23 Jan 2023


Engaging Civil Rights Activities for Students of All Ages

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 1500

Pages: 5

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Civil rights in society give people equal opportunities and protection according to the rules disregarding beliefs, race, and other individual features. Civil liberties have the objective of finishing social injustices and ending discrimination towards minority groups such as women, immigrants, and minority races. Freedom is a crucial component of democracy. Some of these civil liberties include voting rights, access to education, and acquiring government services. Women in America have faced struggles and inequality from society. The denial of human rights poses a negative effect on gender norms and responsibilities to women, which have made them have face restrictions on their freedom and mobility. The paper explores the struggles that women have faced, their strategies to overcome the challenges, and how they can be used in the present and future society. 

Women in the United States have faced discrimination in occupation and unemployment. There has been a small percentage of women who have been employed in America compared to men. Women constitute about 46% of the labor force in America labor force, and they are vital in driving the country's economic growth. However, their labor rights have not been protected accordingly (Chinadaily, 2019). Women on employment have been facing challenges, such as gender segregation in their places of work. High-tech and prestigious jobs in the country have been filled by men, thereby denying women the right to acquire equal employment rights, despite having the same level of education and experience as men. Most women have been waged in a few sectors, such as personal assistant works and retail workshops. In spite of the increase in the employment rate in many sectors, like technology and science, women's number has been declining. 

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Also, the rate of unemployment for women is higher in comparison to that of women. Women have been employed in retail shops, which have been declining over the years in the country. Pregnant women and new mothers have been highly discriminated against in many workplaces in the country (Fox & Quinn, 2014). Many employers have shown discrimination to the expectant and new mothers, and they don't show them any respect in which sometimes these women are also forced to leave their jobs. Additionally, women do not acquire equal career development opportunities as men do. They encounter difficulties as they try to break the "glass ceiling" while competing with men. Gender discrimination has made women feel inferior in the workplace despite having the capacity to perform like their male counterparts. 

Women have faced unequal payments in their jobs as compared to men who are similar job positions. There has been a significant difference between man and women's salaries in the United States (ILO, 2011). According to ILO (2011), the salary difference normally occurs in terms of races. For example, although women generally earn less compared to men, African-American women earn less compared to their white counterparts. Women in positions that are female-dominated and lowly paid, such as nursing, still acquire fewer wages than men in those jobs. This difference in pay between men and women, despite holding similar positions, shows the struggles that women have lived to deal with in the male dominated society. 

Most people in the US living in poverty are women as compared to men. The number of women in the country has been increasing with a higher proportion than that of men. Most of the country's poor men are from single families, racial minorities, and those at old ages. Women in the country face discrimination in getting employment opportunities; many struggles to meet their daily needs, leaving them in poor conditions (Gaines, 2008). Also, women receiving lower salaries in jobs make them have little savings at their old age. The country's race discriminations have made many Afro-American women, and those from minority groups face employment discrimination, hence living in poor conditions. The small wage for women makes them live in poor conditions. 

Women have faced assaults and sexual harassment in the workplace. Many women in their workplaces are facing harassment in their workplaces and are afraid to make accusations. Many women are forced to work in hostile, intimidating conditions and experiencing sexual conduct. Women at the inquired for sexual favors, exposure to inappropriate jokes, insinuations, and unwanted physical contacts (Unwomen, 2020). Despite sexual assaults, the cases remain unreported as many women live in fear of disbelief, blames, and professional and social retaliation. Women should speak out about the challenges they are facing at their workplaces. 

Women have used various strategies, such as suffrage movements in to fight for their rights. Women have used to claim their rights, such as the right to vote. The suffrage movements have enabled women to acquire their right to vote. It has helped them acquire the opportunity for their voices to be heard and participate in public affairs through political engagements and civil actions. The act of women taking part in the suffrage movements has enabled them to understand the full potential of democracy and employ that potential (Webtext, 2020). The strategies have helped them learn about grassroots skills and acquired political credentials, making them more effective and laying the groundwork for their increasing participation in government activities. The movements have promoted their human welfare, such as stimulating social and political reforms by personal and group civil actions. It has also educated them on how to be informed voters and prompting them to practice their voting rights. The movement has helped women address their challenges, such as social issues like workers' safety, drug, and food laws. Suffrage movements have held more opportunities for women to gain equality (Webtext, 2020) . The campaign has a theme of equal opportunities for both genders. Women are using the movement to develop a society with equal opportunities and choices for both men and women. 

