28 Aug 2022


Effective Leadership Styles

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 336

Pages: 1

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What characteristics, attitudes, or skills made the leaders that you have known effective and successful? 

During my clinical rotation at the VA Health Center, I had the privilege to observe the nurses there exemplify various leadership qualities. What stood out for me is that the nurses always strived to be honest and do their work with maximum integrity (Hasan, 2017) . One particular nurse once mentioned to me that for a leader to have honest followers, he/she should be just as honest. Without it, it is impossible for one to be successful and effective as a leader. 

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If there was room for improvement, what could they have done to be more effective?  

Overall, the nurses on the floor where I do my rotation exemplify a good deal of leadership skills, however, one thing I believe could be improved is how the nurses delegated duties to their subordinates. In situations that the nurses considered critical, they found it difficult for them to assign even minor duties related to the situations to those subordinate to them. While it is understandable that these situations may be so critical *to handle for some people, I think it would also be a learning opportunity for the subordinates. 

Do you feel that leadership can be learned or taught, or is it an innate skill?  

I believe leadership skills can be learned over time; however, some individuals are born leaders. Leadership, to me, is just like talent and hard work. Some people are born talented with a skill whereas others work hard to acquire the same skill. Some people naturally attract others towards them and then take advantage of leadership skills to capture the attention of those they have attracted. Many like to think that it is an innate skill. However, I defer with that opinion and like to think that it is a skill that can be learned (Kapoor, 2016)

What one characteristic is most important to the success of effective leaders?  

The one characteristic that is most important to be a successful leader is having good communication skills. Being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is a key for any leader to be able to be charismatic. This is why most leaders go through a communications skills course to sharpen how they relate and interact with others. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Effective Leadership Styles .


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