15 Jun 2022


Do Women Need to Create Authority?

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Yes, Women need to create or find authority. Women have a similar potential as men but the society holds negative misconceptions. The representation of women in authority is low, and this prompts them to create authority. The community denies women a chance to voice their rights. Communities perceive that role of women is to carry out household chores, submit to their husbands, bear children, and take part in communal activities. Some members of the community perceive that women who aspire to become leaders are rebellious. Women face opposition from the community and men in the process of creating or finding authority. They have to struggle before getting an opportunity to become leaders. Women use different methods to attain the leadership positions in the government or community. Some have to violate the community principles to attain leading positions. For instance, some women access education but it is against their community’s principles. Other women have to disobey the elderly people for them to achieve their goals. 

The autobiography of Cecilia Ferrazzi and Herculine Barbin Memoir portray the struggles that women encounter when creating authority. Eventually, Ferrazzi and Barbin get positions in their communities to advocate for women’s rights. At first, Ferrazzi is determined to get married but rejects the offer after her parents die and dowry money is used to pay for her sister’s convent. She escapes from her uncle’s house to the church where she can be secure from marriage. She becomes a nun after living in the church for five years (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2017). It is evident that Ferrazzi violates her society’s principle to attain her position. Later, the people from her community could not believe she was pure and followed the religious teaching. As a result, the accusations from people denied Ferrazzi the first chance of becoming a nun (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007)

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Barbin enrolls for a teaching course to acquire formal skills. In the 19 th century, women were not given a priority to access education. It is an indication that Barbin violates her community’s rules to achieve her professional dream (Barbin & Foucault, 1980). Later, Barbin struggles to get the true sex but commits suicide after lacking a job opportunity in Paris. Barbin was raised as a female but later changes the identity to a male (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . A woman has to be determined, courageous, and tolerant to acquire a chance of addressing the rights of her colleagues. The women in leadership transform the life of the feminine gender in the community by addressing their needs and advocating for their rights. Women have to display their achievements and potential for them to convince people of their leadership potential. 

This essay will focus on the areas that women can find or create authority. The paper will also outline the methods that women can use to find authority. The second section is a description of the similarities and differences of Cecilia Ferrazzi’s autobiography and Herculine Barbin Memoir. The final section is a summary of all the arguments in this paper and recommendations for further practice. 

Where, Why and How Can Women Find Authority 

To attain a leadership position, one has to make several sacrifices. Women need to find or create authority in areas where they do not have a voice. They have the same capability as men. For instance, women are denied job opportunities in the technical field because people perceive that only men can handle scientific problems or devices (Rhode, 2017). It is possible for women to find authority in the technical field. The aim of creating authority in the technical industry is to empower other women on their potential on technical skills (Rhode, 2017). There are few women in the scientific field and it is important to increase their numbers by empowering them. Women can get leadership positions in the technical field through advancing their studies to acquire qualification for managers. After they acquire the formal skills, they can apply in the technical field (Rhode, 2017). Women have to violate the principles of their society on limited access to education for them to pursue the course in the technical field. Some communities believe that the technical field is for men. Women in these communities can face rejection when pursuing technical courses. 

The other areas that women can find authority include the government and society. Few women have authority in the government and community. The society perceives that women cannot rule but men are the best leaders. The community’s attitude towards women denies them an opportunity to become leaders (Rhode, 2017). The purpose of creating authority in to address women’s needs and rights in the nation. It is important to increase the positions of women in the government and community (Rhode, 2017). 

Women can create awareness in their community about their potential to rule and lead people. They can address their achievements to the community to convince them about their abilities. The women can use informal skills to attain government positions in their region which include honesty, hard work, determination, and trust. Women can attend administration or leadership courses to improve their formal skills (Rhode, 2017). The formal and informal skills can improve the leadership knowledge for women in managing the societies. 

The other area that women can acquire authority is the business field. A few women engage in business activities because the society perceives that men have good management skills. Most of the executive positions in companies are occupied by men. The aim of finding authority is to increase the positions of women in the top management. It can be a source of empowering young girls to pursue management courses (Rhode, 2017). Women can attain high positions in the companies through portraying their values such as honesty, trust, hard work, and determination (Rhode, 2017). They can attain the executive posts after displaying their skills to the supervisors. 

Another area that women can take part is in the religious field. The leadership positions in the church are given to the men rather than women. Communities perceive that men have outstanding leadership skills. The church leaders do not give women chances to occupy the high positions. It is rare to find women leading a church. It is important to find authority in the church to empower women on their potential of leading (Rhode, 2017). The women need to prove to the churches on the leadership skills. Women can express their values of honesty, commitment, and trust towards the members. Consequently, they can acquire top positions in the church. 

