14 Sep 2022


Federalism in the United States

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 244

Pages: 1

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Federalism is governance or political system whereby two or more governments share authority over the same geographical area. The United States of America is one of the nations that has implemented federalism whereby there are local, country and state governing authorities. Federalism's pros and cons have been a significant subject in the USA since the country became a republic. 

In the United States, federalism fosters state loyalties whereby residents have a close affiliation with their home states. The country has a wide geographical size and a vast and diverse population. Thus federalism makes it easier to govern the nation by giving local officials power to solve problems by formulating policies. Federalism has encouraged pluralism by having multiple leadership positions and other opportunities to serve the American people (Bulman-Pozen,2016). Federalism in America has ensured separation of powers and has prevented tyranny because the President does not have control over all the federal government branches. This has allowed Americans to exercise their democratic right to choose their leaders and impeach them.

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Federalism's downfall is a lack of accountability whereby jurisdiction of some matters may overlap the government agencies that may blame each other when failure arises (Robertson,2017). The United States of America cannot create a national policy and has to instead create policies through the state governments, which may differ from each confusing. Federalism has made Americans focus mainly on national elections and become ignorant about their state and local governments that are witnessed with lower voter turnout even though they affect their lives. 


Bulman-Pozen, J. (2016). Executive federalism comes to America. Va. L. Rev. , 102 , 953. 

Robertson, D. B. (2017). Federalism and the Making of America . Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Federalism in the United States.


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