14 Apr 2022


Ethics and the Business Professional

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Academic level: College

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Words: 731

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Conflict Management Patterns of Workgroup

In an organization, there exists different conflict management models. They include dominating, obliging, avoiding, integrating, and compromising. The patterns of conflict management are always related to the dual concern model which is divided into the concern of oneself and that of others. Conflict management patterns are of two types, one focuses on concern for self while others focus on care for the other people. Our work group experienced only one conflict management pattern ( Gross et al., 2016). That is, the dominating one. The dominating pattern is one that entails a high concern for oneself and a low concern for the other individuals. Many individuals were concerned with satisfying their objectives while ignoring the needs of the others and this is what brought many conflicts. 

What are Most Conflicts About?

The most types of conflicts that are experienced are about work style differences. Each employee has his or her style of working which they use to accomplish the assigned tasks. For instance, some workers prefer to work with teams. On the contrary, there are others who like the task oriented approach. They value independence and like working on their own. They prefer to complete their jobs without any external assistance ( Gross et al., 2016). What many workers failed to understand is that people have their styles of working. Failure to understand this brought interpersonal conflict in the workplace. This kind of conflict is a dysfunctional one because the disagreement will bring an adverse outcome both parties. The result is negative because teamwork means cooperation and without it, there can never be innovations in organizations. Further, working conditions cannot be improved since the workers are not united ( Gross et al., 2016).

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Guidelines and Tactics Could Be Used to Better Manage Them


This is one tactic that can be used to manage the conflicts. For instance, when conflicts arise, communication should be the first tactic that should be employed. Dialogue should always be embraced. This is because, in organizations, many conflicts occur due to poor communication. Talking to the two parties that are involved in the conflict is vital. The employee should be meant to understand the value of teamwork in an organization. They should be told how the lack of cooperation can lead to non-accomplishment of the organizational goals ( Gross et al., 2016).

Setting guidelines

Workplace conflicts can also be solved adopting a proactive method. Lack of communication has been the primary battle in the workplaces. Additionally, personality clashes have also been causing conflicts. A complaint process that is formal should be adopted. These situations should be planned for before they happen ( Gross et al., 2016). This approach should benefit every member of the organization. The employees will know the person they will approach when they have conflicts and this strategy will reduce the conflicts 


This is a tactic whereby people put their interests last so as to satisfy the needs of others. A person accepts the other person’s viewpoint. This tactic manages conflict in a way that it prevents them from arising. When a person acknowledges that people have different points of view, conflicts will rarely occur in the workplace ( Gross et al., 2016).

Emotional labor

Emotional labor refers to things which are done by the workers that go beyond their mental or physical duties. Emotional labor requires people to display various emotions in their workplaces. They include optimism, sympathy, and friendliness, among others ( Grandey, 2015). It usually affects the way the employees perform their jobs at their workplaces. An employee is supposed to display these emotions irrespective of how the consumers treat them. Emotional labor has more of negative effects to the workers as compared to the positive ones. Emotional dissonance is one of the negative effects of emotional labor on the employees. Emotional dissonance is what individual feels and what she is supposed to express. When the employee feels that his or her emotions contradict the emotions that should be expressed externally, then she experiences emotional dissonance. Emotional dissonance is revealed by both surface and deep acting. Surface acting entails feigning emotions so as to satisfy the customer while deep one entails feeling the emotions so as to promote the goals of the organization. Emotional labor may lead to stress among the employees when they are required to surface act so as to satisfy the customer. This is because they are always feigning actions. Surface acting further leads to job dissatisfaction among the employees ( Grandey, 2015).

The only positive effect of emotional labor is that the workers displaying deep act emotional labor make an individual to identify with the roles of the organization leading to emotional labor that is effortless. This leads to job satisfaction because the worker feels connected with his or her employment as he delivers the required performance. Research has shown that employees who are satisfied in their jobs perform effortless emotional labor ( Grandey, 2015).


Grandey, A. A. (2015). Smiling for a Wage What Emotional Labor Teaches Us about Emotion Regulation.  Psychological Inquiry 26 (1), 54-60.

Gross, M., Wallace, M., Adair, W., Neuman, E., Aarts, N., Ayoko, O. & Amsler, L. B. (2016). Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Ethics and the Business Professional.


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