinforces each standard protocols for exchange of information. In this case, the internet offers a perfect platform to meet this prerequisite , as it can hold up a variety of data types for information transfer distribution. 

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The internet server hardware platforms are considered as one of the main E-commerce infrastructure components in which the entire E-commerce program performance depends. In the selection of internet server hardware, the software that will operate on the E-commerce transaction servers to be managed has to be taken into account ( Turban et al., 2015) . The storage capacity size and the computational power that is needed rely on the E-commerce transaction volume to be managed . In the event which the accurate requirement is unknown beforehand, then the configuration of the hardware must be greatly scalable for future upgrades to meet the hardware requirements. 

Hardware Components 

  It includes the physical composition of the e-commerce infrastructure that facilitates user interactivity with the computer system ( Fosić, Trusić, & Šebalj, 2017) . Hardware components comprise of firewalls, load balancing systems, proxy servers, Servers, encryption devices, interactive voice response units 

Firewall: it is security devices that control user’s interaction with e-commerce infrastructure; 

Proxy Servers  - This is a server that acts as an intermediary between the outside world and the resources of the e-commerce infrastructure; 

Servers  –are physical computers that manage the e-commerce infrastructure the processing requirements; 

Load balancing system - This is a device that even split the work performance awaiting to be completed so that it may be shared out amongst the e-commerce infrastructure ; 

Encryption Device - it is a device that aids the translation of data into a non-human readable computerized language to shield it from data interference; 

Interactive Voice Response Units  – It is a computer-generated voice heard at the time one uses voicemail, or after calling an automated company support center ( Fosić, Trusić, & Šebalj, 2017)

Software Components 

The major functionality of the software is applied in the implementation of E-commerce activities and operations. E-commerce Software is classified into two types Web server and E-commerce softwares 

Web server software : The software infrastructure requires Web server software as well as Web server operating system software. The additional functionality features of the e-commerce software include security, web pages launching, and identification and web pages retrieval. 

Web server software creates a Web log file that identifies things, for instance, the users URL, the search duration and the web search engine and the key terms used in the search. 

E-commerce softwares: With the constant development of E-commerce, various applications have surfaced, and the evolution is still underway, such as, the electronic shopping cart which can locate the selected items for purchase and their prices.Standard E-commerce software is required to endorse the following processes: 

Catalog management:   It has to command the tailored contents to the screen or the Graphical User Interface GUI in which the customer utilizes. The software utilized in catalog management blend in various product data configuration into standard formats for display, summation, and interaction of catalog data into centralized storage. Product configuration: The Web-based product design software let the users build the product to suit their specific need exclusive of the salesperson’s intervention. 

As in the instance of Dell Computers and CISCO systems, there is user designed software configured for sale build-to-order as well as network routes to their customer-tailored on the Internet. 

Shopping cart : A standard application of shopping cart in E-commerce sites is to track the items that are chosen for purchase; the shopping cart is personalized for buyers to look up for all the selected items for purchase. The buyers are enabled to add new items or remove the earlier picked products from the cart. 

Transaction processing : the processing of E-commerce transaction is utilized to manage the received data received from the shopping cart and in the calculation of the aggregate purchase cost. 

Web traffic data analysis: The traffic data is the need for the analysis of all the data obtained in the Web log file. The examination of data traffic is vital for the improvement of Website performance. 

The e-commerce software consists of Application Programming Interfaces- APIs, text analytics, Web Analytics, Middlewares, Content Management Systems, and Database Servers . 

Content Management Systems  – CMS controls the accessibility of the user to the content (user accessible information) which is used as storage software of the e-commerce infrastructure. 

Application Programming Interfaces (API)  – it present point of access in which the software developers use to integrate the resources of the e-commerce infrastructure in specific offerings. 

Text Analytics  – It software provides various text-based abilities like the spell checker, and voice-speech or speech-voice adaptation. 

Web Analytics  – They consist of software devices that offer a variety of web data (for instance multiple users or their Internet Protocol addresses) on the e-commerce infrastructure. 

Middleware  - They are software tools that act as a connection between different fragments of e-commerce infrastructure, and are on average utilized in place the separate systems have to work in execution. 

Database Servers  - They servers manage stored information, for example, customer financial records, in the e-commerce infrastructure. 

Explain in detail how ethical issues create pressures or constraints on organizational operations and the use of IT. 

