14 Jun 2022


Discuss the body's normal bacteria flora and the recent focus on probiotics. Do probiotics help?

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Academic level: College

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The internal tissues such as the brain and muscles of a healthy human being have little or no microorganisms within them. The tissues that contain microorganisms include the skin surfaces which are always in contact with the outside environment around the body. The mucous membrane is also a tissue that contains microorganisms within the human body. The normal flora consists of eukaryotic fungi which are made up of yeasts and moulds. It also has protists within its composition, and it is the substance that influences how healthy a human being will be. The essay below focuses on the importance of normal bacteria flora in the human anatomy and the recent focus on probiotics and how they have influenced the anatomy of the human body. 

Firstly, the normal flora is important since it assists the body in fighting bacterial infections and microbes. It assists the innate immunity to fight bacteria since it recognizes the antigen of the cell that expresses it. This shows that normal flora plays a vital role in recognition of bacteria and the fighting of bacteria within the human tissues. If the correct balance of the normal bacteria flora is maintained within the appropriate levels, it could be useful in the prevention of diseases, and it could also lead to the cure of some diseases. The various types of normal bacteria flora include streptococci which are located primarily in the mouth and fights bacteria within the mouth and the nail flora which fights the bacteria which are found under the nails. 

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The recent focus on probiotics has been on their ability to fight excess bacteria within the tissue membranes. An example of a probiotic that helps fight excessive bacteria is the Lactobacillus bulgaricus which can be traced in yoghurt (Marcason, 2013) . Probiotics, besides being traced in fermented milk, have also been traced to some vegetables and they assist in curbing illnesses that affect the gastrointestinal tract of the human body. The recent study of probiotics is termed as pharmabiotics, and it involves understanding the role of probiotics in the human system and how each strain is important in prevention of diseases in a human organism. Probiotics do help in human organisms. They help in enhancing vaginal health and bowel infections. They do this by boosting the immunity of an organism since most of the human immune system is located in the gut. Probiotics have been found to increase the human immunity since they fight the bacterial along the human immune system by strengthening cytokines during the first stages of an infection. They are also helpful in reducing the inflammatory cytokines that contribute to cardiovascular risks. When induced into the human body, they have been found to strengthen the human immune system, especially among infants and old people. There are also some strains of probiotics that have been found to be good for vaginal health since the vagina is an acidic area that may breed a lot of bacteria. Probiotics are helpful in fighting such bacteria which may also be increased by antibiotics consumed in the efforts to cure vaginal infections. Some of the yeast found in the probiotics such as the Saccharomyces boulardii has been proven to be able to fight various digestive problems. It is found in medicine that is used to handle acute diarrhoea and even diarrhoea that is associated with the HIV/AIDS virus, and this is due to its antitoxin effect. 

On account of the above illustrations, it would suffice to conclude that the body’s normal bacteria flora is the first line of defence for the human immune system due to its ability to fight bacterial infections as soon as it recognizes them. Probiotics, too, have also proven to be an important element that is helpful in handling bacteria and bacterial infections within the gastrointestinal tract since they reduce the inflammation of such areas that may allow the bacteria to thrive. 


Cold, F., Health, E., Disease, H., Management, P., Conditions, S., & Problems, S. et al. (2018). What Are Probiotics? . WebMD . Retrieved 3 April 2018, from https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/what-are-probiotics 

Marcason, W. (2013). Probiotics: Where Do We Stand?. Journal Of The Academy Of Nutrition And Dietetics , 113 (10), 1424. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2013.08.010 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Discuss the body's normal bacteria flora and the recent focus on probiotics. Do probiotics help?.


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