An electronic health record (EHR) is a digitized form of a patients records and charts. The information that is found on this system is easily accessible for the users that have been given authorization. It contains the history of a patient, which includes; past medications, tests, results and any other patient medical information (Health IT, 2019). This system is multifaceted and developed to help improve health record systems. There are many features that are found in an EHR system and more are still being developed. According to Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety (2003), one of the features is health information and data. In order for an EHR system to be effective it needs to contain patient data and information. EHR must have interfaces that make it easy for physicians to access specific information.
Results management is another feature that is needed in EHR system. According to Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety (2003), this feature allows results to be recorded and stored on this system in a timely fashion and allows user access. Order entry and management is also a feature that is important on this system, this feature will help in the reduction of duplicates, mistakes and improved workflow. A very important feature is electronic communication and connectivity. The improvement of communication amongst physicians, nurses and other parties such as those found in the laboratory and radiology departments can help improve efficiency. Processes in administration need to be a feature in this system, issues such as billing, keeping track of procedures, patients, schedules and admissions are improved in EHR. These are just some main features that need to be present in the EHR system, as things evolve this system is bound to also change with time.
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EHR systems offer a multitude of benefits, some of which have not yet even been discovered. According to Health IT (2019), one is providing information that is complete, accurate and up to date through order entry and management. This information helps physicians know whether or not some new issues have popped up, this helps with finding solutions. Instant access to information assists with ensuring that users can better coordinate and share information. EHR system is made in a way that has a strong focus on security, the fact that only certain users will have access to specific information ensures patient confidentiality. Knowing a patient’s demography and history in terms of; medication, possible genetic diseases and passed issues is beneficial in assisting physicians make a better diagnosis. Data entry and management helps make certain that physicians make a better patient diagnosis by the reduction of mistakes which ultimately improves patient care. Improved communication which is in real time can help save a lot of lives. If a section in the health facility notices something and promptly puts it on the EHR system, it will aid the physician in making a more valid decision regarding some patient’s needs.
Prescriptions will be a lot safer; there will not be double prescriptions and the users will be aware of whether or not the prescribed medication has side effects or not on the patient. Initially, written patient information was prone to errors, this system helps reduce errors and duplicity of processes. A physician who would have ideally had to ask similar questions asked by another would be stopped, because the information would already be readily available (Health IT, 2019). The features on this system if used accordingly can bring about a vast amount of change. Processes would be greatly improved; this and other benefits would help in creating optimal health care services for patients.
Health IT. (2019). What is an electronic health record (EHR)?
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety. (2003). Key Capabilities of an Electronic Health Record System: Letter Report. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). Available from:
Health IT. (2019). What are the advantages of electronic health records?