In so far as Information Technology (IT) is very crucial, it is experiencing some critical ethical dilemma. Thus it is up to the IT professional and end-users of IT ready themselves for such crises. In the fast-moving information technologies environment, IT professionals and consumers are not adept enough to counter these challenges. In this digital era, IT is facing pressure and constraints caused by the ethical dilemmas which include privacy, security, copyright concerns, and increased cyber offenses. Criminals are as per now actively utilizing various loopholes  in technology . 

Given that IT to the highest degree support speed, flow and information access, cyber crimes have become a continually growing profession. Several businesses and individuals suffer the potential risk of befalling cyber victims, since most, if not every single business have centered their activities on digital networks . Also, there are possibilities of swindlers who may be untrustworthy or bitter workers that may  utilize IT    to accomplish the individual end which can harm the organization. Information Technology is not bad in itself, but the approach of humans using various IT tools provided give rise to some critical challenges 

Security:  With tools such as the internet, it has made intrusion easier to gain entry to any computer or system provided that there is an internet connection. Cyber criminal can effortlessly utilize the IP (Internet Protocol) address to get into a user’s computer and gather information data for self-centered purposes. Also, the widespread of internet cookies which collect information whenever we use the internet has exposed IT users to high risks of fraud and conflicting interests. Countless big business utilizes the cookies to establish what products or services can be advertised to the consumers. Also with online banking, the hackers can find grounds for money transfer and can tamper with the account financial statement and details affecting both the bank and the clients using online banking tools. 

Privacy Issues:  in as much as IT has made it possible for sharing and obtaining pertinent information online ; it has, on the contrary, invaded individuals’ freedom of privacy. They are numerous ways in which privacy can be invaded : using internet webcams in offices remember some of these connections are not secured such skilled computer users can use any webcam of whichever computer online to access a person’s private life, as online stalkers ( Sharma & Singh, 2018) .  The social networks can also bring about the privacy breach. The key concepts of these networks find a connection with new as well as old friends then discloses your life to them . However , the loophole in the system exposes users to ill-intentioned people to amplify the risk of privacy breach. With the availability of these data it also makes it easy for companies to spy on their employees via social networks. 

Copyright Infringement:  Overall, IT has enabled ease for users to retrieve any data or piece of work at any particular time ( Sharma & Singh, 2018) . T he increasing development of music sharing set-up and photo bookmarking spot is making both the music industry as well as original content creators lose credibility of their works since IT users can easily gain infiltrate and distribute that data to friends without paying for them ( Saura, Palos-Sanchez, & Correia, 2019)

Increased pressure on IT specialist.   Given that IT systems have to function at all times, there is pressure mounted on Information Technology specialist to guarantee the accurateness and the system accessibility. Various large-sized businesses require to work on a 24 hours basis which necessitates for the support IT team to fix any emerging problem that may come up at some point during operation. These pressures lead to strain and work overload which at times leads to imperfections. 

Digital divide : Information Technologies have brought countless opportunities for it has transformed various industries in first world nations; though, in the developing nations they encounter struggle enjoying the equivalent Information technology benefits ( Sharma & Singh, 2018) .   

3. Explain in detail major managerial activities that are supported or enabled by IT. 

The managerial business functionality that is supported by the information technology is Marketing and sales; Production; Accounting and finance and Human resources. Different type of specialized systems depicts several of the management information systems which are used in the managerial activities enabled by Information Technology function . These major type of system includes; 

Executive information system (EIS) - the EIS is often used by the senior management in formulating new decisions which can cause a particular effect to the organization. The executives use a high level of data to enable their abilities to drill the required high-level data; 

Marketing information system (MkIS) - the MkIS is a report based system that depicts the effectiveness in part, and the future; hence they use it as their future as a lesson learned ( Saura, Palos-Sanchez, & Correia, 2019)

Business Intelligence System (BIS) - with the company has collected, analyzed and integrated all the data obtained, they would easily use the BIS in determining their decisions in business and operations. Also, the system helps them with similar tasks from the EIS but on lower managerial and executive positions; 

The Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) - it is a kind of a system that essentially stores vital information consisting of sales, contact information, and information about the customers and their opportunities in sales. Other sectors like business development teams, customer service, and marketing use the CRM system; 

Sales Force Automation System (SFA) - It is regarded as a vital part of the CRM system which helps in automating tasks that include the sales team performance. It also consists of the order of management, generation, and tracking of led and the management contract ; 

