15 Sep 2022


Discussing Various Topics Using Arguments and Premises

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M3 Discussion 

Topic 2: Taxes for the Top 1% 

Issue: Is it fair to increase the federal income tax for the wealthiest 1%? 

My belief is: It is fair to raise the income tax for the few rich people. 

To support my belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Taxing the rich makes economic sense in that the revenue will be used in programs that directly benefit the poor such as affordable healthcare. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

The money that will be raised will be injected into the economy, thus stimulating its growth. 

Raising the tax for the few wealthy people would increase revenue without having a notable impact on their economic role. 

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Stimulating the growth of the economy would subsequently compensate for ever-increasing budgets gaps ( Hanauer, 2018 ). 

To support my belief I present a second argument with the conclusion: The financial base of the rich is more stable which cannot be weakened by expanding their tax bracket, and for the government to realize holistic wellness of the society it cannot think of overburdening the majority who are low-income earners but individuals who are extremely rich. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

In this country, riches are more concentrated at the top and hence increasing tax for this group of citizens can inject the much needed economic balance. 

Relying on the current meager tax collections will only contribute to the deficit 

Increasing income tax for the 1% wealthy citizens will establish the foundation for rehabilitating the retrogressive nature of the whole federal tax system through removing the apparent bias in the system ( Hanauer, 2018 ). 

Topic 3: Obsession with Celebrity 

Issue: Is the American public too obsessed with celebrity today? 

My belief is: Yes, people are obsessed with celebrity. 

To support my belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: The high-end life of celebrities inspires most people who in turn tend to ape them. 

To support my conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Celebrities make their fans feel better since they create an environment that spurs confidence in their followers. 

Celebrity life is perceived to be associated with a lot of money, which makes their followers envy them. 

A considerable part of the American culture is built around celebrities; therefore, it difficult to disassociate the citizenry from such an essential component of the society ( Yoon, 2017 ). 

To support my belief, I present a second argument with the conclusion: The obsession of Americans with celebrities stems from the urgent and persistent desire to have a distraction from the harshness of modern life. 

To support my conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Keeping up with the lives of celebrities allows followers to marvel at fame, consequently providing them with false hopes through a captive audience. 

The fantasy of fame magnified by the need to delude one’s self into searching for a celebrity kind of life. 

People tend to think that celebrity life is a less strenuous avenue to riches through socially ill ventures rather than investing time in beneficial endeavors ( Yoon, 2017)

M4 Discussion 

Topic 1: Children Today 

Issue: Do children today show less respect for their elders and to authority figures than they used to show? 

My belief is: Yes, today's children have little respect for their elders and figures in authority. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Modern day parent is time constricted as the juggle between income-generating activities and career growth such that they are not present in their children’s lives. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Parents' absenteeism leaves young citizens with nobody to correct them and instill proper discipline. 

Lack of authority on the side of the parents gives the kids a sense of entitlement such that receiving a spank accompanied by scolding remark is perceived as abuse. 

Today's society is hinged on give-take relationships, which makes children fight for an equal share of respect from the elders. 

The push for liberalism has created a negative trend where children cannot just take instructions from anybody and refusing to heed to directives from an elder or a person on authority is being disrespectful ( Petersen, 2019 ). 

Topic 3: Democracy in Afghanistan 

Issue: Will democracy ever come to Afghanistan in any meaningful sense of the term? 

My belief is: Gradually, the Afghan people will enjoy full democracy someday. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Over the last decade, Afghanistan has made remarkable strides towards reconstructing its institutions of governance and other political systems. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

The country rallied behind global powers in fighting and defeating the Taliban led regime at the turn of the 21 st century. 

Steadily, the country has adopted a revitalized and constructive political structure guided by a constitution and defined by a functional presidential system of government. 

The country’s current form of governance is all inclusive with women and other marginalized groups playing a significant role in the political arena. 

The prevalent level of political stability is a clear indicator of the democratic aspirations of the Afghan people who look forward to having a united and liberal nation ( Partaw, 2017 ). 

M5. Discussion 

Topic 2: Taxes and the Arts 

Issue: Should taxpayer money be used to support the arts? 

My belief is: The government should undoubtedly use taxpayers' money to support the art sector. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Arts are integral aspects of human culture, which require to be perpetuated for the wellbeing of today and future generations. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Arts are crucial economic drivers because they create jobs and lay the foundations for revenue generation. A talented artist is equally important as a refined scientist. 

Arts are vital educational assets whereby they are fundamentally used to foster young imaginations hence providing critical thinking, communication, and creative skills to the young generation. 

With well-maintained and dynamic art industry, it will be possible to perpetuate cultural legacies and social values into the future. 

Incorporating the art sector into the government structure gives other departments the impetus to perform better, for example, through community sustainability efforts and economic revitalization initiatives. 

Topic 3: Drug and Sports 

Issue: What should be done to keep drugs out of professional sports? 