Women demanded equality in the work culture. Women have solicited continuous working conditions through similar presentations of women in the boardrooms, leadership in the work environment. Women are also demanding equal payments with men and equivalent gender courses on gender equality. Women usually have professional sacrifices by having families and facing economic hardships and personal well-being. Women push for unified parental leave policies and get ample paid leaves for adoptive and biological parents. Fathers are also encouraged to take active roles in parental roles in caretaking. In sexual harassment, women form movements for the sexually harassed women to give them a place in which their experiences. They use religious places by urging evangelical leaders to elevate and show solidarity to sexually assaulted women (Koehler & Calais, 2018). Women also advocated for work integration programs that would aid the women to catch up with the training that they might have missed during the leave. 

Women are also teaching young ladies about their rights ad worth in society. At their puberty stage, many girls have internalized notions concerning their role, worth, and place in society as incapable and vulnerable. Therefore, educating young women have enabled them to be strong, deserving, and capable in similar respect as male. They are encouraging the ladies to speak out and assert themselves. Young ladies are shown the possibilities of their potential and enabling them to play want. Encouraging the young ladies of their potential would allow them to grow and pursue their goals with full confidence in their careers. It would enable them to realize their full potential and acquire similar to men. 

Women have applied agility to develop coalitions, distributing information, and organize marches. The suffrage movements for women have enabled them to establish a political system that would allow their voices to be heard through voting. The movement allows women to have a new option and open work from home and in workplaces. The suffrages have also been enabled to share their stories through social media platforms, thereby embracing technology. The power of technology would enable them to spread the message and work for change regarding their oppression and discrimination. Through the movements, women have been able to apply the technology technological tools available to communicate their views both internally and to the public. Educating young women on their rights has enabled them to have more future opportunities and attaining great equalities. Many young women have stood up, demanding their voices to be heard and the issues affecting them to be addressed. The young women are using agility, problem-solving technique, and technology as the techniques to impact change. 

The strategies can be applied by educating the next generations on gender equality. They empower the young people, educating them on women's rights, guaranteeing a better future for all people. The strategies can help the young female in their school-based programs empower them, generate inter-generational dialogues, and change attitudes towards the children's marriage. Young ladies should know their rights and stopping violations towards them. Women are also participating in public affairs, such as local elections. Women support taking part in the election and even giving support to the people who understand their needs. 

In conclusion, women face struggles due to inequality in society. Even though Civil rights in the United States give them equal opportunities with men, they still face challenges such as discrimination in employment and payments, poverty, assaults, and sexual harassment at their workplaces. The challenges have made them to feel inferior and feel humiliated in society. However, they developed mechanisms to curb discrimination and ensure gender equality. Some of the strategies include initiating suffrage movements to advocate for their rights, demanding equality in work culture, and educating young women and girls on their rights in society. These strategies can be applied today, developing coalitions and distributing information about gender equality in society. They can also be applied to empower and educate the young generation about gender equality for a better future. Gender equality should be promoted in society to ensure all people enjoy equal rights, opportunities, and obligations. 


China Daily. (2019). Gender discrimination in the United States hinders the realization of women's rights . https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201911/27/WS5dddd317a310cf3e3557a446.html 

Fox, A. B., & Quinn, D. M. (2015). Pregnant women at work: The role of stigma in predicting women’s intended exit from the workforce.  Psychology of Women Quarterly 39 (2), 226–242.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0361684314552653 

Gaines, A. C. (2008). The straight facts on women in poverty . Center for American Progress . https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2008/10/08/5103/the-straight-facts-on-women-in-poverty/ 

International Labor Organization (ILO). (2011). Gender Inequality and Women in the US Labor Force . http://www.ilo.org/washington/areas/gender-equality-in-the-workplace/WCMS_159496/lang--en/index.htm 

Koehler, R., & Calais, H. G. (2018). Efforts by Women of Faith to Achieve Gender Equality . Center for American Progress. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/religion/news/2018/05/03/450268/efforts-women-faith-achieve-gender-equality/ 

Unwomen. (2020). Twelve small actions with big impact for Generation Equality . https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2020/2/compilation-small-actions-big-impact-for-generation-equality 

Webtext. (2020). Reflecting on rights. In learn from the past, prepare for the future. https://www.webtexts.com/courses/40971-ruff/traditional_book/chapters/4586683-week-4-reflecting-on-rights/pages/4586674-then-the-womens-suffrage-movement 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Engaging Civil Rights Activities for Students of All Ages .


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