28 Feb 2023


How to Manage Sports Facilities

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 284

Pages: 1

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The process of managing sports facilities has been an issue in sports centers. However, facility managers have applied technology as a tool that aids in the ease of sports facilities management. The report provides apparent factors that current facility managers can learn from the Colosseum in Rome. Although the constructors failed to apply technology, it acted as a stable and most celebrated sports facility in the world. The question that I asked myself while reading this report is that, how did the facility managers protect the Colosseum attractively and stably that attracted many sports and art enthusiasts? It is also clear that Colosseum structuring and materials used have acted as a method of emulation by the current facility manager. NFL and MLB stadiums use retractable roofs to prevent the sun and the rain from interfering with the fans and or athletes. 

The report further specifies the method that facility managers can use to identify fan satisfaction. The situation contributes to the validity and idea nature of this report since it is an excellent insight to facility managers. Crowd control is a phenomenon in sport. Although facility managers can identify ways of controlling the fans disorderliness, it has not bored an ideal fruit. The fact that the report does not identify ways of handling crowd control contributes to its less informative aspect. Green asserts that the development of the communication plan for the event can lead to decreased crowd troubles (Green, 2016). The student could have given an example of a method to control the crowd to realize its informative facet. The report also includes examples of stadiums that facility managers have applied the structural methods useful in building Colosseum or other sports facilities such as Dodger Stadium. The approach is perfect since it reflects on the already correctly managed sport facilities. 

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Green, L. (2016). “Sports Event Management and Security: Legal Issues, Strategies”. NFHS.  https://www.nfhs.org/articles/sports-event-management-and-security-legal-issues-strategies/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). How to Manage Sports Facilities.


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