20 May 2022


Think Globally, Act Locally

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 302

Pages: 1

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The grab-and-go eating habits have dominated New York. In Brooklyn, most strategies for reducing the negative impacts on the environment should focus on food-related waste. New Yorkers release over 10000 tones daily, where recycling is done on a small percentage (Gamerman, 2014). To lessen adverse effects on the environment, individuals should implement long-term and short-term mechanisms of eliminating waste from the environment. The community should introduce various garbage collection programs, such as garbage collection day, voluntary cleaning groups, and employing teams for garbage collection with short-term strategies. Also, hotels and other food shops should discourage takeaways from enhancing the proper disposal of leftovers. The community should employ curbside organics collection in Brooklyn and its neighborhoods to avoid tossing food waste in the garbage. Additionally, people should learn to buy less. Regardless of lucrative summer shopping, individuals should buy smaller quantities of fresh foods. Regular restocking prevents the disposal of damaged food materials.

Long-term programs aim at developing a clean environment that will last for future generations. The first mechanism is avoiding the use of plastics and nylon papers. In New York, plastic packaging has been a significant threat for decades (UNEP, 2018). The community should encourage people to use biodegradable packaging materials or reusable packaging containers while buying foodstuffs and water. Individuals should participate in the New York County Zero Waste Pledge, whose mission is “reduce, reuse, and recycle.” The pledge helps the community commit to living in a greener environment through various activities like donating clothes that you no longer wear, recycling old machines, and preparing compost using food scraps. In the long run, Brooklyn will be free from plastic waste. Another mechanism is increasing the number of recycling factories in Brooklyn to recycle metals, plastics, glasses, and cartons. This will discourage people from throwing waste products into landfills and giving them away to factories, probably at a fee. Moreover, the state government of New York should implement rules and policies that restrict the unmanageable use of plastics and disposal of waste materials. 

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Gamerman, T. (2014). 12 things New Yorkers should know about their garbage . Citizens Budget Commission. https://cbcny.org/research/12-things-new-yorkers-should-know-about-their-garbage .

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). (2018). Single-use plastics: A roadmap for sustainability. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/25496/singleUsePlastic_sustainability.pdf?sequence=1isAllowed=y

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Think Globally, Act Locally.


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