29 Oct 2022


Essential Amino Acids: What Are They and What Do They Do?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 291

Pages: 1

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Essential amino acids refer to amino acids that the body cannot synthesize because it lacks the metabolic pathways required to manufacture them and therefore has to rely on exogenous sources for these amino acids. Usually, these amino acids are derived from the diet (Wu, 2020). There are nine amino acids that are categorized as essential amino acids. These include: phenylalanine, valine among others. Non-essential amino acids on the other hand are amino acids that can be synthesized by the body and therefore the body does not have to depend on external sources for these amino acids. 

Amino acids are usually derived from foods that contain proteins such as eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, legumes and nuts. The proteins in these foods are broken down during digestion to give rise to free amino acids that can then be used by the body to synthesize its own proteins (Wu, 2020). Proteins that contain all the essential amino acids are said to be complete proteins. Complete proteins are usually derived from animal sources except soya which is plant based type of protein. 

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The Amino acid supplements can be used as a source of essential amino acids especially in pathological states whereby the oral intake is reduced. Therefore, it is in order to conclude that supplementation of amino acids is an effective way of providing amino acids to the body. However, it cannot be said to be as effective as the natural way of obtaining amino acids through food. The reason being that amino acid supplementation is associated with some side effects when the recipient reacts with some components of the supplemental amino acids (Dioguardi, 2011) . The natural amino acids are better tolerated by the general population and adverse reactions rarely arises unless in cases where an individual has an allergy to certain kind of proteins. 


Dioguardi, F. (2011). Clinical use of amino acids as dietary supplement: pros and cons.  Journal Of Cachexia, Sarcopenia And Muscle 2 (2), 75-80. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13539-011-0032-8 

Wu, G. (2020).  Amino acids in nutrition and health . Springer. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Essential Amino Acids: What Are They and What Do They Do?.


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