29 Mar 2022


Endocrine and Nervous Systems

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Critical Thinking

Words: 305

Pages: 1

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Human body systems operate under the control of two major communication systems which are, the endocrine and nervous systems. These two communication systems help the body parts to function correctly and in conjunction with each other (Cherry, 2019). The endocrine system is a system that is comprised of various glands located all over the body that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream. The nervous system on the other hand is an organ system that consists of many specialized cells that are referred to as neurons whose responsibility is to transmit signals that help coordinate the operations of the different parts of a human body.

The endocrine and nervous systems work hand in hand with each other through acting in communication of body organs and controlling hormonal changes. Human being requires the two organ systems for the processes of homeostasis, growth, development as well as reproduction to take place perfectly. The hypothalamus section of the brain connects the two organ systems to ensure that they cohesively work together to control the operations of the body systems. The nerves located throughout the body are stimulated and in turn send signals to a particular gland that in turn secrets chemicals referred to as hormones that help the body respond appropriately to the stimuli. One example is seen when a mother tends to release milk from her breasts when her child suckles (Patel, 2014). The suckling of the baby stimulates the central nervous system which in turn sends signals to the posterior pituitary gland to produce the oxytocin hormone which is then sent to mammary glands which in response, releases milk through the nipples. 

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The body system cannot operate properly in the absence of either of the communication system or when there is lack of proper coordination between the endocrine and nervous communication systems. 


Cherry, K. (2019). How Nervous and Endocrine Systems Helps Communication Within the Body. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/the-nervous-and-endocrine-systems-2794894

Patel, B. (2014). Interplay of the nervous and endocrine systems. Retrieved from https://www.shoutoutuk.org/2014/09/25/interplay-of-the-nervous-and-endocrine-systems/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Endocrine and Nervous Systems.


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