Released in 2017, The Hitman’s Bodyguard is an action-comedy movie film that stars Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson as the bodyguard and hitman respectively. As the movie opens up, the viewer is introduced to the opulent lifestyle of Tripple A ranked protection agent Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds). Bryce’s job is mainly to keep people alive. Fast forward to 2 years later, Bryce loses his A-list status after losing a high-profile client to a sniper rifle. Consequently, he is forced to do protection for anyone willing to pay, including a cocaine-addicted CEO. Meanwhile, in Netherlands, a notoriously known contract killer Darius Kincaid (Samuel L. Jackson) is being transported under heavy FBI security detail to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to testify against the brutal Belarus dictator, President Vladislav Dukhovich (Gary Oldman). An unexpected friendship develops between Kincaid and Bryce, the latter of whom is hired to protect Kincaid. The relationship between the two evolves as they realize that they have more in common than they think. Eventually, they find a way of staying alive just in time for Kincaid to testify (Alavi, 2017).
Tom O'Connor, the movie’s scriptwriter, offered a story of escalating stakes and tried to make the characters interesting. This was achieved through extraordinary performances between the lead pair who are both excellent in depicting their stubborn bad-man and suspicious quick-witted personalities (Dercksen, 2017). Jackson and Reynold, considered to be Hollywood’s most favorite and unpredictable actors, took the viewer back to the 80s and 90s blockbuster movies. These films were characterized by wild action and comical screenplays. Further, the amazing custom inspirations by Custome designer Stephanie Collie made the characters flourish in their element. The silhouettes were distinctive for both the bodyguard with his classic grey suit, and the hitman with his casual, relaxed look, and made their characters relatable on screen.
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Alavi, O. (2017). Review: A Hitman’s Bodyguard. Retrieved from
Dercksen, D. (2017). Tom O’Connor’s spec screenplay for the Hitman’s Bodyguard launched
his career in Hollywood. Retrieved from