Similarities and Differences between Cecilia Ferrazzi’s Autobiography and Herculine Barbin’s Memoir 

Ferrazzi aspires to become a saint. However, she encounters opposition from society and this denies her an opportunity to achieve her dreams. Barbin encounters challenges in portraying her real identity to the community. At first, Barbin was identified as a female but later the physician’s results indicate that he has more masculine traits. 

The first difference between the two authors is that Ferrazzi does not allow society to influence her dreams of becoming a saint. Ferrazzi proves her innocence to the society for her to get the saint leadership. On the contrary, Barbin allows society and physicians to define his identity. Eventually, he commits suicide and does not attain his leadership position. The two authors use different approaches in convincing the society about the allegations. The case of Ferrazzi is solved in the court but that of Barbin is proven by the physicians. 

Ferrazzi presents her autobiography in court to prove her innocence against the community’s allegations. The community accuses Ferrazzi of going against the religious standards including impurity. The girls and some colleagues claim that Ferrazzi is authoritative and disregards the welfare of the poor people in the community (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007). She defends her innocence in the courts but she is jailed for seven years. The actions portray that Ferrazzi is determined to become a saint. She is later released from jail but dies due to a respiratory disease. Ferrazzi does not accept the way the society views her personality but battles with her own perceptions (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . However, Barbin allows society and doctors to define her personality. Later, Barbin changes the identity to male. He commits suicide because he does not get a teaching job in Paris (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Women who are determined to overcome the accusations of their community. 

The second difference is that the two characters react to their struggles and challenges differently. Ferrazzi preserves through the struggles but her death is caused by a respiratory disease that she contracts during her seven-year jail term (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Alternatively, Barbin decides to commit suicide and changes the geographical location to escape the consequences of changing the identity (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Ferrazzi overcomes all the struggles including completing the jail term. She also tolerates the community’s allegations against her behavior. Ferrazzi is aware that they are false allegations but controls her reactions. She presents her autobiography confidently to the court but the judge does not consider it being true (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007)

Barbin changes his identity but loses his job. He decides to change the geographical location to start a new life. Unfortunately, he does not secure an opportunity in Paris and he decides to commit suicide (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . People react differently towards their struggles and challenges. Women who succeed in attaining leadership positions are determined and tolerant. 

The third difference is that Ferrazzi was found guilty of dissimulation which obstructed her leadership position in the Catholic Church. Bardin was found to have more masculine traits which affected her leadership traits. The allegations raised against Ferrazzi are unacceptable in the Catholic religion. Ferrazzi did not accept the allegations raised by the accusers and she tried to fight back by proving her innocence (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Bardin accepted the doctor’s reports immediately despite being raised as a girl. 

Ways that Ferrazzi and Bardin used to Attain Leadership Positions and Why 

Ferrazzi attains her saint position through declining marriage and maintaining her virginity. The Catholic religion requires that all saints be pure and chaste. The nuns are responsible for taking care of the young virgins in the church. They must maintain their purity or them to guide the young girls. Ferrazzi’s parents had saved money for her dowry but her sister had to attend the convent. The parents decided that they could pay the convent fees or Ferrazzi’s sister. After her parents’ demise, she decides to pursue her childhood goal of becoming a nun. Ferrazzi’s uncle wanted to marry forcefully but she rejected the offer (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Although the man she was to get married to convinces her, she declines his request. During the sixteenth century, every girl had to get married. She claims that her parents had saved her dowry since she was a child. Ferrazzi violates the rules of the society by declining the request on marriage. Later the man kills Ferrazzi’s uncle and aunt but makes allegations against her. She flees to the church where she welcomed by the priest (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Ferrazzi attains her leadership positions where she provides guidance to the young virgins. She also addresses the needs of the young girls in their society. She goes against the ways the society to attain her leadership position. 

Subsequently, Ferrazzi disobeys her uncle by running away after she discovers that the marriage documents are ready. She is determined to become a nun to address the needs of the girls in her society. Ferrazzi has to disobey her uncle to attain her leadership post in the convent. She later goes back to her uncle’s house to apologize (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Ferrazzi finds her fiancé who discovers that she is not going to get married. The man decides to kill Ferrazzi’s uncle and aunt because they do not convince her to accept the marriage proposal. Ferrazzi faces accusations of murdering her uncle and aunt (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . Disobedience was a vice against the elderly and the society. Ferrazzi disrespects the society and her relatives to attain a post in the church. Women had to violate the values of society and families to attain leadership positions. 

Ferrazzi uses society values to attain her leadership position in the convent. She demonstrates honesty, trustworthiness, and confesses her past sins for her to acquire her leadership position in the church. The priest assessed the conduct of Ferrazzi for some time before establishing her qualifications. Ferrazzi states “he put me in safekeeping in the convent of the Cappucine” (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007 p. 22) . The priest was the leader of nuns in the convent and was responsible for assessing their behavior. Ferrazzi had to confess about her purity and chastity. She explained about her alleged married which was not successful. She had to speak the truth about her fiancé and the reasons for declining the marriage request. Ferrazzi states “he took me out and had me confess by various others” (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007 p. 23) . She was determined to attain the position to help the young girls in the society. Ferrazzi’s honesty and trustworthiness assist her to become a nun in the convent. Women had to uphold various values such as honesty and trust to acquire the leading positions in their community. 

