15 Apr 2022


Factors to Consider When Selecting a Facility to Construct a Stadium

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 329

Pages: 1

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Currently, sporting activities attract multiple spectators, investors, and athletes globally. Facility selection for constructing a stadium acts as the key consideration in appealing to the clients. Facility selection depends on multiple factors, such as accessibility and affordability. Consequently, the expose intends to assess factors to consider when selecting a facility for stadium construction. 


The facility for stadium construction should be accessible by the spectators, athletes, and investors. For instance, the location of the facility for constructing a stadium to the major towns may offer unlimited accessibility. The facility should have effective infrastructural development such as roads or railway lines that link the facility to major cities. 

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The cost of the facility should not exceed the allocated funds for acquisition. For example, monthly compensation for hiring a facility for stadium services should not surpass the profits accruing from the operations. Besides, the affordability of a stadium facility entails the budget allocation for maintenance ( Dixon, 2013) . Consequently, I suggest that facility maintenance involves ensuring effective customer satisfaction and prevention of weather interruptions. Customer contention dictates site selection for stadium facilities. 

Regional Climate

Environmental factors and the local climate of a region act as the essential component of deciding on the suitability of a facility for establishing a stadium. Particularly, rainfall events, water supply, and weather conditions of an area may influence the decision to select a facility for constructing a stadium greatly ( Dixon, 2013) . Subsequently, I guess that the local climate of a region affects the decisions of site selection for the stadium facilities. 

Room for Expansion

The selected facility for establishing a stadium should have room for future expansion. Additionally, the site should exist in a region with a proper draining system. For instance, the site should not exist in a hazardous area such as flood plain, wildlife reserves, and wetlands. Lastly, I presume that the location of the site near a major water body may permit irrigation for a holistic indoor facility. 

Ultimately, the expose assesses the factors to consider when selecting a facility for stadium construction. The suitability of a site for stadium construction depends on convenience, affordability, room for future expansion, and climate of the region.


Dixon, S. J. (2013).  Publicly owned single-purpose stadiums and multipurpose arenas: a comparative analysis of economic characteristics and use diversity  (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick).

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Factors to Consider When Selecting a Facility to Construct a Stadium.


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