9 Nov 2022


Ethical Dilemmas in Business

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Academic level: College

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Morality is dependent on one’s worldview. Life is challenging, and these challenges in life result in making choices on what is right or wrong. The Bible which is the guideline for all Christians to live morally and refrain from evil ways. The Bible just as the law of physics teaches that for every action there is an equal reaction thus as Christians we must be willing and able to act in accordance to God’s teaching to endure God’s mercy and protection. However, the imperfection of humans’ results in making choices that are contrary to the Christians worldview thus leading to the wrath of God. By reviewing the worldview of euthanasia, this essay will be able to determine the thinking and proper scope of any actions we take.

Ethical Dilemma

People are faced with and the choices they often make needs analyzing a case. This essay analysis and argues the best decision for Joni to make. Joni, a 17-year old female, became paralyzed after diving and fracturing her vertebrae. The accident left her a quadriplegic, paralyzed from her shoulders down. A formerly athletic and active lady is now dependent on help to help her in everything which makes her depressed and thinking of ending her life. She feels that she would be better off dead than alive. Her life has diminished and does not consider herself worthy of living since she cannot accomplish the life she desired and was on the blink of achieving. She endures suffering and hardship in her current state and considers herself as a burden to her family who has to look after her at all times. Her wish to be euthanized results in a dilemma because her death would end her suffering thus euthanasia may be a sign of merciful death, however, is euthanasia legally and morally acceptable under her conditions? The above question results in a dilemma comprising of two opposite actions being taken. The first choice is to grant her wish of euthanasia whereas the second option is to reject her wish and ask her to end the thought of ending her life.

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Core Beliefs

According to Christians, God commands people not to kill. Euthanasia is the act of taking life of an innocent individual commonly known as merciful killing since it is used in patients enduring much pain and suffering in incurable diseases (Meana, 2016). The Netherlands is one of the few nations that permits euthanasia under six conditions. The first requirement for legal euthanasia is that the request to be offered merciful death should originate from the patient. The patient who requests to be euthanized should be suffering intolerable pain that the doctors or medicine cannot facilitate. The third requirement is that the patient must be aware of all the medication possible and the alternatives to euthanasia. Fourthly, euthanasia is only acceptable whereby there is no any other alternative. The fifth requirement is based on consultation with various doctors who determine the best action to undertake. Lastly assisted suicide is performed with the necessary care (Banović, & Turanjanin, 2014). These conditions make it difficult for euthanasia to be used as the way to end the suffering of the patients. Even in countries such as the Netherlands, it would be challenging to argue that Joni’s conditions fulfil all the requirements for her request to be euthanized to be legal.

The Hippocratic Oath that doctors take states that doctors should not kill hence the continued resistance from the World Medical Association (WMA) against euthanasia (Meana, 2016). The WMA defines euthanasia as the deliberate ending of the life of a patient even at the patient’s request or at the request of close relatives, therefore, regarding the act as unethical. Islamic nations such as Turkey are also against assisted murder whereby doctors that agree to patient’s demands to end their lives are liable to imprisonment similar to murderous. Although the Netherlands allows euthanasia, it denies the doctors the privileges to overdose a patient or provides mechanisms that would make death faster for any patient (Banović, & Turanjanin, 2014). However, machines that enable people to continue living even in unconscious states can be switched-off to allow the patient undergo the normal death.

According to 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy and you are that temple.” These words demonstrate that Joni’s body is God’s temple. Therefore euthanasia would be destroying that temple and would result in God’s wrath falling on both Joni and the person who assist the murder. The verse is complemented by “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his image Gen 9:6. The Bible rejects the notion of taking life, and with the belief of the Kingdom of God, it is evident that the suffering Joni is enduring currently and she wish for euthanasia may just be a fraction of the eternal sufferings and pain she will face in hell. The person who agrees to Joni wishes will endure the same fate.


Based on the scriptures, legalities, and ethical concerns raised in the previous section, it seems that the right thing to do would be for Joni to endure the frustrations and sufferings she is enduring. She should not be granted euthanasia since her conditions are per God’s plan for her and she have the strength to endure all the temptations she is undergoing. The Bible states, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” 1 Cor. 10:13 . Joni situation is just a temptation that she has the power to endure provided by God, as Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Joni should know that God has plans for her thus should not doubt the Lord because the plans she had and the future she thought she would have are just small human plans. Proverbs 19:21 “Many are plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Her plans before the accidents seemed realizable but have crushed due to the injuries sustained. The Christian’s belief that everything happens by God’s plan is an indication that God has other plans for Joni. In most if not all countries, it is illegal for Joni to be euthanized since her conditions do not qualify all the requirements that are needed to legalize such a step being taken.


Joni should not be euthanized since it is immoral and illegal. She will continue to endure the depression and suffering she has experienced since the accident, but she will still be alive. The benefit to this decision is based on the understanding that God has a plan for Joni, and she has the power to endure the temptations. Christians believe that God has an idea for everything and this situation may be a way for God to tempt Joni’s faith. The raising of the dead is a testament that God has power over everything, therefore, it would not be surprising is Joni is healed later in her life. Hope and faith are all that Joni needs to ease the depression, and she may still become successful in future as the famous quote claims, disability is not inability goes, she still has a life to live.


Christian’s worldview is based on believing that God controls everything and it is in His power to determine humanity’s future. Atheists, on the other hand, rely on scientific proof of everything. If Joni views euthanasia under a Christian’s worldview, she will not be euthanized since it will subject her to eternal sufferings in hell. However, if she is an atheist she does not believe in life after death, therefore taking the easy way out would be the right thing to do. As an atheist, she would be euthanized to end the pain and tribulations she is currently enduring.

One’s worldview would result in solving this ethical dilemma differently. Atheists would review the legal stance such as proposed in the Netherlands to ensure that Joni wish is granted. They would not consider Joni’s life as holy therefore would not think twice before euthanizing her. The holiness of life and God as the giver and taker of life is the main reason to prevent Christians from supporting euthanasia.


The ethical dilemma faced by Joni demonstrated the various legal and religious stance on the matter. It is evident that although easing the pain and sufferings of a patient may be supported through assisted murder, the Christian worldview is against ending life in any situation. The Hippocratic Oath made for doctors to ensure they do not kill shows that euthanasia is a different idea in medicine and should not be condoned.


Banović, B., & Turanjanin, V., (2014). Euthanasia: Murder or Not: A Comparative Approach. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 43(10), 1316–1323.

Meana, P., (2016). Why Should the World Medical Association not Change its Policy towards Euthanasia? World medical journal. 62 . 99-103.

The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version . (1999). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Ethical Dilemmas in Business.


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