Ferrazzi had to corporate with her mentors and work hard to attain the position of a nun. She lives at the convent for almost five years which assist the leader of the nuns before she attains her position. Ferrazzi stays at the convent to gain skills on leading young girls to maintain their virginity (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . She also gains additional skills in addressing the rights of the young women in the community. Throughout the training, Ferrazzi cooperates with the leaders by making observations on taking care of the young virgins in the convent (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007) . She also demonstrates her hard work by assisting the leader in simple chores in the church. The women had to portray skills such as hard work and cooperation with their mentors to attain the top positions. 

On the contrary, Barbin uses her literary skills to attain her leadership position in the school. She becomes a teacher after completing the teaching course (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . During the nineteenth century, a few women had access to education opportunities due to the community attitudes. Men were given the first priority of attaining education. However, Barbin’s parents wanted o make a difference and they funded her education up to the college level. It was against her community’s vices but they violated them. She finds a job opportunity in a nearby school and engages in a relationship with the head teacher’s daughter (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Her teaching skills assist her in getting the leadership position in her community. Women could attain leading positions through their informal skills. 

Barbin demonstrated commitment and hard work towards her mentors attain her position as a teacher. She expressed commitment to her tutors in college. As a result, she attained her certificate in teaching after completing her education. Barbin demonstrated the commitment to learning skills on teaching towards her parents and this motivated them to pay her school fees (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Barbin portrayed her hard work in achieving the teaching skills. Women had to demonstrate certain skills such as hard work and commitment to acquire the top positions in their communities. 

Similarities and Differences of the Approaches to Leadership 

The approaches of Ferrazzi and Barbin are different. Ferrazzi uses informal skills but Barbin uses formal experience. Parents and community members taught the children informal skills. They include honesty, trust, hard work, obedience, commitment, and cooperation. Ferrazzi violates some of informal skills of the society. Communities and parents equip children with informal skills to deal with life issues. An individual is subject to punishment in case they violate the values set by their respective community. The informal skills can be learned through observations or demonstrations. The children can learn the informal skills through narratives. Formal skills are taught in schools or colleges. Teachers and tutors are responsible for incorporating the formal skills. The skills include technical and professional. The teachers and tutors use lectures and demonstrations to equip students with the formal skills. The acquisition of formal skills is a continuous process. Women could use informal or formal skills to attain leading posts (Rhode, 2017). 

The two authors violate their community’s principles to attain leadership positions. Ferrazzi uses rebellious methods to attain her position in society. Alternatively, attends school to attain a leadership position in the society. Ferrazzi rejects the idea of marriage and this is a violation against their community principles. Secondly, she disobeys her uncle and aunt after rejecting her fiancé marriage proposal (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007). The ancient communities perceived that it was a mistake for a woman to attain education. Barbin violated her community’s beliefs by attending a teaching course (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Some of the women had to violate community beliefs to attain high positions. 

The two authors have to undergo training to attain the top positions in society. For instance, Ferrazzi stays at the temple for five years to acquire skills on governing the young girls in the convent. She had to get an experience of recruiting the young virgins to live in the church (Ferrazzi & Schutte, 2007). Barbin enrolls for training on teaching to gain experience on instructing the children (Barbin & Foucault, 1980) . Women had to undergo training before they could occupy the management positions. 

In conclusion, women need to create or find authority. Women do not have a voice in the society as compared to men. Communities believe that leadership positions are for men. The ancient society perceived that women’s responsibilities included bearing children, carrying out family chores, submitting to their husbands, and taking part in communal activities. During the 16 th to the 20 th century, women were denied opportunities to enroll in schools. However, some women violated the vices of their communities to achieve their dreams. They had to reject marriage proposals and disobey the elderly to attain positions in their communities. The women demonstrated commitment and hard work towards there mentors. They also cooperated with their mentors to gain experience about the leadership skills. 

In the modern era, women have to deny themselves some opportunities to attain leadership positions. Some get married beyond 30 years after they have achieved their dreams. The modern women have attained knowledge but they have to demonstrate cooperation and hard work to their leaders. Some women face false allegation that affect their positions negatively. The needs of women have not been fully addressed and they are responsible to occupying the leadership positions in the government or at work. 


Barbin, H., & Foucault, M. (1980). Herculine Barbin: Being the recently discovered memoirs of a nineteenth-century French hermaphrodite . New York: Pantheon Books. 

Ferrazzi, C., & Schutte, A. J. (2007). Autobiography of an Aspiring Saint

Rhode, D. L. (2017). Women and leadership

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