My belief is: Solutions exists for combating the drug menace among members of the sporting fraternity. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: For the menace of drugs in the sporting domain to be combated, a collaborative approach between the society and the government is required. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

From the societal perspective, it is the role of parents, especially of high school students to train their young budding athletes to desist from engaging in doping activities. 

Awareness programs can be inculcated into school curriculums with both the teachers and parents heavily involved in their enactment. 

For senior athletes, prevention programs will adequately address this issue through holistic, high-risk behavior screening, and counseling. 

If the government plays the role of anti-doping patron and denies the athletes the incentives associated with doping such as increasing fines and banning the involved personality from participating in sporting events, then it will be possible to curb the trend. 

M6: Discussion 

Topic 1: Beach Days 

Issue: When is the best time to go to the beach? 

My belief is: Sunny afternoons are the best days to go to the beach. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Swimmers go to the beach on weekends. Few swimmers go the beach on weekdays. Therefore, weekends are better beach days compared to weekdays. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Most people are available on weekends, which make beach outings more interesting. 

Most families label weekends as family days hence making it the appropriate time to go to the beach. 

Weekends have a more relaxed mood which augments beach picnics and the associated parties. 

Due to the vast crowds on beaches over the weekends, most merchants give discounts on their merchandise. 

Topic 3: Gay Stereotypes 

Issue: My sister just told me she was gay. Does this mean that she is going to get a lot of tattoos? 

My belief is: Just like other gay people, she will also get many tattoos on her body. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: All gay people I know have many tattoos. My sister is gay. Thus, my sister will get many tattoos on her body. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

As a gay person, she will use tattoos as a way of expressing herself and her sexuality. 

Tattoos will be a form of identification amongst her ilk. 

Tattoos will help her be defiant against societal expectations and standards. 

Gays use tattoos as a process to reclaim their value and for self-invention hence aiding them to keep track of their history and life choices 

M7. Discussion 

Topic 1: Socialism 

Issue: My dad says that he voted for Obama twice. Does mean he has become a socialist? 

My belief is: No, voting for Obama does not make one a socialist. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: If a citizen voted for Obama twice, then they are socialist. Dad is a citizen. Therefore, dad is a socialist 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

The fact that dad voted for Obama the first time implies that from the onset their ideologies aligned with each other. 

The act of contributing to the reelection of Obama proves that dad had high hopes on Obama. 

Dad proudly declares that he voted for Obama twice, which proves that he is accountable for his political ideology and decisions. 

Topic 4:  American Power 

Issue:  How long will America continue to be a superpower? 

My belief is: By late 21 st century USA status as a superpower will have been substantially diminished 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: If China invests in military and technology; it will usurp the US as a superpower. China is current investing both in military and technology. Therefore, the US will not remain a superpower forever. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

China is the most significant challenger to the US for the position of a superpower ( Mead & Kean, 2017 ). 

China is consistently building its military base by building outposts. 

Currently, China is amassing more political power in Africa, Philippine, and Asia by creating formidable economic allies. 

China is a technology powerhouse with a vast resource base of warfare equipment, transport infrastructure, and skilled human resources ( Mead & Kean, 2017 ). 

M8: Discussion 

Topic 3: Punishing Kids with Violence 

Issue: Should it be made illegal for parents to hit their kids? 

My belief is: Yes, it should be made illegal for a parent to punish kids with violence. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Universally, all people are entitled to the right of proper human treatment, and thus children are human too. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Beating children teaches them to be violent too. 

Often, children cannot control their behaviors which a parent perceives to be “bad behaviors. 

Violent retribution distracts a child from developing reasonable and humane conflict resolution strategies. 

Violence punishment on children destroys the bond between a parent and a child, which also spills over to other relationships ( Hunt, 2016 ). 

To support my belief, I present a second argument with the conclusion: An entrenched culture of a parent violently punishing their child interferes with the child’s growth. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

The more a child is exposed to anger and frustrations, she bottles them inside, which later becomes negative aggression. 

Most physically violent parents are a result of undergoing similar instances of abuse, which later graduates to more frequent and dangerous actions against the child. 

Giving physical punishment on child overtime gives them the perception that it is okay to hurt others behavior when left unchecked chokes compassion out of the person even in adulthood ( Hunt, 2016 ). 

Topic 4: Age Restrictions 

Issue: To protect children, should age restrictions be placed on junk foods as it is on tobacco, alcohol, and movies with mature content? 

My belief is: Indeed, children below the age of majority should be protected from consuming junk foods. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Junk food companies send the wrong impression concerning junk food consumption by children. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Since the government is protecting minors against alcohol, cigarettes, and films with mature content, it should also take similar measures against junk food, which are equally harmful. 

Marketers capitalize on children who are tending toward teenage years due to their increasing freedom, dispensable money, and easy to access advertised junk foods. 

