22 Jul 2022


Elements of an Investigative Interview

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Creating rapport in an interview is very important. According to Abbee and Brandon (2013), rapport is a “smooth, positive interpersonal interaction." The authors note that it is an essential component in any interview is enhances the scope of information gathered by either the interviewer or the interviewee (Abbe & Brandon, 2013). Nevertheless, rapport is deemed as one of the attributes of a productive interview session as it serves to benefit both parties. It, however, varies from one candidate to another. This means whoever is navigating the rapport ought to take into consideration the gender, ethnicity, cultural background or even age of the other participant. Beyond rapport, there are a number of interviewers who prefer incorporating video cameras in the interviews or investigations. All these are part of a holistic interview. 

As aforementioned, building rapport with interviewees is very vital in an interrogation. The rapport is essential in ensuring an interviewee is at ease. It is essential for an interviewee to feel comfortable in the interrogation room. He or she must understand why his or her input is important. Additionally, the rapport allows the interviewee to settle in easily into the interview. When it is initiated before the interview, the rapport reduces tension and creates a positive interactive session for the two parties. 

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Rapport is essential as it enables the gathering of information that otherwise might be missed in the rigid context of an interview. The conversational tone opens up room for the interviewee to divulge extra information which the interviewers may build on the other formal information gathered through the real interview itself. The rapport also helps in the building of trust between the interviewer and the interviewee. Trust is essential in any dealing and thus may be capitalized upon to assure that the interview has positive outcomes. A rapport that brings about trust brings an assurance of honesty and openness which is essential for an interview. 

Rapport is an intricate process that demands individuals to be cautious of what they convey. For interviewers, it is fundamental or important to observe the topics that they introduce to the interview. The topics must be focused on topics that are safe that may not be disturbing for the interviewee (Abbe & Brandon, 2013). Additionally, the rapport must be accompanied by the appropriate body language. For women interviewees, it is important to stick to non-sexist topics, questions or themes. The interviewer must stick to the objective exchanges and not intrude in the personal information domain. Unless where necessary, questions surrounding the family and marital status must be avoided or ignored. Additionally, the interviewee must watch his or her body language to ensure that it does not have any sexist undertones which may be unsettling for the interviewee. 

When building a rapport with an individual from a different ethnic background; it should be carried out in cognizance of the challenges that the individual may have in conveying his or her message eloquently. For instance, if the individual is not fluent in English, it is prudent for the interviewer to engage him or her in a non-paced way to ensure that the sentiments and their meaning are captured (Lassiter, 2013). Additionally, the interrogator must avoid jargon and instead focus on speaking in the plainest way for the interviewee to understand him or her. Clarity should be the key goal. Sarcasm should also be avoided as it may distort the details of the rapport. 

When engaging an elderly interviewee, the interviewer must be considerate of their various challenges. For instance, if the respondent has hearing challenges, it is incumbent on the interviewer to ensure that he or she is audible enough. The rapport should also be simplified and confined to safe subjects. For a young person, there is a need to build rapport but, in a manner, which tilts towards objectivity (Lassiter, 2013). The interviewer must strive to be as relatable by picking up some favorite and popular youthful slang. The young are very keen on establishing their identity the interviewer, therefore, should try to use the name of young respondent often. 

Use of videotaping in interviews is very beneficial. It promotes integrity in investigations and interrogations. The verbal confessions of an interviewee are captured as well as the body language. This is very important as an interviewee can dispute his or her contributions to the process (Kuhns, 2011). It is possible in some instances that a subject may change his or her version of the interview. The interviewer can easily retrieve the video and confirm whether the new views posted by the respondent much of the initial statements. 

Videotaping is fundamental when it comes to the accountability of both parties. In case allegations arise about the conduct of either the two parties, the video can act as a point of reference. For an interviewer, he or she can review his or her line of questioning and establish whether it is ethical or not (Kuhns, 2011). Protocols are key in an interview and therefore with the video may act as evidence as to whether the interview was carried out in a standard manner as prescribed by the law or regulations in place. 

In conclusion, interviews are key processes that aid in the gathering of pertinent information desired by an interrogator to establish facts and find the context to shared sentiments. Rapport is a key component to the interviews as it may relay extra information that can help in building on the scope of the interview. It has a great value which is reflected in the manner it helps respondent build trust, become comfortable and more engaging. Videotaping, on the other hand, is an integral process that promotes integrity and accountability in interviews on the part of both the interviewer and interviewee. 


Abbe, A., & Brandon, S. E. (2013). Building and maintaining rapport in investigative interviews. Police Practice and Research , 15 (3), 207-220. doi:10.1080/15614263.2013.827835 

Kuhns, B. W. (2011). Essentials of Interrogation . New York, NY: Sage. 

Lassiter, G. D. (2013). Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment . Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Elements of an Investigative Interview.


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