21 Sep 2022


Etiology, diagnosis, and treatments of skin cancer

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Power Point Presentation

Words: 539

Pages: 2

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Skin cancer arises from the skin due to development of abnormal cells with the ability to spread to other body parts. Skin cancer can also be defined as growth of abnormal skin cells. Such growth occurs when unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells mostly caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine which triggers mutations. Long duration exposure to sunlight contributes highly to abnormal growth of skin cells. Normal skin cancers can as well as occur on skin areas that do not have exposition to sunlight. This paper attempts to discuss skin cancer briefly explaining its etiology, diagnosis, and treatments. 

There are three common known types of skin cancer; that is the melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Skin cancer that occurs in the lower part of the epidermis is the one referred to as basal cell carcinoma while that form on the skin which creates skin pigment is called melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest of cancer because it can grow not only in height but also in depth below the skin layers. The group of people who are at a high risk of getting skin cancer is those who are undergoing different therapies, those fond of sunbathing, people from families with a history of skin cancer, prolonged sun exposure during childhood and those with light or fair complexion. 

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Skin Cancer Etiology 

Etiology is another name of causes, origin or the reason for something to happen. Skin cancer etiology is, therefore, defined as a branch of medical science concerned with the cause and origin of skin cancer. Sunbathing has been the primary cause of skin cancer even though many people view it as healthy to get sun. Application of make-ups to keep the skin tones light which is stylish contributes significantly to damage of skin melanin, and this one is at a high risk of getting skin cancer. Just like other types of cancers, skin cancer is caused by a genetic defect which allows skin cells to grow and multiply in an uncontrolled manner. Skin cancer is characterized by a growth that has rapidly changed in color, height, and size. A method by the name ABCD is used to detect skin cancer 

Skin Cancer Diagnosis 

For doctors to diagnose skin cancer, first they examine the skin to check whether the changes are likely to be of skin cancer. More testing is also required for a confirmation of that diagnosis. After the doctor notices an individual have skin cancer, additional tests are necessary to check the stage of the disease. The next step is the removal of skin sample which is taken to the lab for testing. Biopsy has the potential to determine whether one has cancer and if so what type of cancer. 

Skin Cancer Treatment 

Skin cancer treatment usually depends on general personal health and the location of the skin cancer. The conventional medicine offered to most patients is radiotherapy which involves the use of high energy waves just like those of x-rays to kill cancer cells. The other treatment is by use of a cream known as Imiquimod which works by use of the immune system to attack skin cancer cells. 

Photodynamic Therapy is another treatment of skin cancer which works by use of a drug and a particular type of light to destroy cancer cells. In conclusion, skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in the world which is curable when noted at its early stage and treatment started immediately. 


Egan, T. (2006). Skin Cancer . Current and emerging trends in detection and treatment. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. 

Goldsmith, C. (2011). Skin Cancer. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Etiology, diagnosis, and treatments of skin cancer.


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