Controlling junk food commercials will the prevalence of children who are obese and also adults who might become overweight due to their childhood lifestyles ( Bestman, Thomas, Randle & Thomas, 2015 ). 

To support my belief, I present a second argument with the conclusion: Curbing the trend of misinforming advertisement will encourage healthy eating. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Junk food commercials remain etched in the brain of young people through client socialization. 

Such a regulatory framework will help the government develop other sub-policies aimed at controlling the manufacture and consumption of junk foods. 

Marketers are using famous personalities such as athletes to market their junk foods and other harmful products with a view of achieving normalization ( Bestman et al. 2015 ). 

M9. Discussion 

Topic 1: Exercise 

Issue: Do people need to exercise if they are not overweight? 

My belief is: Yes, every person should cultivate an exercising culture. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Exercise is critical to attaining optimal fitness since weight is not an indicator of health. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Fitness can be described as having good physical health, which is a factor of exercise. 

Without exercise, people with seemingly optimal weight are courting overweightness. 

Without exercise, one is at an elevated risk of falls since their body reflexes are constrained. 

Exercise is vital for mental agility, which is a necessity for any person (“ Mayo Clinic," 2019 ). 

To support my belief, I present a second argument with the conclusion: Besides being recommended for physical wellness, exercise is essential for emotional awareness and control. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following premises: 

Exercise enhances mood 

Exercise enhances energy 

Exercise promotes improved sleep patterns (“ Mayo Clinic," 2019 ). 

M10. Discussion 

Topic 2: Legalizing Marijuana 

Issue: Should marijuana be legalized or at least decriminalized? 

My belief is: Marijuana should not be legalized in the USA. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Any hard drug should not be legalized. Marijuana is a hard drug. Therefore, marijuana should not be legalized 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Use of marijuana negatively impacts the cognitive capacity of a user. 

Marijuana is an exacerbating risk factor for different psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. 

Production of marijuana is subject to contamination due to the lack of oversight authority. 

Legalization will trigger a rush for profit fueled by greed; thus, the already vulnerable consumer base. 

Topic 3: Gay Rights 

Issue: Should gays be allowed all the same rights as heterosexuals? 

My belief is: Homosexuals should be accorded the same rights as heterosexuals. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Human beings should have their rights. Gays are human beings. Therefore, gays should enjoy their rights. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Human rights should not be accorded based on one's sexuality. 

All human beings are equal before God 

Governments should be vessels of fairness. 

Equality in society cannot be achieved when the value of other humans is diminished due to their sexual orientation. 

M11. Discussion 

Topic 1: Global Weather 

Issue: Generally speaking, is the world’s weather changing. 

My belief is: The world weather is generally changing in all parts of the world. 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: The weather in North America is changing. Scientists have also reported weather changes in other continents. Therefore, world weather patterns are changing. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Studies have persistently revealed the current progression of global warming 

Different parts of the world are experiencing unusual weather patterns 

Large forest fires recorded in various countries such as the US and Australia also indicate a sharp change in weather patterns. 

Topic 4: Technology and Daily Life 

Issue: Generally speaking, how has technology changed people’s lives? 

My belief is: Technology has generally improved the quality of life of humans 

To support this belief, I present one argument with the conclusion: Technology is associated with high-end devices such as computers. Computers have changed human lives. So technology has generally altered human lives. 

To support this conclusion, I offer the following pieces of evidence as my premises: 

Digital technology has revolutionized the media industry. 

The internet has made the world a global village. 

The internet of things has allowed syncing all home appliances with Wi-Fi 

Technology is gradually diminishing the value of E-readers 


Bestman, A., Thomas, S. L., Randle, M., & Thomas, S. D. (2015). Children's implicit recall of junk food, alcohol, and gambling sponsorship in Australian sport.  BMC public health 15 (1), 1022. 

Hanauer, N., (2018). Want to Expand the Economy? Tax the Rich!. Retrieved from prospect.org/article/want-expand-economy-tax-rich 

Hunt, J., (2016). Ten Reasons Not to Hit Your Kids - The Natural Child Project. Retrieved from www.naturalchild.org/articles/jan_hunt/tenreasons.html 

Mayo Clinic (2019). Seven great reasons why exercise matters. Retrieved from www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389 

Mead, W., & Kean, S., (2017). The Eight Great Powers of 2017 - by Walter Russell Mead Sean Keeley. Retrieved from www.hudson.org/research/13270-the-eight-great-powers-of-2017 

Partaw, MP, A. (2017). Democratization in Afghanistan: Challenges and Opportunities.  Journal Of Political Sciences & Public Affairs 05 (01), 1-6. doi: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000236 

Petersen, J., (2019). Children Should Show Respect, As Should Parents. Retrieved from www.goodtherapy.org/blog/respect/ 

Yoon, A., (2017). Why Are We So Obsessed With Celebrity Culture?. Retrieved from www.theodysseyonline.com/so-obsessed-with-celebrity-culture 

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