The transaction processing system (TPS) – it is a component of the MIS which consists of features like management and sales relations which could help the POS point of Sales in making the traveler in search of their desired hotel and room options which have their specifics like beds and swimming pool, and it books for them. Based on these data obtained from customers, a report could be generated for future analysis; 

Knowledge Management System (KMS) –when handling questions and troubleshoot, customer care could use the KM system in offering their services; 

Financial Resource System (FAS) –when dealing with financial and accounting, MIS is considered to be specific to this situation. Therefore , it accounts for the AP and the AR; 

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) - it helps in tracking the financial records and the payroll data of their employees; 

Supply Chain Management System (SCM) – it helps several organizations in the tracking of their flow of resources, services, and material until a final purchase of the product is initiated ( Saura, Palos-Sanchez, & Correia, 2019) .    

4 . Explain in detail concepts behind Web-based systems and information infrastructure including details of the major components of the infrastructure. 

A well-built information system lies on a sound groundwork that reinforces reactive change and, therefore, this affects the business’s flexibility- for starting businesses or managerial initiatives development ( Saura, Palos-Sanchez, & Correia, 2019) . T he information system infrastructure foundation comprises software, hardware, essential telecommunication networks, databases and data warehouses, and processes handled by different experts. With globalization, the business’s infrastructure regularly goes across numerous countries borders. Creation and maintenance of such a multifaceted infrastructure necessitate massive planning and consistency in implementation in the management of the strategic business plan, changes, mergers, as well as acquisitions. Information technology infrastructure must be determined to create a significant selection for the impending prospect for corporate growth. When organized into a logical whole, the specific information systems that back up operations, managing, and information performance represent the structure organization architecture. Unquestionably , the organizations’ long-term universal planned strategy have to regard the web-based system in the blueprint of the business information system infrastructure and architecture. 

Infrastructure Components 

IT infrastructure key components are: 

Computer hardware platforms  include client plus server machines, as well as modern mainframes produced by Information technology infrastructure company.  

Operating system platforms  consist of client computers platforms controlled by a Windows operating system as well as servers, controlled by the different UNIX  operating system types or Linux and o perating systems  software to manage the storage and computer actions which operate as the user's interface. 

Enterprise and other software applications  take account of SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft, and  middleware  softwares which are utilized to set up a connection with the business's current application programs. 

Data management and storage   is managed by database administration software and storage tools including conventional storage modes, for instance, disc array along with tape library, and newer network-based storage techniques such as  storage area networks (SANs) . SANs have multiple connection storage devices on dedicated high-end speed networks. 

Networking and telecommunications platforms  comprise Windows Server Operating systems, Novell, Linux, and UNIX. Almost all LAN plus various wide Area Networks (WANs) that utilize the TCP/IP networking standards. 

Internet platforms  They extend beyond and must associate with, the businesses’ common networking infrastructures plus both the hardware and software programs. Web-based infrastructure encompasses the hardware, software, and services to support business internets sites, intranets, and extranets, including internet hosting services as well as software program development tools. Hosting services maintain a huge internet server, or server’s chains, and provides fee-paying subscriptions with room for Web sites maintenance. 

Consulting and system integration services   are relied on for integration of the business Legacy systems  with new technology plus infrastructure to provide proficiency in the implementation of new infrastructure with related transformation in organization procedures, training, plus software incorporation ( Saura, Palos-Sanchez, & Correia, 2019) . Legacy systems integrate older transaction processing setup built for mainframe computers that continue to be used to prevent the higher replacement cost or overall redesigning. 


Fosić, I., Trusić, A., & Šebalj, D. (2017). Digital organizational strategy: Ticket for competitiveness on the international market.  Strategic Management 22 (3), 3-10. 

Saura, J. R., Palos-Sanchez, P. R., & Correia, M. B. (2019). Digital Marketing Strategies Based on the E-Business Model: Literature Review and Future Directions. In  Organizational Transformation and Managing Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution  (pp. 86-103). IGI Global. 

Sharma, R., & Singh, P. (2018). Security Threats in e-Commerce. In  Handbook of e-Business Security  (pp. 1-30). Auerbach Publications. 

Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. C. (2015).  Electronic commerce: A managerial and social networks perspective . Springer. 

Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. C. (2015). Implementing EC Systems: From Justification to Successful Performance. In  Electronic Commerce  (pp. 645-687). Springer, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Digital Organizations and Electronic Commerce (EC).


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